Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 866 Protective Magic

Chapter 866 Protective Magic
After finishing the prophecy about the Horcrux, Albert did not leave the principal's office in a hurry, but chatted with Dumbledore like an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time.However, the topic of the two people's conversation was quickly diverted by Albert. It first turned into an academic exchange, and then turned into a model where Albert asked questions and Dumbledore helped answer them.

Although Dumbledore has not cared much about academic issues these years, he has also served as a professor at Hogwarts, and he is still happy to help the studious Albert.

However, when Albert took out a quill from his pocket and began to take notes, Dumbledore was a little suspicious that the Sorting Hat had put Albert in the wrong house.

The communication between the two parties was quite pleasant, but the topic was boring, which caused the portraits in the principal's office to close their eyes and rest.

An hour later, Albert finished asking Dumbledore one by one the questions in the original notes.

Half an hour later, Albert left the principal's office contentedly with the borrowed ancient rune notebook, which recorded Dumbledore's research on the ancient rune.

Tonight can be said to be full of harvest, thanks to the thick skin he has cultivated in the past few years: Albert said that he was going to write a "Book of Runes", hoping to get Dumbledore's help, and occasionally came to talk to He discusses ancient runes.

So Dumbledore generously lent Albert his old notebook.

In the entire British magic world, there are actually very few experts who are good at ancient runes. If those notes are not lent to other people, they will be left to eat ashes in the end, or even completely forgotten by people. "Book of Magic Text".

Dumbledore doesn't know whether the "Book of Runes" can benefit other people, but he knows that there is no harm in having multiple reliable friends, not to mention that Albert and them are fellow travelers. Invite him to join the Order of the Phoenix.

Although Dumbledore didn't want to admit it, the various things that happened now seemed to indicate that something terrible was about to happen.

Dumbledore had heard about the rumors of the Second Wizarding War a long time ago, and he even went to the Forbidden Forest to consult the centaur who was good at divination.Margaret told him that the spark of war was shining brightly in the sky, implying that war would surely resume soon.The centaurs believed that the wizarding world was only passing through a brief period of peace between two wars.

To be honest, Dumbledore is actually not very willing to believe in prophecy, it involves too many causes and effects, and many times the prophecy may not be accurate.But now he has to admit that the centaur's prophecy may be coming true, because Albert also seems to have predicted the upcoming turmoil, otherwise he would not have invited himself to his wedding in advance.

After all, invitations are sent one or two months before the wedding, rather than two years in advance.

Albert actually guessed what Dumbledore was thinking, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Join the Order of the Phoenix?
That is obviously impossible.Not to mention that he himself is not that great, his own life is more important, and he doesn't believe in Snape, so at most he will help them a little by giving them a push behind so that Voldemort can go on his way earlier.

As for not being able to add trouble to Barty Jr., although it is a bit regrettable, Albert can also see that Dumbledore still retains the most basic trust in his old friend, so he knows that he can't be in a hurry. For the fourth warrior, I believe that Dumbledore will definitely remember his old friend and pay special attention to it. This is what Ai God Stick will do, subtly influence Dumbledore's judgment.

After all, people like Dumbledore obviously don't easily believe in other people's one-sided words, and he prefers to believe in himself.


Becoming an alternate member of the Wizengamot had some impact on Albert's life.

At least in those few days, Fred, George, and Lee Jordan couldn't let go of talking to him. Obviously, they couldn't adapt well to their good friends who suddenly became "big shots".

However, this situation did not last long, probably because Albert was still the same Albert as before, and his attitude towards them had not changed because he became a big shot, so everyone gradually returned to normal, and the three of them also started talking to Albert. Bert practiced those protective spells mentioned in the "Defense Guide" magazine.

After spending two weeks teaching them to master protective magic, Albert took Fred, George, and Lee Jordan to the Forbidden Forest to do a practical test on the weekend when the weather was clear, and collected some information by the way for future field trips. The Survival Guide accumulates experience data.

Hagrid saw the four people walking towards the woods from the window of his hut, waved to them and shouted, "Hey, what are you going to do in the woods?"

"We're going to go into the woods to test the magic." Albert said without thinking.

Hagrid was a little speechless immediately, and he didn't understand why Albert was able to say something that violated the school rules so confidently.

"You should know that students are forbidden to enter the forest, Albert, you are a prefect, and you actually took the lead in violating the school rules." Hagrid poked Albert's chest with his finger and warned, "Be careful, I will detain Gryffindor score."

What do you mean we plan to go into the woods to test magic?
Is this telling him directly that we intend to violate the school rules?
"Come on, Hagrid. I don't think you want Slytherin to win the House Cup, do you?" Albert explained with a smile, "We're just testing magic in the nearby woods, if you don't mind If so, you can come over and take a look, and by the way, put your teeth on."

"Well, I want to see what the hell you guys are up to!" Hagrid was still a little uneasy, worried that what would happen to the four of them.

After they came to an open space, Albert took out a disc-like thing from his pocket.

"What's this?" Hagrid asked suspiciously.

"I call this thing a hazard warning device." Albert handed the thing to George.

"Hazard warning device?" Hagrid looked suspiciously at the palm-sized gadget.

"Yes, as long as a wizard is approaching, the danger warning device will give an early warning. If the other party is malicious, a red alert will be issued."

Fred, George and Lee Jordan can understand the magical function of this thing. If they are in the wild, they need this thing to give themselves an early warning.

"What the hell is this?"

Hagrid saw Albert take out four carved metal pillars and hand them to Fred. This guy always has a lot of weird things on him.

"This thing can make the spell last longer. In fact, there are similar things on the walls of Hogwarts." Albert explained.

"Is there?" Hagrid obviously didn't believe it.

"Of course there are, they are just hidden. They are one of Hogwarts' defense systems." Albert said to himself, "That's why I said that ancient runes are very important, but many people don't understand them. Read these things."

This thing is actually one of Dumbledore's research results.

"Let's go Hagrid, we'll come back and check the situation here after they get it done."

"Is there any point in doing this?"

Hagrid followed Albert and left in a daze, not understanding what the hell they were up to.

"Of course it makes sense." Albert explained, "It can be found out that ordinary wizards can make a safe temporary camp in a short time.

"Temporary camp, do you mean camping?"

"You can think of it that way." Albert didn't lie. It was actually true to say that it was camping in the wild, but the nature was different.

He mainly wanted to let Fred, George, and Lee Jordan understand that building a safe temporary camp does not mean that the more protection against magic, the safer, but that people should not know the exact location, find it, or not know it. That is true. Safe, because most protective magic can actually be broken easily. "

This is also one of the topics that Albert wants to discuss with Dumbledore, but Albert is not in a hurry. He believes that Dumbledore will find him again. At that time, he will slowly dig out from the other party. Dig for treasure.

"You think something bad might happen later," Hagrid asked in a low voice.

"Yes, I have such a premonition, especially after the Dark Mark appeared at the World Cup, the premonition has become even stronger, there will be turmoil in the magic world, I remember that the centaurs made similar predictions.

"The prophecy of the centaur?"

"They think that the people in the wizarding world are just spending the short period of peace between the two wars." Albert said calmly: "Actually, I think the centaurs are right."

"Two wars?" Hagrid was flustered, but Albert didn't seem to be scaring himself.

"Well, I have a hunch that after a while, you should be able to feel the approach of war." Albert took out his pocket watch to check the time: "Hogwarts will no longer be safe by then."

"Hogwarts is not safe? This is the safest place in the whole of England. There is Dumbledore here. Even the mysterious people dare not approach Hogwarts." Hagrid thought this was ridiculous.

"Let's go Hagrid, let's go back and see how the three of them are doing." Albert and Hagrid returned to the clearing along the same road, but the clearing over there was gone, replaced by a lush jungle.

"What's going on here?" Hagrid was even more puzzled. "I remember it was an empty space just now?"

"It's a disguise spell."

Albert took out a dragon leather glove from his pocket and put it on his hand. He raised his hand and looked forward, feeling as if he had touched something.

In Hagrid's field of vision, he saw that Albert's hand seemed to touch something invisible, and he tapped it lightly twice.

"It should be a protective spell, protecting everything, but it's a little obvious. Anyone who finds a transparent barrier here will find that there is a problem here." Albert glanced at Hagrid's feet and Fang Fang, who was sniffing around, said, "You forgot to cast the spell to drive back the beasts."

Hagrid opened his mouth, and saw Albert raised his wand and shook it slightly. A stun spell hit the area in front of him. The spell seemed to be slightly deflected, peeling off the skin of an unlucky tree not far away. piece.

"It's safe to guard, but I feel that this spell is useless. Once hit by a large number of magic, this spell will definitely be easily shattered." Albert muttered.

"At least, it deflects your Stunning Charm."

Fred, George and Lee Jordan suddenly appeared in front of them.

"However, you are right. These protective spells are not very effective. They are easily broken."

"Honestly, I feel like I've been duped by the Defense Guide."

"Yes, these spells are useless."

All three of them had the illusion that they had been cheated.

"You got it wrong from the very beginning. You have to remember that no matter how strong the safe house is, it is no longer safe the moment it is discovered." Albert reminded: "The main purpose of these spells is to prevent You were found, used to hide you, protect you, not confront the intruders head-on, their second biggest use is to delay you for a few seconds, give people time to Apparate, and I bet you must have forgotten to use the shield They can easily find your location with tracking spells or owls."

The three looked at each other, and found that they seemed to have misunderstood the usage of these spells.

However, they feel that not only they have misunderstood, but everyone else has probably misunderstood as well.

"You can find another place nearby. I'll come over and have a look later. At least ordinary wizards can't find your camp."

"Ordinary wizard?" The three directly excluded Albert, looked at Hagrid and asked, "Hagrid probably didn't find the location of the camp just now, right?"

A child, on the way back to the castle, Fred said to Albert, "Can you teach us some more useful protective spells."

"I think the magic that Albert taught is very useful, and what he said makes sense." George knew very well that it was difficult to learn those superb magic at their current level.

"Can you?" Lee Jordan also looked at Albert with expectant eyes.

"There is a very strong protective spell called the Scarlet Loyalty Curse. As long as you use this spell, even the mysterious person can't get past the Secret Keeper and break through the spell's protection."

"Since there is such a powerful protective magic, why do we need to learn those things?" Lee Jordan asked suspiciously.

"Because it's hard, very hard."

"Will you know the loyalty spell?" All three looked at Albert expectantly.

"Yes, but you will definitely not be able to master it now." Albert shook his head and said, "That is an extremely complicated spell, much more difficult than the Patronus Charm."

"We can learn slowly."

The three of them obviously didn't intend to give up.

"I will teach you, but not now." Albert seemed to think of something, and said suddenly, "By the way, do you remember Harry's family? They used this spell on their house, and in the end He was betrayed by his good friend Wormtail and died at the hands of a mysterious man."

The three fell silent for a moment.

Betrayal is undoubtedly a heavy topic.

"Do you know why Wormtail betrayed?" George couldn't help asking, "Honestly, I can't understand it."

"The mysterious person probably threatened him with Wormtail's family to compromise." Albert looked at the three and asked, "If it were you, what would you do?"

The three were silent again, because this was a very fundamental question, and they didn't know how to answer it.

"I do not know."

"This is the weakness of the spell." Albert said calmly. "James' death can only be said that he chose the wrong secret keeper. Anyway, I will definitely not ask you to be the secret keeper."

The three of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Albert knew they were not ready, so he was not in a hurry.

"Also, you can't expect those guys who can't even use the Iron Armor Curse to be able to master such a spell." Albert changed the subject, "The things tested just now are more suitable for ordinary wizards, believe me, they are not as good as you think It's so unbearable, but as long as it is used properly, it can also have very good results."

"Well, you can always convince us."

"When will we start building a secret base?"

"I think Gryffindor's Chamber of Secrets is very good, it only needs a little modification to be usable."

"Don't worry, things have to be done step by step." Albert comforted, "I will discuss this matter after I finish writing the guide to survival in the wild. Anyway, before we graduate, we will have time to get our secret base of."

(End of this chapter)

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