Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 755 Notification

Chapter 755 Notification
After the sky brightened, the Gryffindor students staying in the common room finally waited for the news. The tired Professor McGonagall regretfully told everyone that Black had escaped again.

Just as Professor McGonagall turned around and left the common room, Shanna took a few quick steps and followed Professor McGonagall through the portrait passageway, obviously wanting to say something to Professor McGonagall.

Seeing this scene, Fred, George, and Lee Jordan looked at each other, shrugged and went back to the dormitory to catch up on sleep. It was not difficult for them to guess that Shanna wanted to tell Professor McGonagall their speculation just now.

As for the result, the three of them had already guessed it.

The students who were holding their breath and waiting for the news were all sleepy, and went back to the dormitory to rest, and the common room suddenly became empty.

Soon after, Shanna returned to the common room, but just by looking at the expression on the other party's face, it was clear that Professor McGonagall obviously didn't like these self-righteous "speculations", not to mention that they also suspected that there was Black's helper in the school.

"You guessed it right, Professor McGonagall is unwilling to believe these speculations."

Noticing the questioning eyes cast by others, Shanna said helplessly: "However, she agrees with the guess that Black sneaked into the castle through a secret passage."

There are so many secret passages in the castle, even Filch doesn't know where all of them are. Perhaps when Blake was studying at school, he discovered a certain secret passage leading to the outer layer of the castle.

"They are all adults, and they prefer to trust their own judgments, rather than listen to a minor pointing fingers, especially in the absence of any evidence, don't expect to be able to influence other people's thoughts, this is ridiculous." Albert He pointed out mercilessly, "To be honest, what you did just now was quite irrational."

"Actually, I am more willing to believe your judgment. To some extent, you see things more thoroughly than most so-called smart people." Shanna said after a moment of silence: "If anyone can catch Black, I will Bet it was you, not a Hogwarts professor or an Auror from the Ministry of Magic."

"You are very confident in me." Albert was a little surprised.

"After all, you can prophesy, don't you?" Shanna said matter-of-factly.

"Actually, I think Dumbledore should ask you for help, so they don't have to mess around there." Alicia also has great confidence in Albert, but she hasn't forgotten that it was Albert who discovered the attack last year The murderer of Muggle wizards is the basilisk, and it leads to the heir of Slytherin.

"My prediction fee is very expensive." Albert smiled.

"If you can catch Black, you can get [-] Galleons in one go." Shanna pointed to the reward on Black in the newspaper, "This is worth your countless prophecies."

"No, at least I can get the prophecy fee at the first time." Albert looked at the reward list on the "Daily Prophet" and said meaningfully, "As for Black's reward, whether you can get it in the end is up to you." .”

"Okay, let's go back to rest first, I'm so tired after not sleeping all night, please let us know if you find anything new." Angelina stretched out her hand to cover her yawn, and called the others to go back to the dormitory to catch up on sleep.

Black's invasion undoubtedly shocked Hogwarts, and the group of dementors who tried to help search the castle were once again blocked by Dumbledore with their wands.

The dementors were all very annoyed by this, but there was nothing they could do about it.

In the end, the Ministry of Magic can only influence the school through the Council, so... Hogwarts castle security is further strengthened.

First of all, Sir Cadogan was dismissed tragically, which made the majority of Gryffindor students feel relieved.The incompetent gatekeeper was put back on the original landing on the eighth floor. He was extremely indignant and aggrieved by this. Sir Cadogan just followed the rules, and the whole thing was not his fault.

In order to get the fat lady back to work, Dumbledore promised to hire some people to protect her safety, and it happened that he had just received a notice from the school board.As a result, the corridor leading to the Gryffindor common room has an extra batch of rude and rude gnomes.

This group of guys are not considered competent security guards, at least in Albert's view. They only walk around the corridor with threatening steps, muttering, and even comparing the size of the sticks in their hands. Or hit the head of the partner next to you with a stick to explore the truth whether the stick is strong or the head is strong.

Oh my god!

Those who didn't know thought it was a gangster.

"I doubt whether they are up to the job. It's really hard to imagine that Professor Dumbledore would be willing to spend money on using them to strengthen security."

After Professor Flitwick took Black's wanted list and identified every security guard guarding the front door, Albert walked over to chat with Professor Flitwick about it.

"This is a security guard hired by the school board. The magic part doesn't include Aurors to guard Hogwarts. It's the only way to do it." Professor Flitwick said as he walked, "However, I think the sticks in their hands are against those who don't have wands. Sirius Black should be more than enough."

As the two passed the corner of a hallway, they saw Filch trying to board a rat hole in the wall.

"Honestly, I suspect that Black's target is not Harry Potter." Albert said to Professor Flitwick, "otherwise, Ron Weasley should have died last night, together with Harry Potter in their dormitory." Potter and several other students would also be killed, and with Black's ferocity, I don't think he would let a group of sleeping children go, plus one of them is the object of hatred that he would dream of killing."

"There are indeed a lot of doubts. Maybe we need to wait to catch Black before we have a chance to find out the reason." Professor Flitwick reminded kindly: "However, it is the job of Aurors to catch Black."

"The Ministry of Magic has always done unreliable things, such as letting dementors enter Hogwarts." Albert muttered: "Sorry, I have never liked dementors very much."

"No one would like those things." Professor Flitwick stopped and said to Albert, "If you predict something, you can tell me, or Dumbledore, what you predicted."

"I predicted that Black was captured, sir." Albert said after hesitating for a moment, "On one night, I saw from the crystal ball that I had captured Sirius Black, but the Ministry of Magic seems to be planning to renege , the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, is unwilling to give me Black's bounty."


Professor Flitwick's expression was a little astonished, he didn't expect Albert to say such a thing.

"Did you catch Blake?" he asked tentatively.

"This is just a professor of prophecy, and there may still be changes in the future." Albert said calmly, "Honestly, I want to know the credibility of the Ministry of Magic."

"If you really caught Black, I think the Ministry of Magic will not renege." Professor Flitwick said after a moment of silence, "If you want to see Professor Dumbledore..."

"Professor Dumbledore should be very busy right now. I think it's best not to bother him." Albert shook his head and said, "Also, for such things as prophecy, it's okay to say something."

Professor Flitwick looked at the back of Albert leaving, and walked quickly towards the principal's office. When he knocked on the door and entered, Principal Dumbledore was writing a letter in the office.

"Filius, what's the matter?" Dumbledore asked looking up.

"I met Mr. Anderson just now, and he said..." Professor Flitwick told Dumbledore what happened just now.

"Mr. Anderson is doubting the credibility of the Ministry of Magic." Dumbledore asked with interest.

"Yes, he seems very upset at the Ministry of Magic's repudiation." Professor Flitwick asked suspiciously. "I thought you would care more about him capturing Black, though."

"Under what circumstances will the Ministry of Magic renege on its debts." Dumbledore put down his quill. "What do you think Mr. Anderson wants to tell us?"

"It's possible that Black is innocent?" Professor Flitwick felt incredulous.

"Yes, if Black is innocent, I think the Ministry of Magic will definitely revoke the reward on Black. Based on what I know about Fudge, he is definitely not willing to pay the Galleons, so naturally he will renege on his debt." Dumbledore guessed.

"But why is Mr. Anderson unwilling to come and tell you this in person?" Professor Flitwick was puzzled by this. "And, how could Black be innocent."

"Back then, Sirius Black was imprisoned in Azkaban Prison without trial." A light flashed on Dumbledore's glasses. "So, we don't know exactly what happened."

"But why did he break into Hogwarts so late?" Professor Flitwick continued, "He obviously intended to murder..."

"Harry and his roommate were not injured. I think Mr. Anderson probably guessed something." Dumbledore folded his hands and said calmly: "However, he probably knows that we are more willing to believe what we have guessed. Anderson Sir is a very clever man, he understands what it means if Black is really innocent, so he gave us a precaution beforehand, and..."

Albert was obviously disgusted by the Ministry of Magic's repudiation.

(End of this chapter)

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