old dream

Chapter 131 The Twilight Light

Chapter 131 The Twilight Light

The so-called "queen bee colony" obtained from Alessio's laboratory, that is, the differentiated Vibrio that can sense changes in the spirit element, has been more effectively used by Ke Lin.

Colin dismantled the original volatile device, because he would not use the human body as a bomb, so they would lose their meaning as a "switch".

As a result, the small petri dish has been transformed into a smaller detection device, which looks like an inconspicuous small crystal.

Colin brought them to Julio every week and told her to hand them over to Dirty Finger Dejo when Capello's Prohibition Squad got word of their move.

At the patriarchal meeting two weeks ago, Dejo, a cowering man, had publicly offended Marizio. As a result, Marizio punished Dejo: whenever there was a fight between his men, he had to be present in person.

The gap between Dejo and Marizio provided Colin with a safe entry point.After all, this means that most people in the five hands will alienate Dejo, and he has no chance to talk to people other than Capello, or if he says that there is something abnormal in the supervisor, others will only doubt himself.

And "Dirty Finger" doesn't know the existence of extraordinary things, so he will be a good target to use.

The detection device was well decorated, and Dejo thought that what Julio gave him was a small thing like an amulet, thinking that women are always more likely to be superstitious, even if they become the patriarch.

As a result, he always went to the battlefield of bootlegging with a piece of testing equipment without knowing anything.

In the previous twelve operations, there was nothing abnormal about the detection device.But the most recent time, the color of the reagent in the device has changed.

This aroused Colin's vigilance, so he temporarily arranged detection devices everywhere regardless of the cost.Carriage pedestals, Capello's mansion, etc., are everywhere.

One day later, there were six reagents that changed color, so it can be completely confirmed that Capello has been targeted by a wizard.

A wizard who has established a stable connection with an external spiritual source, otherwise, it would not be possible to trigger six detection devices along the way.

Because of his stable connection, Lingsu flows through his ether to reality all the time.

If it is said that Ke Lin's placing the source of spiritual essence in the deep consciousness is better in concealment, then the external connection like the other party is better in strength and stability.

who is he?Some anonymous partner in a speakeasy?Or is it simply the people from the distribution center in the north?

Ke Lin wanted to report this matter to No. [-], but found that he hadn't been able to actively contact the lamp keeper so far.

Colin has never dealt with this kind of situation where the enemy is in the dark.So he decisively went to Giovanni who was more experienced.

Giovanni had just left the ward. After all, Aresio was no longer there, and he no longer needed to use his injury as an excuse to grind his labors.

The residual influence of the stimulating substance still exists, and now the wound on his body has healed in sevens and eighties, and the recovery speed is far faster than ordinary people, but the doctor is just the usual one.

The stump of Giovanni's right arm has been completely amputated, and his sleeve is hanging empty.A decorative wooden prosthetic was placed on the table.

He said he had ordered a solid cast-iron arm a few days ago, heavy enough to crack anyone's skull like a walnut, and it was still on its way in the mail.

"It stands to reason that the lampkeeper should have come to look for you by now." Giovanni said:
"It's not that this kind of situation has never happened before. The number of lampkeepers has been reduced, and the remaining few will take up the responsibility for the temporary vacancies."

"After all, no matter how you say it, it's impossible to let the fangs stand in front."

They have always believed that Fang has no such ability and cannot be trusted.

So the current situation is more like they are absent at the same time, turning a blind eye to the wizard approaching Capello.

Even, they may have been unable to perceive the approaching danger, collectively disabled.

Why?Because my hometown still doesn't know how to accept Capello?
Or is it true that, as Mr. One said, all the lampkeepers are weakened by Hilpert's "corruption"... The five hands are already defenseless at the extraordinary level?
But Capello is indispensable, even if it's just for himself, he must get rid of that wizard.

"Now you should be the only one who can temporarily assume the role of Arecio in the past."

Giovanni said:

"You have that ability, at least it's Ziyue, and you control some kind of elf. I saw them all on that train."

Colin had known for a long time that Giovanni had mastered many secrets, but he never mentioned them tacitly.

But now Colin couldn't help feeling curious:

"Don't you doubt me? What if I actually intend to harm Julio?"

"I said earlier that I don't care who is in charge of Capello."

Giovanni said indifferently.

Although he can live longer than expected, after the battle on the train, the side effect of the abundant life consumption has increased a lot.

His ability to respond to external stimuli is still weakening further.

Fulfilling the agreement that does not know whether it really exists is just to maintain a specious sense of meaning for his empty existence.

"The simplest reason is that as long as you still need Capello, you must protect it and control it, but you must not destroy it."

"So as long as Capello can survive, just do it, I don't care about other things."

I can't care anymore.


Colin replied thoughtfully.

He thought that after going through these life-and-death fights, he and Giovanni had more or less established trust or loyalty.

As a result, it is still a cooperation that only considers interests.

"I will personally pick out those secret mice, and usually there will be results in a few days."

Giovanni stood up from the seat, took the wooden prosthesis on the table, and fitted it to his elbow with some awkwardness.

Then the corners of his mouth twitched, showing the same heroic smile as before, and the rift-like scar on his face was also pushed aside.

The work of hunting wizards has been done countless times when he partnered with Aresio.He has the most cutting-edge tools, solid and rich experience, and he does not have the slightest spiritual reaction on his body.

As a hunter in the dark, he is not inferior to those top secret police detectives.

"Just wait for my news, Colin." Before leaving, Old Fang said this.



Judging from the results during this period, whether it is the lampkeeper or the seminary newspaper.None of them discovered the fact that they had reached Ziyue on the scale of strength.

This is the result of covering up with a series of fine operations such as hearth mysteries and memory seals.

This made Colin begin to think that no one around him could discover that this talentless person had quietly grown into a Ziyue wizard.

However, Uncle Craigie, who has lived in the ancestral home for a long time, seems to have noticed something faintly.

He obviously doesn't have any ability to detect the changes of spirit essence, and he has never seen those creatures that he has studied for most of his life.

But recently, he has become inexplicably uneasy. When he was frying food for himself as usual, he would suddenly call out to Colin loudly:

"Colin, you didn't use those materials where they shouldn't?"

The stove was welded so that there was no trace of fire, and the light from the redstone lamp was very even, as if the blood-red dusk was gently spread in the room.

"How could it be?" Colin said:

"I've been paying attention to the news that can be used in the 'cracking ceremony'. There are also materials for Ji Li'an's treatment."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Uncle flipped the burnt tubers in the pot, and muttered to himself:
"After the winter solstice, everything can end."

I don't know if I asked and forgot or what, similar conversations have always been repeated frequently during this period of time.Craigie looked at Colin with more and more suspicion.

"Are you worried about what the Seminary will find out?" asked Colin.

"Seminary? No, I'm not worried about that." Craigie shook his head and served his food.It was a drab meal that could only be called food, and it was mushy.

"I'm worried that you'll take that step, lately I've always felt…"

"What do you think?"

"It's nothing... it should be a misunderstanding."

Colin used to think that Craigie did not want his nephew to enter the supernatural because of the consistent concept of the Sincilians: it is unnatural and evil for human beings to step into the superhuman realm.

But if it is just because of this prejudice-like concept, it should be far from disturbing to such an extent.

Craigie put some dirty dinner plates on the table.

"I'm not the kind of stubborn person. Both Lenz and I were born and raised in the old city of Stade. In fact, we are more like Ankh than Sincilians."

"Plus working in a place like a seminary, you know, you have to meet people there, people who have already traveled."

"They are not as distorted as those rural superstitions say. They may be bearing the price silently, but most of the time they are no different from ordinary people. Moreover, they know how to restrain their own strength."

"I am a man of rationality and logic, and I know best that it is inaccurate and dangerous to generalize a group of people with simple labels. The proposition that 'all transcendent people are degenerate' is simply not true, and there is no evidence to support it .but……"

But you are different, Colin.

In other words, our family is different.

Colin could easily guess what Craigie was going to say next, because he had heard this passage from Craigie countless times.

"I'm not going to take that step."

Therefore, Colin could only repeat the same answer mechanically.

While saying these words, Craigie's unease and fear in his bones seemed to subside temporarily.What emerges from his eyes is a sneer, and a kind of mission-like firmness.

We know neither restraint nor awe.

Explosives should be kept farther away from madmen, this is common sense for any normal person.

In this crazy family, Craigie is trying to complete the mission of a normal person.

(End of this chapter)

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