Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 857 Surprise

Chapter 857 Surprise
On the way to the Great Hall, Albert had been chatting with Fred, George, and Lee Jordan about what had happened in Defense Against the Dark Arts class.He noticed that the three of them had doubts about whether Professor Moody was a fake.

Albert was not surprised. Professor Moody's lectures in class were very personal, and only as an Auror could he teach everyone the experience of fighting black wizards in class.

Albert had no intention of commenting on the matter, which Fred, George, and Lee Jordan, it seemed to him, were taking too much for granted.

That risked his life and sneaked into Hogwarts as an undercover agent under the guise of Professor Moody, and he didn't come to deliver Dumbledore's head. How could it be possible for others to see the flaw at a glance?

If Albert didn't know anything, it might be difficult to see through Moody's disguise.

Unfortunately, he knows everything, and Moody, oh, Barty Jr. knows nothing.

He didn't know that there were people who knew everything, and he didn't know the various habits and styles that he had worked so hard to ask from Mad-Eye. a sad story.

Everyone quickly brought the topic to wandless magic, and they were all envious of Albert's handsome wandless magic skills.

No way, the scene where Albert pushed the spell away with his hands was simply too cool.

Although the three of them had seen Albert do similar things before, at that time Albert was wearing a defensive bracelet and used the effect of magic props, and what Albert had just cast was genuine wandless magic.

"Professor Moody's statement is actually inaccurate. Wandless magic is not a skill that only highly skilled wizards can master." Albert said to the three.

"Can you teach us?" Fred looked at Albert expectantly.

"Teach what?" Shanna came over with food and asked, "Will the Defense Association continue?"

"No, I don't have time, and I don't need it. Professor Moody can teach you a lot of useful things. The experience of an old Auror is a valuable asset." Albert said with a smile.

When Albert talked about the old Auror Moody, George had a weird expression on his face.

"Learning wandless magic requires a lot of energy. Under normal circumstances, I recommend that you learn silent spells first. Silent spells are more practical than wandless magic. Moreover, I think Professor Moody should teach you how to master silent spells this year." .” Albert found a seat and sat down to eat.

"I heard from others that silent spells are difficult to master." Angelina asked again, "Is there really no defense association? I always feel that Professor Moody is unlikely to teach us some more practical spells, although his experience Talking is really good, but I prefer the feeling of everyone practicing magic together in the Defense Association."

"You can hold parties by yourself, and you can practice magic by yourself." Albert said without thinking, "I can also recommend a few useful books to you."

"Forget it. Without you, everyone probably wouldn't come to the party." Angelina is very self-aware. The reason why so many people in Albert's Defense Association are willing to participate is entirely due to Albert's personal charm and Cohesion is difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

"I recently discovered a very interesting magazine." Alia took out the magazine she received yesterday and shared it with everyone. It was the "Defense Guide" published by Sirius.

After Alicia found that Fred and the others were a little silent, she asked suspiciously: "What's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, we have already read this magazine, and the content is not bad."

After receiving Albert's warning look, George coughed lightly and found an excuse to change the subject, "All of you have diverted the original topic. Albert was just going to teach us how to cast wandless magic."

Several girls were also interested, and all looked at Albert.

"Wandless magic is difficult to perform, the operation is not accurate enough, and it is easy to cause unintended consequences, but wandless magic is actually very simple. As long as you are willing to practice, you can cast spells without using a wand. I recommend that you use the easy-to-use luminous Use spells to train wandless magic." Albert seemed to be demonstrating to everyone, and raised his left index finger, a ray of light condensed on the fingertips, "The trick is to cast spells without using a wand. At first you may feel like holding my breath..."

I seem to realize that I am eating now, so in order not to affect everyone's appetite, I changed constipation to suffocation.


Lee Jordan almost spit out the food in his mouth. Fortunately, he immediately covered his mouth with his hand to avoid spraying the girl across the face.

"Are you sure that will work?"

"Actually, it's similar to practicing silent spells, but it's more difficult. Because you don't rely on a magic wand, it's hard to succeed at the beginning. More often than not, you need strong willpower, and you also need strong magical power. It's a bit similar to the magical power you had when you were a child." Out of control, like this." With that, Albert picked up the spoon and focused on it.

In the eyes of everyone, the spoon seemed to be twisted into a piece of scrap iron by an invisible force.

"Is this wandless magic?" Everyone's eyes widened, because Albert did not use a wand just now.

"Well, you can also regard it as a loss of control of magic power. Didn't Potter get out of control last semester and inflate his aunt?" Albert pulled out his wand, tapped the spoon, and restored it to its original state.

"Wandless magic is to control your own magical power to use magic under the guidance of humans. Don't think I'm fooling you." Albert gave everyone an example casually, "Most of the students in Waggadu know how to use magic. Use wandless magic."

"How is it possible, how did they do it." Angelina asked in disbelief.

"They can easily use wandless magic because they cast spells without a wand since they were young, and then gradually get used to casting spells without a wand. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to use advanced spells without a wand. The advantage of magic is that even if you don't have a wand in your hand, you don't have to worry about being unable to do anything, and you don't have to worry about leaving evidence against yourself if you do something bad."

"I remember you mentioned last semester that you were attacked by a Waggadu player during the Magic School Potions Tournament," Fred recalled.

"That's an old trick of the Waggadu players. They like to attack the students of other schools when they are picking potion ingredients, and take the opportunity to eliminate their competitors. Since they don't use magic wands, there is no evidence left, and there is no need to worry about being hosted." Fang caught the handle."

"What happened?" Shanna asked curiously.

"Of course I brought that bastard down." Albert shrugged. Bad reputation."

"That guy is really unlucky to meet you." George said with a smile, "but, from what you've said, wandless magic is really convenient, and it's great for sneak attacks. Many wizards do it when their opponent doesn't have a wand. Under the circumstances, they will not be too vigilant."

"Because in everyone's impression, wandless magic is a technique that only highly skilled wizards can master." Albert is not difficult to understand, just like how Muggles feel about guns.

In fact, this is indeed the case in the UK, at least there should not be many wizards who can do this in the UK wizarding world.

"If we want to master wandless magic, how long will it take?"

"If you want to master it initially, it should take half a year at the slowest. As long as you work hard to practice the luminous spell within half a year, you will definitely be able to use the luminous spell without using a wand. When you master the luminous spell, you will have the ability to cast spells without a wand It will be much easier to practice other wandless magic if you have more experience." Albert thought for a moment and gave a relatively conservative statistic.He feels that they practice hard every day. At their current age, as long as they are not squibs, they should be able to do it.

"Half a year, master the wandless and use the luminous spell?"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and soon fell silent. It was impossible for them to spend a lot of time and energy, and the result was to master a simple luminous spell.

What's the matter?
"It's normal, because you haven't practiced wandless magic since you were young. This is similar to mastering your mother tongue and learning another foreign language." Albert made a simple metaphor.

"I didn't see how difficult it was for you to learn a foreign language?" George couldn't help complaining.

Albert really didn't lie to them. Although he was able to use wandless magic proficiently more from panel skills, it didn't mean that he knew nothing about how to train wandless magic. Taking the first step from scratch is the most difficult Yes, that's why he thought it would take half a year.

"Forget it. With that time and energy, I might as well research joke props. We are developing an enhanced version of the fake wand recently!" George gave up struggling.

"what is that?"

"A kind of fake wand. When a wizard uses this wand to cast a spell, the wand will become something." Fred introduced to the three girls. What a fun scene to hold a fish or a chicken."

If you can secretly replace the wizard's wand with a fake wand, when they need to use it, there will definitely be a lot of jokes.

"We are preparing to create an enhanced version of the fake wand, which will beat the unsuspecting user after use." George introduced to everyone.

"Sounds good," Lee Jordan said.

"It's better to have the type that can beat the user severely." Albert suggested

"Is this too harsh?" Fred's mouth twitched slightly.

"It will come in handy soon, and you can make various versions and sell it at different prices." Albert suddenly thought of something, and continued, "I have a good idea, you can actually make all kinds of interesting things." Put them into the gashapon machine, let customers choose at will, and various prizes and surprises will appear after opening the eggs.

For example, after opening the easter egg, a disgusting breath will be released inside to stun people, beat them up, dye their hair and stand it up, or turn into fireworks and explode.

Of course, there also needs to be valuable prizes inside, similar to opening a chocolate frog and there will be a chocolate character card, but no one knows what surprises are inside. "

"It's a good idea. It's called a surprise egg. I think it's very suitable as a birthday gift and Christmas gift for friends. No one knows what surprises will be opened from the egg." George immediately took out his notebook and recorded this good idea. He thinks this thing should be very popular with children.

"I don't think anyone likes to receive such a gift." Aliya couldn't help complaining.

At this moment, there was a loud "bang" from the hall, followed by someone screaming.People who were eating and chatting turned their heads to look at the entrance of the hall, wondering what happened in the hall.

Lee Jordan, who likes to gossip, naturally wouldn't miss such an opportunity, and just dropped the half-eaten dinner and ran to join in the fun.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Moody shouted from outside: "Don't touch it."

"It seems that something interesting happened in the hall." Albert looked away and continued to eat dinner without being affected at all.

"Aren't you going to take a look?" Fred dropped the fork in his hand, ready to go over there to see what was going on, and more and more students gathered there.

"Aren't you curious?" Shanna asked.

"Curiosity killed the cat, and when Lee Jordan gets back, we'll know what's going on out there."

Albert finished eating the beef stew on the plate, and listened to Lee Jordan's brief description of what he saw: "Moody turned Malfoy into a ferret and made him jump around in mid-air, as if to punish Malfoy Trying to sneak up on Harry in the back."

Fred and George were also listening. When they passed, they saw Moody grabbing Malfoy's arm and dragging him towards the dungeon, as if to find Snape.

Snape's expression must have been brilliant.

"Professor Moody turned Malfoy into a ferret, floating and jumping in mid-air?" Albert asked, putting down his fork.

"Yeah, I always thought Professor Moody hated Malfoy," Lee Jordan muttered under his breath. "Under normal circumstances, the professors in the school should not punish students in this way, and they were finally stopped by Professor McGonagall who was passing by."

"Moody hates sneak attacks from behind, remember what he said in class just now?" Fred reminded.

"I think there is another reason." George said in a low voice, "remember the chaos at the World Cup? Many people think it was done by Death Eaters, and most Death Eaters are pure-blood wizards. There are only so many people in the blood family, and many wizards think that Lucius Malfoy took the lead in making trouble that night."

"Is there any evidence?" Aliya raised her eyebrows slightly.

"When the mysterious man lost power, Lucius Malfoy was accused, and finally pretended that he was controlled by the Imperius Curse and escaped." Albert continued the topic for George, "Some of my friends I also think it was a fish that slipped through the net back then, and Professor Moody is very hostile to dark wizards, so he naturally hates being considered as the descendants of dark wizards, especially Malfoy trying to sneak attack Harry."

Of course Albert knew the reason why Crouch Jr. was hostile to Malfoy.

"But why did they run away when they saw the Dark Mark?"

"It should not be the same group of people, and Death Eaters and drunken wizards are of two different natures. Only Death Eaters know how to release the Dark Mark, which means they will be targeted by the Ministry of Magic."

This incident spread quickly, not only them, but everyone around was excitedly discussing what happened just now. The story of Malfoy turning into a ferret will soon become the latest news in Hogwarts. hot topic.

(End of this chapter)

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