old dream

Chapter 122 "God Enchanting" Ritual

Chapter 122 "God Enchanting" Ritual

Julio was like the kid who pointed out that the emperor had no clothes.

At that time, while explaining to Julio why her opinion was wrong, Alessio felt more and more absurd in his heart.

The Lampkeeper has no ego and is a self-deceiving trick.

No matter how much theory and technology are used to cover up and emphasize those pains, they are just "an illusion felt by the false self".

But the truth is always succinct and simple.

Alessio explained to Julio, who was still a child, and was also trying to justify himself.

But this pure feeling has always been there.

It precedes any logic and meaning, at least in the eyes of pure Julio.

In the past, Arecio just tried not to let himself think about: what an inhuman way of life he was following every day.

Because if the truth is really what Hilpert said.

At the end of the creed of the lampkeeper, there is no way for the practitioners to enter the "eternal peace" of selflessness.

So how does Arecio, who has just been unclothed by a childish child, accept his past?
He had given everything for this and lost everything.

After 40 years of wasted time, I suddenly realized that the creed I once regarded as the most reasonable was just a meaningless torture.

This is not even a tragedy, but a ridiculous and uninteresting comic scene.

It was Julio who inadvertently woke him up.

Unfortunately, it was too late for him to say anything now.

Because of his wavering belief, after that, Arecio gradually began to be abandoned by the lights.But the family didn't realize it.

It was after this that Aresio suddenly realized a terrifying fact:

Not long ago, I personally pushed Julio into this trap.

A mirror image between Julio and Valeria has been established, and both the lights and the hometown are concerned about it.

Because as the plan progressed, the effect was much better than expected.

This kind of mirror image resonance between humans and gods is also based on the "law of similarity".

Therefore, it can also be regarded as a ritual that will last a lifetime.

The same kind produces each other, and the fruit must have the same cause.Substance can be achieved by imitating form.

Ordinary lamp girls can only mirror Valeria's appearance through deliberate imitation at most.

But the resonance between Julio and the first-generation Lantern Girl has already gone beyond the details of words and deeds.

Under the virtuous circle of the law of similarity, Julio is getting closer and closer to Valeria.

Next, she only needs to imitate a few key nodes in the life of the first generation of lamp girls, and maybe she can achieve the so-called "entrance".

According to the records of the Lighthouse Library, this situation has not happened in my hometown for nearly a hundred years.

To a certain extent, this incident can be understood as Giulio will become Valeria.

But it could also be said that Valeria will come through Julio.

Because by then, there will be no difference between the two things.

According to the folklore, the virgin with the lamp finally died of persecution by the Senate of Nale.

But this has been falsified. This ending is only a literary fiction that became popular after the Dark Ages, because the accusation against Valeria in the story, the so-called "heretical crime", did not exist in the Nalek Empire in the Old Era.

The reason why this kind of false story appeared may be that the Sincilians wanted to vent their dissatisfaction with the Nalek Empire at that time.

But it could also be that someone is trying to hide something.

What the world does not know is that in the last years of her life, for some reason, the Virgin of the Lampbearer stopped using her original name.

Most of the administrators still think that she is there to wait for the bright lights, but some say that she is just to achieve peace, and what is more, she is actually trying to avoid something.

But no matter what the reason is, the fact is that the lamp-bearer virgin gave up on herself in the second half of her life and became the first lamp-keeper in the world.

And when she deprived herself of her original identity, the "Valeria" enshrined by later generations had already died at that time.

So what she did after she became a lampkeeper is not mentioned in any of the legends.

Because it was already a story without a protagonist and nothing to remember.

But it can be guessed that she was the original author of the Lantern Keeper's Creed.

If Julio wants to be mirrored to the "nameless" Valeria, he must go through this "nameless" process.

In the hidden records of the library, Valeria's loss of name was accomplished in an extremely cruel way.

This is the information that Alessio can only access as a participant of the plan.

And Giulio's little pendant is an improved masterpiece.

Giulio was able to "close" to Valeria unprecedentedly, there must be this pendant factor.

There are at least two layers of symbolism contained in the pendant.

First, as time passes by month by month, Julio is also experiencing Valeria's story simultaneously.

This is already expressed by the intaglios.Of course, some of the more critical nodes still need to be emulated by Julio himself.

The second is the differentiated flora in the device.

They have been screened to ensure that no ordinary Vibrio carinii bacteria are mixed in, and they are all differentiated individuals that can sense the spirit element.

In my hometown, in recent years, these purified colonies have begun to be called "queen bee colonies".

The symbol expressed at this level is the event that Valeria voluntarily allowed herself to be infected by the "Queen Bee Group" when she lost her reputation.

Because before "Lights of the Coast" accepted Valeria's presumption.

The reason why the original creed of the lampkeeper can be established is the result of mirroring the living form of the chimaera group.


Arecio is done.

Maybe he has become very strong, but he has no tomorrow.

Colin made a judgment expressionlessly, and his eyes gradually became empty.Countless details on the battlefield flowed through his heart like flowing water.

"Arecio is dead", this judgment is lined up with the current train speed, air density, light and darkness and other facts, it is just a simple statement, and it does not bring any extra emotions to Colin.

He didn't know why he knew this, maybe it was because he had already experienced this step.

Arecio's will is weaker than expected, full of confusion because of wavering beliefs, and full of flaws, so the moment the shell of his heart is opened, he has already shown chaos.

He has never found a new pillar, and the obsession with atonement has evolved into another kind of greed, which has eroded him too deeply.

At this moment, countless parasitic spirits in the virtual world are coveting the pain that has been brewing in his heart for a long time.The hatchling has died before it even spread its wings, and even more unsightly existences are spreading over its body.

Colin glanced at Giovanni, his breathing became short of breath due to the stimulation of the injury, but he still did not inject himself with the inhibitor.

There were more than ten seconds left before the fangs collapsed, turning into a monster, maybe that was his purpose.

With a crisp clang, Colin's dagger fell beside Julio.

"pick it up."

Colin didn't turn his head, and said to Julio indifferently.


Julio's eyes widened in surprise. :
"You promised me..."

Get Alessio out of Stade alive if possible.

"He's not coming back."

Even if it survived, even survived the hands of the authorities and hunters, the out-of-control intentions would attract countless parasites.

Once the disorder starts, it cannot be stopped.Orderly balance is always a rare and fragile state.

Colin's steady words seemed to be describing a fact, but Julio suddenly panicked. She struggled to stand up and said:

"If you kill him... don't even think about any cooperation in the future!"

Julio always thought that he had hated Arecio a long time ago, and he also thought that he was already a person who knew the general situation.

But when the person who knows me the most and the person I know the most in this world is about to leave.She still couldn't help being in a mess.

She struggled in vain, but she also knew that it was difficult for Ke Lin to even protect himself.

And some things can't be undone.

"Maybe you should say thank you to Arecio."

Giovanni mumbled, as if something was churning in his chest.

"But it's time to say goodbye."

"Don Giulio," Fang said with a smile.

Before this, no woman's name had been crowned with "Tang".

More and more black blades of grass gushed out from the wound on Aresio's chest, and his disordered intentions had driven the ritual out of control.

My perceptible intention is just the tip of the iceberg, but with the cracking of the shell of the heart, the existence under the sea surface is also exposed.

This part of the impulse is always in a dynamic balance and will never stop.

Alessio himself realized this when he saw pitch-black grass leaves rustling everywhere in the carriage.

The magic string of "Blooming of the New Green" has been guided by the focused intention into a more distorted existence.

And he himself became part of this out-of-control ritual.

(End of this chapter)

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