Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 869 The Real Situation

Chapter 869 The Real Situation
For Hogwarts, the visit of representatives from the other two schools is indeed an important day.

In order to welcome the upcoming distinguished guests, the Great Hall of Hogwarts was completely new overnight, with silk banners hanging on the walls, giving it the feeling of attending a year-end party every year.

However, this time, the banners of the four colleges were all hung up. Behind the teacher's desk, there was also the largest banner with the Hogwarts coat of arms on it: lions, eagles, badgers, and snakes connected together, surrounded by with a big letter H.

As soon as he entered the auditorium, Albert heard whispers from around him, and the air was filled with a kind of joy called "anticipation", especially after someone leaked the news of Krum's upcoming arrival in advance. , this atmosphere is even stronger.

When Albert passed the Ravenclaw long table, he heard several girls discussing the matter of asking Krum for an autograph at night.

Of course, Albert doesn't pay attention to these things. Neither he nor Isobel are fans, and he is also interested in Klum's signature.

At this moment, Albert is perfecting his plan in his brain. These two days are undoubtedly critical moments. Peter and Barty Jr. will use unknown methods to prevent him from participating in the Triwizard Tournament.However, as long as someone throws his name into the Goblet of Fire, even if it's not him himself, it will work just as well.

"What are you thinking?" Shanna sat down next to Albert.

"It seems that someone doesn't want me to participate in the Triwizard Tournament." Albert said casually.

"What?" Shanna didn't respond for a moment.

"Albert will take away some people's qualifications as a warrior, and some people don't want him to shine." Lee Jordan, who was reading the "Daily Prophet", suddenly interjected: "By the way, you have to be careful recently, I heard from Fred that they sold another batch of love potions in the past few days, saying that many girls want to try their luck at Krum's."

"I think if Professor McGonagall knows about this, Fred and George will have to be locked up." Shanna really couldn't imagine how embarrassing the situation would be after Krum took the love potion.

"No, those two cunning guys didn't sell the love potion in their own name, but in the name of a joke shop. In other words, everyone actually bought it from a shop outside the school that no one had heard of. They have nothing to do with each other." Lee Jordan glanced at Albert secretly and explained.

"I really don't understand what they plan to use the love potion for?" Shanna thought this kind of thing was absurd, and she had actually heard the girls discuss giving Albert a love potion.

"You can date the person you like for a whole day, or let the other party invite him to be your dance partner." Lee Jordan said without thinking.

"And then, being completely hated by the other party?" Shanna shook her head and said: "And, do you really think that after others get rid of the love potion, you will still be willing to dance with her? I think it must be more out of embarrassment!"

"Yes, using love potion will only make people more annoying, but... the girls may not really like... Krum, but just because he is famous!" Albert pointed directly, "They just want Have a handsome and famous boyfriend, so that she can show off to her peers and satisfy her vanity."

"Although what you said is very reasonable, some girls are indeed like what you said." Shanna comforted, "but I think most of them really like you."

"It's really my honor, but I already have someone I like." Albert said gently.

"Yeah." Shanna whispered, "That's why they want to buy love potions and find a chance to date you."

"You are really enviable." Lee Jordan pouted, "Sure enough, girls like famous and handsome guys."

"After so many years, you finally admit that you are not handsome enough?" Fred and George appeared out of nowhere, stretched out their hands and patted their friends on the shoulder to comfort them, "Don't be discouraged Jordan, it's not your fault that you are not handsome enough. "

"Shut up." Lee Jordan glared at the twins angrily, and lashed out mercilessly, "Didn't you also fail to find a girlfriend?"

"We don't need it, at least not for now."

"At that time, you will not find a partner." Lee Jordan said stubbornly.

"You should be worried about yourself." Fred and George said in unison.

On this day, almost all the students were absent-minded, no one was paying attention to the class, and everyone was thinking about what happened tonight.Professor Flitwick stopped the Charms class very understandingly, and gave them the history of the Triwizard Tournament. Everyone listened with great interest and had a happy Charms class.

In the afternoon, all teachers and students in the school dismissed early, and all students were required to put down their schoolbags and textbooks, put on wizard cloaks and line up in the hall.

The Heads walked among the students, checking their appearance and avoiding some ridiculous attire that would embarrass Hogwarts.

After queuing up, everyone was taken to the lawn of the castle by Professor McGonagall, waiting for the arrival of other school representatives.

As a prefect, Albert was placed in the penultimate row of the line, standing with other prefects and the president of the student union. Behind them were the professors of the school. Everyone was very uncomfortable and did not dare to stand in front of the professors. Whispering.

I don't know how long it will take, but finally someone can't help but speak. Once the chatterbox is opened, it can't be stopped. The professors obviously don't care, they are also whispering.

"I heard that other schools do not only recruit wizards from their own country like Hogwarts, so how do their schools unify the language?" Cedric asked Albert in a low voice.

"The Beauxbaton School of Magic is mainly in French, while the Durmstrang School of Magic is mainly in Bulgarian." Albert introduced.

"The Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Magic in Bulgaria?" Shanna asked.

"The Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is in Scandinavia," Albert said.

"Scandinavia?" Shanna was a little puzzled. How could the Durmstrang School of Magic in Scandinavia use Bulgarian?

"The approximate location should be on the border of Sweden or Norway. I don't know the exact location." Albert added, "The first headmaster of the Durmstrang School of Magic was a Bulgarian."

"How do you know these things so well?" Hufflepuff's prefect couldn't help asking.

"If you have a friend in Durmstrang, you can know a lot too."

"You have so many friends." The Ravenclaw prefect next to Katrina complained, "Will your friends also come to participate in the Triwizard Cup?"

"She's graduated from Durmstrang."

"She was the one who told you that Viktor Krum would take part in the Triwizard Tournament?" Cedric asked.

"Yes, we met at the World Cup last time, and Katrina was there." Albert noticed that the girl had been in a trance since just now.


"En." Katrina responded, and stopped talking.

"How do you know each other?" Someone asked curiously.

"I met you at the Potions Tournament last time," Albert replied.

"How about the Potions Tournament? I hear there's a lot of schools taking part."

"Do you think it would be good to get together a bunch of people from all over the world? Communication is a big problem, and it's hard to find someone who can chat for a few words."

"So the record in "Hogwarts, A School History" that the purpose of the Triwizard Tournament is to make young wizards form friendships is all a lie?"

"Those records must be partly true, but I prefer to believe that the Triwizard Tournament is more about showing off between schools." Albert said with a smile, "It's like a tent with beautiful branches in the World Cup."

"I like your analogy," said Cedric.

"Everyone upholds the principle of competition first and friendship second."

"Friendship first, competition second," Professor McGonagall corrected.

"Because everyone wants to win." Albert explained, "directly leading to cheating in games as a traditional part of inter-school competitions. In fact, some unpleasant things often happen in Quidditch games. Even the World Cup not excluded."

"Mr. Anderson." Professor McGonagall stared at Albert dissatisfied.

"Is there cheating in the Potions Championship?" Penello asked curiously.

"Yes, if you have read the reports at the time, you will find..."

"That's enough Mr. Anderson." Professor McGonagall scolded.

"I'm just telling the truth." Albert shrugged. "During the Potions Championship, players will be informed of the content of the competition before they start the competition. Of course, it is generally not allowed, but... As long as you don’t put it on the surface, it’s fine. Although I don’t think it’s really useful, it may be that our cheating is not strong. As far as I know, some players have figured out the meaning of the game a few months ago. Content, and special training for the content of the game."

All the prefects stared at Albert dumbfounded. What he said was beyond everyone's imagination. So what is the inter-school competition like?
"Some things are just like taking off your coat." Albert ignored Professor McGonagall's warning eyes and continued, "Believe me, the contestants will definitely know the content of the Triwizard Tournament in advance, and then discuss it with their respective principals." With the help of our team, prepare a countermeasure for the competition. In fact, the Triwizard Tournament has always been like this. However, our warriors this year may be more unlucky."


"I don't think Principal Dumbledore would consider helping our warriors cheat. His character is too noble."

Everyone secretly glanced at Dumbledore, and found that he was not angry, but just nodded slightly towards Albert, as if he was very happy to be said that he had a noble character.

"We believe in the abilities of the Hogwarts warriors. Even without cheating, we can win the championship for Hogwarts." Dumbledore said gently.

"McGonagall, you don't need to be angry, because it's actually similar to what Anderson said." Professor Moody sneered, "Don't expect Karkaroff and Maxim to be noble, they will tell them everything Warriors, try to help their warriors get high scores, this is the tradition of the Triwizard Cup. However, I agree with Dumbledore, I believe Albert will definitely be able to defeat their warriors, let those guys go to hell!"

The prefects looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling a little disappointed with the so-called Triwizard Tournament, never expecting such an inside story.If Albert hadn't said it, they would all be regarded as fools.

"Albus." Professor McGonagall seemed to hope that Dumbledore would shut them up, and some things couldn't be said in the open.

"Ah! If I'm not mistaken, Beauxbaton's representatives have arrived!" Dumbledore pretended not to hear.

Hearing the headmaster's words, the team fell into dead silence for an instant, and then became noisy again, because everyone noticed the approaching black shadow in the sky.

A moment later, a huge monster was rapidly swooping towards the castle, getting bigger and bigger in everyone's field of vision.

It was a huge powder-blue carriage drawn by twelve flying horses with wings.When the carriage landed, it was very hasty, like a car without brakes, making a loud noise on the ground, which shocked all the students.

A woman as tall as Hagrid came down from the carriage. Dumbledore took the lead in applauding, and then quickly stepped forward to welcome Beauxbaton's representative, and gave him a hand kiss.

Thirteen male and female students came to Beauxbaton School. Their robes were all made of silk, and together with a group of handsome men and women, they looked like they had just stepped out of a fairy tale book.

After a brief exchange between the two principals, Beauxbaton's students entered the castle first to rest.

Albert seemed to have spotted a few acquaintances among Beauxbaton's crowd.

"Your friend?" Shanna saw a woman with a turban covering her head waving at Albert.

"Maybe, she was just showing friendliness to everyone." Albert didn't recognize who the other party was.

"I think she should be waving at you, she must be someone you know." Cedric also thought that the girl should know Albert.

"Look at the lake."

I don't know who shouted, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

All the students in the school looked at the black lake in the distance.

At this moment, a large whirlpool appeared in the center of the lake, and under the astonished eyes of everyone, a black mast rose slowly from the lake.

It was a large and magnificent ship. It slowly rose out of the water with a strange appearance. It looked a bit like a ghost ship just out of the water.After the big boat left the water, it began to sail towards the lake shore and anchored in the shallow water. It wasn't scary skeletons or ghosts that got off the boat, but Durmstrang's students.

The lead wizard is Durmstrang's headmaster, Karkaroff.

After the other party walked in, Dumbledore stepped forward to have a friendly exchange with Karkaroff.

As soon as the two sides exchanged a few pleasantries, Karkaroff called Viktor over in a showy manner, as if to let him get to know Dumbledore.

Viktor's appearance undoubtedly blew up the atmosphere at the scene. The crowd was full of noise and shouts, and Viktor almost climbed the stone steps surrounded by people.

"You hypocrite." Moody said contemptuously, looking at Karkaroff's back, "Maybe, Dumbledore should pick you up, so that Karkaroff won't show off his precious student."

When Albert entered the foyer, he found Krum and his Durmstrang schoolmates still gathered at the door, seemingly unsure where they should sit.

"Actually, I'm curious, why didn't they come to ask for your autograph?" Shanna looked at the students who surrounded Viktor Krum for autographs, and teased Albert beside her.

"I think it's fine now."

(End of this chapter)

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