old dream

Chapter 120 Self Curse

Chapter 120 Self Curse
The three creeds known to the patriarch of the Lantern Keeper are far from the whole of it, and they are only a small piece of content related to gang affairs.

Under the complete "Lampkeeper's Creed", there are thousands of items that meticulously presuppose the guidelines for dealing with all problems for them.

If some selected children abide by the creed since childhood, they will have the opportunity to blend with the lights and become so-called light keepers.

It is older than the "Oath Mystery" that originated in the Iceni Kingdom. Recently, some views have begun to believe that the "Lampkeeper's Creed" is the world's first oath spell.

Because it is at least four centuries older than Iceni's earliest written oath, the "Music of Silence".

However, the object of the "Lampkeeper's Creed" is not the holy spirit or evil spirits, but the artificial "coast lights".

So whether it belongs to the oath mystery is still controversial.

Since it is a promise throughout life, the creed must promise a certain vision, and that vision is the reason that attracts people to take the oath and become a lamp keeper.

It can be said that Alessio lived for this vision in the first 40 years of his life.

How does it feel to be in harmony with the lights?
There is no feeling because the coherent self no longer exists.

All the classics of the previous generation of lampkeepers describe it as a kind of "complete tranquility".

He shall be the limb and the eye through which the light penetrates into the material world.

When a lampkeeper simply obeys the creed, he will no longer be confused about the choices he faces, and he will be freed from the pain of always worrying about gains and losses and not being satisfied.

That's how it's supposed to be, at least most people are.

No matter how narcissistically people worship "self-awareness", it is actually worthless apart from those literary praises.

On the contrary, it kills nature, blinds cognition, and makes people turn a blind eye to extremely simple facts.

People with stronger self-awareness are more likely to fall into illusions, in which there are endless expectations and regrets, and the attendant anxiety and fear.

So the Lampkeeper believes that "self-awareness" is a cruel curse, the source of all pain in the world.

Among the lampkeepers, it is called "self-curse".

Even following the creed of the Lantern Keeper may not completely remove the self-curse.

But the creators of the Creed promised a vision:
The end point of merging with lights is to completely get rid of the entanglement of "self".

That would be a more liberating, more radical, more hopeless, eternal peace than ultimate death.

All the lampkeepers act for this goal. Obeying the creed is fulfilling the oath, which is equivalent to doing the practice of "abandoning oneself".

Adapt to how to survive in an unconscious state.

Their beginning to see things in the Unreal is one of the proofs that the Lantern Keeper has escaped his own curse, but this is a by-product of training, not a destination.

Most of the time, they believe that if they walk down this road, they can reach the end that blends with the lights.

But Arecio's faith was shaken ten years ago.

The cause is the newly arrived Lantern Girl, Hilpert.

She had just arrived in Stade, and after reading the descriptions of some phenomena by Anhe scholars, she first had doubts about this matter.

It's not that "self-awareness" actually has value at first.

Instead, they began to doubt whether the creed of the Lantern Keeper could reach the end they promised.

Is it really possible to remove the self-curse?

"If you reconsider all the beliefs that exist, they are all about eliminating the social self, as well as the bodily self."

That's what she said to Aresio at the time.

Including not using names, not looking in the mirror.Let others bathe for you, so as not to touch and measure your body with your hands, and usually use auxiliary materials to shield the five senses as much as possible, ignoring the existence of the body.

And through castration rituals, to eliminate most of the impulses.

These are the practices stipulated in the creed.

But Hilpert found that, at best, this dilutes social identity, and the physical self.

But today's Anhe people have proved that this layer of self is not born, but matured the day after tomorrow.

Through infants' reactions to mirrors, scholars have found that infants under seventeen months of age have no self-concept or even awareness of having a body.

The expedition team sent by the Alliance once went to the northern part of the Central Continent, crossed the territories of the Udir tribes and headed towards the North Pole, and discovered a more primitive clan society.

Several scholars on the expedition lived with those primitive people for several years and conducted documented research, and finally found that people there still lived in a group consciousness:
The concept of "we" has appeared in their culture, but there is no concept of "I".

"But babies and primitive people have not returned to the so-called eternal peace, why?"

Hilpert murmured:
"Because the social and physical self is far from being the whole of self-awareness."

"Underneath all of this, there is a deep, pure self that existed long before humans, even before matter came into existence..."


He was the only consciousness and being in the world before the unspeakable began to divide.

It cannot find its own "mirror", so it is impossible to form a perception of itself.

It was not until the first emanation that He was able to observe Himself through the eyes of the first shifts.

The deepest and purest self is awakened at this moment.

And because all movement is part of itself, this awakening or curse is synchronized to everything in the universe.

And this curse, in turn, promotes the division and separation of all movements, which is further manifested in several parallel creation events.

This event happened before time, so it is impossible to judge whether the emergence of "self-curse" is the result of the split of "Unspeakable Ones" or the cause.

Or that there was no logic at that time, so it was both an effect and a cause.

The world became aware of its own existence by separating the nascent consciousness.

The chaotic and ignorant universe thus begins to wake up and observe itself.

This is the basis for the existence of the world, the event that determines the direction of movement of all things at the origin.

Suppose there is a point in the universe that can completely get rid of the self-curse and eliminate the pure self.Then the eternal division of the universe may no longer hold.

At least he won't be part of "The Unspeakable" anymore.If still, then maybe he will be the starting point for the cosmic consciousness to merge and collapse.

"The ancient Sincilians didn't even have the knowledge of a pure self."

Hilpert said blankly:

"Then how can the 'you' they created be able to eliminate the pure self?"

The creed of the lampkeeper is a dead end, impossible to realize.

"My faith has been shaken, and I'm afraid I'm no longer suitable to be a lamp girl."

At that time, Hilpert said to "Arecio" in front of him, or the light:

"Please choose the Lamp Girl from Stade again."

(End of this chapter)

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