old dream

Chapter 117

Chapter 117
Although he has made a big bet on Shuttle Demon, it does not mean that it is Colin's only solution.

Arecio showed a look of winning, but Colin thought it was a good thing.

There was no cover in the long and narrow carriage, and Colin suddenly raised his hand and fired.

Julio, who was slumped on the ground, still lowered his head, frightened by the sudden gunshot, his shoulders trembled.

Arecio's voice stopped abruptly, and he bowed his body, because the bullet hit his chest, adding a smear of blood to the bright yellow shirt.

The kinetic energy of the bullet made him stagger, as if he couldn't stand still.

Because he dodged for a while, the shrapnel only hit the lobe of his lung. He was coughing, and the coughing sound seemed to be mixed with laughter.

His breathing was so messed up, it was as if a ruptured air bag was blowing in his chest.

Ke Lin's ability to focus on the intention of calling has become stronger and more powerful.

He let go of the tracking of hundreds of targets in the offshore, and summoned most of his intentions, concentrating on focusing on the vajra.

The dagger flipped between the palm and fingers, like a silvery white flower, and then turned back with a snap.Colin walked towards the hunched Arlesio.

At the same time, Colin felt a little strange, because Giovanni did not cooperate with his attack for a long time.

"It's still... at the perfect balance point." Aresio was still talking vaguely.

Colin didn't see clearly until he was five meters away. A few tiny scales appeared on Arecio's neck, but they disappeared immediately.

And his back was emitting heat visible to the naked eye.

The wound left by the Shuttle Demon seemed to be wriggling, and the tissue proliferated and healed rapidly.

A premonition becomes reality.

From the moment they met, Colin felt that Aresio's mood was a little unstable, and he was always talking to himself inexplicably, which was obviously different from his usual appearance.

Apparently, he also used Vibrio carinii, or provocative substances, on himself.

And to an even greater degree than Colin and Giovanni.


The perfect balance.

Over the years, Arecio has turned dozens of people into monsters, and if you count the mice, he has conducted thousands of experiments.

Strengthening the physical body is not the purpose of his study of these symbiotic relationships at all.

But unexpectedly, he discovered the "perfect balance point", that is, the perfect ratio of stimulants in the blood.

The balance point for adult men is the range of 200 to 220 milligrams per milliliter of blood concentration.

One step further, there will be an irreversible atavism, one step back, and the excitation efficiency will drop sharply.

In the final analysis, these stimulants themselves do not bring abilities, their function is to transform the "power in the blood" and "the abundance of life" into physical power.

The transformation process is unknown.

Just as people know almost nothing about the transformation process of spirit element-matter.

In the concentration range of 0 to 200 mg, the two fuels "Blood Strength" and "Life Abundance" are always neck and neck.

Therefore, at the same time, there will be a strengthening of physical functions and a slight atavism that is partially reversible.

But both effects are limited.

And in the perfect range of 200 to 220 mg, the abundance of life will become all the fuel, the blood power will seem to disappear suddenly, and the atavism will stop and decline.

At this time, the conversion efficiency of life abundance to material power will reach more than five times the level below 200 mg per ml.

However, once the concentration of the trigger exceeds 220 mg/ml, it is the turn of the abundance of life to leave the reaction, and the consumption and conversion rates drop sharply.

Instead, anatomical changes begin to appear throughout the body.

Previously, both Colin and Giovanni thought that it was the result of a large number of abundant life being ignited at the same time.

But in fact, it is the main fuel for intensifying substances, turning from the abundance of life to the more mysterious "blood power".

As a result, the human body will become the kind of monster whose whole body changes rapidly when it encounters pheromones.

If you are infected with Vibrio carinii, it is almost impossible to keep yourself at the perfect balance for a long time.

Because if the flora is allowed to secrete the elicitor autonomously, it is impossible to maintain it at a precise concentration of 200-220 mg in any case.

However, normal, uninfected people can easily do this.

Symbiosis with Vibrio carinii?Modern humans apparently do not have to resort to such primitive means.

Arecio has long mastered the process of extracting stimuli.

Therefore, it is only necessary to obtain the precise dosage through calculation, and directly inject the stimulating substance into the vein.

——At this time, the concentration of the excitant in Arecio's blood: 217 mg/ml.is in perfect balance.

Before entering the last car, he injected himself.

This value is decreasing all the time, because the body's metabolism is still accelerating due to the strengthening of the body.

But based on past experience, he knew that it would definitely last for more than 10 minutes.

A fertile burn of life in perfect balance.

That is a conversion rate that is four to nine times higher than the current Kelin.

In a certain corner of Stade, a row of displacement and transfer methods were connected together, and the coordinates of Arecio were engraved on the backbone of the ceremony.

After being separated from the lamplight, the structure inside the lampkeeper's heart seems to be the same as that of ordinary people.

The spirit element in the consciousness is rapidly becoming empty, so these rituals start to light up one by one.

All kinds of spiritual elements in the virtual world want to find an outlet to flow to the lower level all the time. Once they reach the etheric layer, they are continuously sent into Aresio's consciousness through replacement and transfer.

They will be burned and utilized incomparably here.

Arecio grumbled, with a strong nasal voice.

Consciousness has been a little hazy, but still within an acceptable range.

Emotionally unstable.

It doesn't matter, he knows that even if he loses control completely, it is impossible to hurt Julio.

With a "click", the bullet was squeezed out by the muscles in his chest and fell to the ground.

He didn't look up, but he knew that Colin was approaching.

Blood, steel, sponge and leather, each with a complex and unique smell.

At this time, Arecio could describe the panorama of this carriage with only his sense of smell.

Including the dagger in Colin's hand.

He could even "smell" the long-standing blood in the blade, which had seeped into the steel and gave off a slight smell of corruption.

It's all really slow and fragile.

Arecio lowered his head, thinking involuntarily.


Colin was aware of the danger when he saw that the wound on the lampkeeper's back had begun to heal.

But he didn't back down, because he had understood the essence of using Vajra Technique, not to protect himself.

Instead, he tried every means to push himself and the enemy into a desperate situation.

There was a sudden blur in front of my eyes, and then everything turned upside down.

There was a muffled bang, as if the whole carriage shook,
what happened?Before Colin had this idea, the persistent and intense pain had already hit him like a tide.

Colin had fallen to the ground, and Aresio was half kneeling, palms down, grabbing his face.

Five fingers, like steel bars, were deeply nailed into the edge of Colin's face.

Because of the impact, the dagger flew out to the side.

Colin's connection with the Vajra Technique seemed to falter for a while, but it was not interrupted.

If it wasn't for its existence, maybe Colin's skull had been crushed at this time.

But even so, he felt a strong dizziness.


Alessio maintained a half-kneeling posture, and slowly exhaled a deep and long breath, which was as hot as some kind of steam.

The momentary explosive action just now caused a lot of burden on himself.

Aresio seldom fights people directly, let alone this kind of close combat.

So he was really inexperienced, he only thought of winning with absolute strength, but he didn't control his hands after suppressing Colin to the ground.

And ground combat is precisely one of the martial arts that can make up for the gap in strength.

Because of the vajra technique, Colin did not lose consciousness, but Arecio himself showed his flaws.

Just like some kind of parry and counterattack, Colin was able to calmly seize this momentary flaw.


Giovanni who was not far away didn't hesitate anymore, and shot decisively.

Alessio had to turn his head to the side to avoid it, and his attention was diverted for a moment.

But his right hand still suppressed Colin's face.

At the same moment as the gunshot rang out, Colin had already raised his legs and wrapped them around Arecio's torso.

His hands also groped upwards along his head, clasped Aresio's elbow joints, and suddenly exerted force to suppress him downwards.


Arecio tried to retract his right arm, but Giovanni's second bullet came again.He had to raise his left arm to shield his face.

With the help of his hands pressing on Aresio's elbow joints as a fulcrum, Colin further raised his lower limbs, put his right leg over Aresio's head, and kicked on his left shoulder.

The posture of the cross is complete, and Aresio's arms have been controlled between his legs.

Colin's left leg pressed against his hip, and his waist and abdomen straightened his body again, pressing Aresio to the right.

Alessio's right hand was pushed away from Colin's face, leaving five deep blood holes.

Colin's legs locked his left shoulder joint, and at the same time, both hands clasped Alessio's right elbow joint tightly, causing his hands to lose room for movement.

The offensive and defensive momentum was reversed instantly.Colin tried to use the shaking of his whole body to disrupt Aresio's balance, and brought him down to the ground.

However, even though his hands had been locked by Colin, Aresio's half-kneeling posture remained motionless.

Colin exerted all his strength again, swinging his body as if he was about to break a steel bar, but he couldn't suppress Aresio to the ground for a long time.

Alessio is not the kind of muscular person, and his figure is even thin.

But those limbs that weren't thick, now contained explosive power, making him seem to be nailed to the steel floor of the carriage.

Arecio tried to struggle twice, and found that even if he was at a perfect balance point, he couldn't get rid of Colin's cross.

So, instead, he chose to stand up slowly.

Ke Lin weighs about 1.8 kilograms and is [-] meters tall.

But for Aresio now, that's not a huge amount of weight.

When he stood up straight, Colin was lifted into the air, looking like a cross.

And Arecio is the victim who was nailed to it.

Although every step was a bit heavy, he still walked towards the car wall steadily and solemnly, trying to smash Colin against the wall by turning his upper body.

Giovanni was still shooting, and flowers of blood burst out of Arecio's waist and abdomen.

The bullet in the magazine was about to be empty soon, and Old Fang pulled out his dagger and approached quickly.

He hesitated just now because of a bad feeling, so he couldn't support Colin immediately.

And that feeling is still lingering until now.

Three hits from the revolver failed to stop Arecio.

His legs were separated, his upper body was twisted to the limit, and then he exerted force from his waist, violently hitting Colin, who had locked his arms, against the wall of the carriage.

At the last moment, Colin raised his head a little so that the back of his head would not become a landing point.

As a result, his back came into contact with the wall fiercely, and a large piece of the thin car skin was instantly sunk.

Colin let out a muffled snort, feeling that his internal organs had changed positions.

The vajra technique can last for a while.

Get rid of him, Giovanni.

He wanted to say something, but nothing came out.

Giovanni knew that he must seize the opportunity that Colin had won, and he accelerated his progress.But even so, there is still a certain distance between him and Aresio.

Aresio changed the direction. This time, Colin was already facing the wall. He could no longer dodge any curls, and his face would be directly smashed against the iron wall.

"Haven't you noticed, Giovanni?"

But Arecio didn't exert his strength immediately, but quietly said to the approaching Giovanni:

"I didn't find myself, why did I choose this train."

This train that I had rigged a few days ago.

(End of this chapter)

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