old dream

Chapter 102

Chapter 102
Half an hour passed quickly, and Ji Lian said that she had changed the prison in "The Wedding Ring".But when he was about to hand over the drawings to Colin, he couldn't help but retract his hand.

She began to re-examine the power cycle of the parts other than the hearth, concentrating on it, biting the nail on her index finger unconsciously because of nervousness, and murmured some fragmentary sentences from time to time.Colin paid attention to it for a while and then gave up, because he couldn't understand it at all.

Modifying a spell with a large number of unknown principles is actually not so rare.There are countless ancient spells still in effect in the world, but the principle has not yet been explained.Even such a basic ritual as the method of replacement and transfer is still lingering with layers of puzzles.

But the reason why Ji Lian is obsessed with these deep things is precisely the countless unknowns.

A large blank is displayed in a confusing manner, and countless factors that violate natural logic are entangled.Handling such spells requires not only keen intuition, but also rich experience.It was too early for Ji Lian.

"It's not a problem in theory to just relocate." After repeated inspections, she slowly regained her confidence in her knowledge.A slight smile appeared on the corner of Ji Li'an's mouth, and she complained half-jokingly:

"If it wasn't related to too many things, maybe this would be a very interesting puzzle."

Too much pressure has overshadowed the fun of things themselves.

"Are you sure it's all right?" Colin stared into her eyes and asked seriously.

"I can't guarantee too much." Ji Li'an said seriously:
"But at least to the extent I understand it, it's moving."

The limit that Ji Lian can achieve is also the limit that Ke Lin can achieve.

Colin nodded and took the blueprint in her hand.


Colin walked on the street ignorantly, and the surroundings looked like the streets of the slums in Stade under the night, and some of them looked like the rural scenes he saw on summer nights when he was young in his previous life.

I don't know if the roadside is a tree or a crooked low building.There are some people walking indistinctly, but when you don’t pay attention to them, they seem to have no face. Colin only knows that there are some people coming and going, but he doesn’t know how they move. They are old and young, all of them are Those without details.

What am I doing?When he started to think this way, those trees and low buildings were already burning one after another.The flames that sprang up from the balcony and the tree stumps moved toward the road, became like some kind of contagious disease, and crawled lumberingly over the shadowy bodies in the street.But Colin, who was in the crowd, found himself unable to move.

Someone's screams slid across the night sky shrilly, like a meteor suddenly falling to the ground.Another figure stuck in front of him collapsed, and the flames started to lick from Colin's little toe, but it was just itchy, and he didn't feel any pain.Colin began to look thoughtfully at the place where the meteor landed.

Then, he gradually breathed a sigh of relief, remembering that he had just performed the dream ceremony.

Most of the operations of the ceremony are, at best, little tricks such as pressing the arms on the chest, which is easy to make oneself dream.The real difficulty lies in recalling the fact that one is dreaming and controlling the timing of one's exit from the dream, almost all of which are assisted by rituals.

He raised his head to look at the starry sky in the sky, which happened to correspond to the dots of stars represented by the abundance of his own life.

So this is not the real sky at all, but the world of his own consciousness.

The conscious consciousness that can be "seen" at ordinary times is like the interface leading to the virtual world and the subconscious mind.

By virtue of the incomplete form of dreams, I have more or less sneaked into the "deep consciousness" below the conscious consciousness.

When Colin recalled this, the surrounding scene seemed to become clearer.More definite memories replaced those vague scenes, and this place completely turned into a village that impressed him deeply in the previous life.He slightly adjusted his intentions, and the flames in the street were extinguished.The figures on the side street have gone nowhere.For some reason, he had another dream about the fire this time.

It seemed that there was a cool evening wind blowing through his hair, which cheered him up slightly, and his emotions seemed to be easily affected in the dream.Surrounded by scenes exaggerated by childhood memories, old-fashioned color billboards with lights installed, and freezers covered with quilts.But he couldn't care less about nostalgia, after all, he was already in a dream, so the first thing he wanted to do was to restore the classic scenes from a certain movie in his previous life - roll up the whole land.

As he focused his intentions, the thick fallen leaves on the ground seemed to move a little, but it didn't appear as exaggerated as Colin imagined.Although disappointed, Colin was not surprised, because he also understood that it was almost impossible to perfectly control the subconscious mind.

Without training, it is also difficult to assemble things or feelings in dreams out of thin air that have not been experienced in reality.

Colin began to recall the surge in the concentration of stimulants in his blood after using pheromones.After a while, heat began to slowly seep out from under the skin.

Originally, how to bring complex information into dreams would also be a problem.Because even if the information is fully memorized, it may be deformed through subconscious processing in dreams.The more complicated it is, the harder it is to remember.

But Ke Lin thought that he could use the abundance of life to record the drawings prepared by Ji Lian.

He looked up at the night sky, and the [-] light spots on it were depicting the key nodes of the blueprint one by one. With Colin's own memory, he could restore the design in "The Wedding Ring" in the dream.

The material used for construction is the land under your feet.

The term "heart shell" is also a general metaphor, representing those stable parts of the self that do not want to be changed, and are the factors that hinder the ascension of human beings.

Before falling into the dream, Colin repeatedly planted three hints for himself.One of them is about "nostalgia", which made him reach this dreamland, which is located in the undetectable subconscious.

That's why he dreamed of the village that he only visited once when he was a child in his previous life, but it has always left a deep impression on him.

Colin went to a shop on the side of the road and took out a pen and paper, and then returned to the deserted street. It only took a few minutes to successfully restore the improved design in "The Wedding Ring" in this dream come out.

Then he closed his eyes and felt the stars again, guiding them towards him.

This dreamland was originally located in the elusive deep sea of ​​unconsciousness, but at this time its location was clearly marked by the beacon of intention.

The flickering abundance of life began to move towards the coordinates indicated by the master at a seemingly slow but extremely fast speed.

Then Colin opened his eyes, and saw the stars all over the sky falling together.

The "stars" in the sky pierced into the atmosphere one after another, but did not rub against the air to produce any flames, because they did not belong to this world.Even if they have approached to the distance that can be touched by raising hands, they still maintain the cold light like stars. Compared with the mighty meteorites, they are more like silent floating catkins, which cannot be associated with destruction.But when they fell on the ground, everything around them disappeared out of thin air as if they had never existed.

This is a world-like scene, or for this world, this is the real doomsday. After all, in some theories, dreams are real in the virtual world.

Strong intentions guide the abundance of life, and actively transforming this piece of "deep consciousness" is tantamount to destroying this piece of dreamland forever.

The shape of the prison appeared little by little, and the land under Colin's feet was already crumbling.

When the hearth was about to be completed, he knew the time had come.

He began to reminisce about the fire in "Gunseye" Rich's tavern, and the duel with Giovanni that night on the rooftop.I imaged something myself.that image...

As if a layer of film had been peeled off, the image of the Shuttle Demon reappeared in Colin's mind in the past two weeks.

The eyes are erected on the midline of the face, and the mouthparts are split in layers on both sides of the eyes, and the body is connected with limbs that are as fine as tree branches.

A slender and human-yet-inhuman that cannot be called slender...

Colin touched this image repeatedly, and every time he felt bored in his chest.At this moment, the shuttle demon should have sensed his intentions.

Human intent is like a lighthouse.When he thought about the image of the Shuttle Demon, it was like calling out to it.

This is not so much a calling as a connection.

If the imagination is not trained, then this perception will give away where the coordinates are.So it, floating in the virtual world, knows the location of this dream.

The orientation logic of the imaginary world is completely different from the material reality.


So in revenge, it came here.

The moment the image was drawn in Colin's mind, a slender limb protruded out of nowhere, like a sharp whip, breaking Colin's left arm.He snorted, but did not exit the dream.

Blood gushed like a fountain from the arteries in the severed limb.Colin fell to one side, and the ground under his feet was just eliminated, and he fell down.

In an instant, the Shuttle Demon pulled Colin's consciousness into an abnormal frequency.

This place already belongs to the imaginary world in essence, so the Shuttle Demon doesn't need to consider the orientation of any planets when he exerts his power.

Because it no longer needs to use the ether to interfere with the material world.

It will be able to exert its full strength, which is the power of the scale of Chixing Nitian.

If entering the extraordinary is equal to opening the first curtain, then at this time it is already on the verge of opening the second curtain, which is two levels higher than the wizard "Horst" who perfectly controls the wind demon.

A formidable enemy like never before.

Under the pressure it radiated, Colin felt that his thoughts were almost frozen.

If this is not his dream, then he has almost no hope of surviving the Shuttle Demon.

"I said we'd see each other again."

This time, the voice of the Shuttle Demon appeared in Colin's heart as if out of thin air:
"It seems that you haven't been able to control your thoughts, even if you just accidentally dreamed of me, I can return to the lower realm through you."

Until then, its complete body did not appear in Colin's dream.The large rock formation continued to collapse, and its slender feet jumped to the ground where Colin was just a little bit on the ground. The weightlessness did not affect its control over the body, and its limbs were still making joint-like crisp sounds. He stood in front of Colin and looked down at Colin who was curled up in pain.

Ke Lin thought to himself, if he met its full body outside the dream, he might be seriously injured if he didn't die.

After all, under the dual constraints of star orientation and frequency limit, it completely overwhelmed itself and Giovanni.

However, before Colin came to this dreamland, he had repeatedly made three hints to himself.

One of them concerns the leaves in the first covenant.

Colin looked intently at the trees on both sides of the road, the fig tree on the left and the laurel tree on the right.There is a thick and soft layer of fallen leaves under the body, and each leaf seems to naturally grow the name of the king of hell: "The Torment of the Wheel of Fire" Ixion.

Because of the collapse of the ground, the roots of these trees have been exposed, and perhaps because of them, the land can remain intact during the fall.

The thick layer of fallen leaves has been lifted into the air.

According to the original covenant, they should be lit at this time.

For some reason, even if he didn't try to think about it, Colin always had flames in his dreams.

So when the broken arm fell to the ground, Colin only concentrated his thoughts a little bit, and the fallen leaves not far away seemed to have been fermented and heated for a long time. Green smoke rose.

The next moment, the fire burst out instantly, and climbed towards the fallen leaves in mid-air.

But the Shuttle Demon just "looked" around, but didn't seem to care. It simply stabbed its arm towards Colin as if it was about to crush an ant to death.

"Before this leaf burns out." Colin whispered:

"I am 'Ikexion'."

The Shuttle Demon's movements did not stop. It looked indifferent, and it was bound to stab its arm into Colin's chest.

"Kneel down."

Colin read out a short order, and the shuttle demon's movements stopped abruptly.

The pattern of Hell in Area 36 has bound them for thousands of years.Therefore, it must face Colin, who is fulfilling the contract, as if it were facing its own monarch.

One of its legs seemed to be limping, and it knelt down on the ground as if broken, and its strange head crashed into the burning leaves.

But at the next moment, a sense of laughter sounded out of nowhere in Colin's mind.


"I know you have mastered these spells. And you were exiled once because of it."

It did stop its movements, but its voice didn't stop.

An ominous premonition filled Colin's heart.

"Guess why, I dare to jump to your coordinates?"

Because just like the wind demon controlled by "Horst", the devil is not completely powerless against the agreement.

As the words fell, emerald green flames rose from its body.The devil's skin peeled off, as if it was being tortured, but its movements did not stop.

Those broken branches swung and pierced towards Colin's face fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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