Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 901 Christmas Presents

Chapter 901 Christmas Presents
"Back to school today?"

"Well, tomorrow is Christmas, and I have to go back early."

Nia picked up the remote control on the table, randomly selected TV channels, and said absently, "You haven't forgotten to prepare a Christmas present for me, right? You know, I've been looking forward to it."

"It's ready for you." Albert reminded with a smile, "Don't you like it too?"

"Albums and dragons?" Nia suddenly realized, and then curled her lips and said, "So, those bottles of beauty potions that Isobel brought are actually Christmas gifts."

"You can think of it that way." Albert conveniently opened a package of dried fish for the cats at home. This was a Christmas gift he prepared for the cats: a large package of dried fish.

"I always feel that Christmas gifts should be received on Christmas Day." Nia muttered.

"After Christmas, I should come back and stay for a while." Albert plans to spend more time with his family.

"It seems like we haven't seen each other for a long time." After Nia finished speaking, she fell silent. If they went to the Far East, they would indeed not see each other for a long time.

"Don't worry, in a few years, when the UK is stable, you can still move back." Albert no longer remembered how many times he said it.

"I'm worried about you." Nia turned her head and said solemnly to Isobel, "My unreliable brother, please, don't let him mess around."

"I will keep a close eye on him." Isobel smiled.

After greeting everyone in the afternoon, the two left back and forth, returning to their house in Hogsmeade.

"I really don't understand why you don't apparate directly with me." Isobel handed the shrimp dumplings in the box and the food box to the house elf, looked at Albert who had just entered the hall and said, "I Remember that when a wizard becomes an adult, the traces on his body should have disappeared automatically."

"It's always right to be cautious, especially I'm very unpleasant now, it's best not to be caught." Albert stepped forward to give Isobel a hug, put his head in the other's ear and whispered, "Is there any I regret giving up on being my dance partner."

"It's a bit of a pity." Isobel didn't deny that being Albert's partner and appearing at the Christmas ball will undoubtedly attract the attention of countless people and become the most dazzling existence at the ball. Most girls can't refuse such a moment , and she can also announce Albert's ownership to other girls, so that no one will think about him.

"However, I think your actions are very unfair to Katrina. I don't want to..."

"I can understand what you mean." Albert looked at the snowflakes falling outside the window and muttered, "After all, I also have a sister who is always worrying."

"Yes, my sister who is always worrying." Isobel said softly.

"Or, let's hold a little dance that belongs only to us tonight. I can dance with you as long as you want." Albert gently stroked the girl's long hair.

"You are not afraid that I will drag you to dance all day, and you will be sore tomorrow that you will not be able to dance." Isobel covered her mouth and smiled lightly. She likes to lean on Albert's shoulder and watch the snow together Feel.

"Then I can come to accompany you after the dance is over tomorrow night. Anyway, I can use the Time Converter." Albert really intends to do so, "The Christmas dinner should be held on Christmas Day to make more sense."

"Well, you must pay attention to safety, even Nia has noticed that you are going to do something dangerous." Isobel said suddenly.

"I've always cared about my own life." Albert was taken aback for a moment, but Isobel suddenly changed the subject.

"Yeah, you are very concerned and prepared, but I am still very worried, just like this Triwizard Tournament." Isobel murmured, "I always feel that you are involved in some trouble again among."

"Don't worry." Albert hugged Isobel even tighter, and said to himself, "I finally got a beautiful wife and a beautiful life, and I don't want to lose everything inexplicably." .”

His life was a perfect life that countless people envied and envied. If he lost his life inexplicably, it would be a big loss.

"You said that after we got married, did we live the same life?" Isobel asked with reddish cheeks.

"Probably...Actually, I don't really know." Albert thought for a while and said, "Anyway, we can live the life we ​​want. You can talk to Mrs. Perenelle and listen to their stories and opinions. Life experience. I remember that your "Guide to the Ancient Runes" has been sent to the publishing house, do you want to write a biography about the Lemay couple."

"I always feel that you have been looking for something to do for me." Isobel looked seriously into Albert's eyes.

"People always have to find something to do for themselves to achieve their goals. It's not good to eat and die." Albert said with self-deprecation, "Although eating and dying has always been my goal, I always feel that I still have to Find something to do, life will not be lost."

"Food and wait to die, if you do this, many people will bury their heads in the snow in shame." Isobel felt a little funny, Albert was the hardest person she had ever seen.

"Actually, I just think that when I was young, I had to work harder. When I was old, I could hug my wife comfortably," Albert put Isobel on his lap, "... and slowly enjoy growing old together life, like this."

"So, what you call old age is adulthood?"

"No, probably after the age of 30." In his previous life, Albert had a plan to start retirement at the age of 30, but it failed.

"For many people, 30 years old is just the beginning of life."

"After losing the Philosopher's Stone, the LeMays don't have much time. Sometimes I can chat with them more." Albert sighed. Although they left a lot of legends, I still hope that their legends It's up to us to record, not some guy who is doing it for money. I know Nico doesn't really care, but even Dumbledore is really happy to be on the chocolate frog card.

"You are still so caring." Isobel agreed. After finishing the "Guide to the Ancient Runes", she really hasn't decided what to do. It's not bad to talk about the past with the Flamel couple through the double-sided mirror. , Many old people have always liked to recall their past, and she was actually very curious about how they spent such a long life together and still maintained such a relationship.

The house elf prepared a sumptuous dinner, and after the two finished eating, they sat on the sofa and listened to the wizard broadcast on the radio, chatting about the publication of "Guide to the Ancient Runes" by the author, and finally they decided to use their own name to publish it.

"Winter is actually very suitable for soaking in hot springs." Albert stretched his waist, stretched out his hand towards Isobel and said, "Why don't we go soak for a while?"

Isobel's cheeks were slightly red, and he nodded lightly: "Mmm..."



On Christmas morning, Albert woke up to a rustling sound.He opened his eyes to find three roommates unwrapping gifts by the bed.

"Good morning."

Fred and George were already wearing their own sweaters, which Mrs. Weasley had knitted, and the Weasley children had one every Christmas.

"No, I'm so sleepy." Albert didn't come back to sleep until five o'clock in the morning, and he was still sleepy.

"When did you come back?" The three asked with a smile, pretending not to hear Albert's complaint.

"At five o'clock in the morning." Albert closed his eyes, turned over, and retracted his head into the quilt. He had just closed his eyes not long ago, and now he needs to continue to catch up on sleep in order to cope with tonight's dance.

"We thought you came here in the afternoon. By the way, how did you come in? I remember the password was changed."

"The house-elf helped open the door."

"By the way, where have you been these past few days, the girls are all looking for you?" Lee Jordan asked with a smile.

"Go home, don't talk nonsense."

"How did you go back?" George asked curiously.

"It's very simple. When a wizard becomes an adult, he will have no traces on his body. He can go wherever he wants by using Apparation directly, as long as the Ministry of Magic doesn't know about it." Albert said weakly: "By the way, don't Talking all over the place...and don't disturb me, I'm going to lie down for a while...and help me feed the cat. Well, you can help me unpack the pile of packages by the bed...go elsewhere, Anyway, don't disturb my sleep."

"I almost forgot, you are an adult, even if you use magic outside, the Ministry of Magic doesn't know." Fred, George, and Lee Jordan were all envious, but they didn't know what they were envious of. Albert has already mastered Apparation skillfully, and he still envies the huge pile of Christmas presents beside Albert's bed, and there are still a few traces of being trampled on them.

After the three exchanged glances with each other, Fred prepared breakfast for Tom in a tacit understanding, George helped to pack the presents by the bed and put them into several large boxes, and Lee Jordan took out the metal book from his school bag and went to the dormitory. Then the three of them carried Albert's pile of presents into the activity room of the Wizard Card Club and slowly unwrapped them.

Every Christmas, it is always their pleasure to help Albert unpack the packages.

In fact, the three of them spent most of the morning unpacking in the activity room. When they were hungry, they took some snacks from it. Anyway, Albert didn't mind someone unpacking for him at all, and he never minded being taken. eat his food.

The three of them all knew some important packages, and the house elves would help him to keep them separate, and they would never appear in this pile of packages.

"The number of Christmas gifts that Albert received this year is really amazing." Fred couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

If you count the greeting cards, there are a total of 130 pieces.

"It should be related to the warrior. Most of the girls in the school gave him presents." George stuffed the opened books into the bookcase one by one,
"You guys also posted a photo of a girl you didn't know by accident, who seemed to be wearing a Fengya brand wizard costume, and took out a photo of Albert's dragon costume to promote it, which made him a lot of popularity." Lee Jordan shook the greeting card in his hand.

Of this pile of large and small Christmas gifts, only some of them were given by Albert's old acquaintances.More than half of them were sent by the girls in the school. Except for the Christmas cards, there were a lot of snacks and desserts inside. After the packages of a few acquaintances were picked out, the rest were piled aside. There were a total of 31 boxes of desserts. Kind of amazing.

"If the girls know that the presents they gave to Albert have been opened by us, they will probably want to strangle us to death." Lee Jordan looked at the box of snacks in front of him and raised his eyebrows. "However, How could they think of sending snacks and desserts to Albert?".

"If I were you, I wouldn't touch that thing. God knows if there is a love potion in it." George reminded quickly when he saw Lee Jordan was about to unpack the bag.

"I remember that there is an antidote for the love potion at Albert's side. If I take a love potion later, remember to take a sip for me." Lee Jordan began to deliver the desserts sent by the girls,
"Do you want to sell some high-end love potions after we open the store?" Fred said suddenly, "Love potions seem to be very popular with girls."

"You know how to make it?" Lee Jordan raised his eyebrows.

"No, but I think George will definitely. His potion grades have always been good." Fred threw the question to George.

"Is there any record in Albert's potion notes?" George glanced at the two of them and said, "You must have never read it. His notes are more reliable than those potion books. As long as you follow the steps step by step, you can usually succeed easily." Configure the potion."

"I'll leave it to you when the time comes." Fred patted George on the shoulder with an expression that I liked you very much.

"By the way, how do you deal with these things?"

"How about we take it to the common room and share it with others." Fred said solemnly, "After all, today is Christmas, and there are good things to share with everyone."

"I think it's a good idea." George echoed with a smile, "Albert prepared a lot of antidote for the love potion last time, but he hasn't used it yet."

"Do you want to call Albert, after all, this is his Christmas present, I think he will be interested in this kind of thing."

The three of them knew very well that [-]% of the snacks and desserts sent by the girls would be treated as "suspicious" items.

It would be a pity to throw it away like this. "

"I think it's okay to send a copy to all three Montagues anonymously," Lee Jordan suggested.

"And Ludo Bagman, too." Fred didn't forget that Ludo Bagman gave them fake gold coins, "in the name of female fans."

"Will that guy believe it?" Lee Jordan raised his eyebrows.

"You can ask him for a copy of his autograph, say it's for your son." Fred said with a smirk on his face.

"Ludo Bagman hasn't been a Quidditch player for years." George pointed out the flaws in the period. "You can point out that her son is a Krum fan and would like a picture of him and Krum Signature. By the way, those fake Galleons from last time should still be there, put five in it, and say that after receiving the letter, I will give another ten Galleons."

"Did the guy write back?"

"Yes." Lee Jordan thought the idea was good. "That guy Bagman owes a lot of money now, and he will probably be fooled. If he is lucky, he might miss the Christmas ball tonight."

"Then I'll share it with you another day, and remember to bring Albert along." Fred finalized the treatment method for these desserts that were suspected of being mixed with love potion.

"I think I should send Filch a copy too."

"And Snape."

"Never mind Snape. That guy is a Potions professor. It's definitely not easy to be recruited. And once the news spreads, he will definitely trouble us. It's not worth the loss." George rejected the bad idea of ​​sending a package to Snape .If it was sent to Snape, they wouldn't be able to share it with everyone, and it would be a lot less fun.

 It should be Chapter 900

  Um, I can't change it, dizzy
  I didn't expect to have written 900 chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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