old dream

Chapter 133 Strange Facts and the Giant Trust

Chapter 133 Strange Facts and the Giant Trust

Most of the test subjects recorded by Alessio did not exceed 230 mg/mL of excitants in the blood, because anything higher would cause the body to collapse.

But after Ke Lin entered the so-called final stage, there was no change in his body's anatomical characteristics, and he didn't have any tendency to collapse. The only bottleneck may be the excessive consumption of life abundance.

If the problem of the replenishment rate of life abundance can be solved, perhaps after the "final stage" recorded by Aresio, there may be a stage that no one has seen.

an uncharted territory.

If the "scale humanization" of the Sincilians and the state of emptiness in their bodies are the result of the so-called blood power.So what exactly is this power?
Why did this word never appear in the religious order's materials, but Alessio took it for granted in his own experimental records.

It's a pity that Arecio is dead, and there is no way to verify it.

Perhaps this concept came from the library of the lighthouse in Sindhi, but is it really not related to the Ankh system?
Bloodline, bloodline... Colin began to try to retrieve all related concepts in his memory.

It was another night spent alone in the narrow attic, the kerosene lamp was smudged and dirty on the lamp wall, dimly revealing dim light.

Bloodline - family - race.

From the point of view of molecular anthropology in the previous life, race is only a concept at the social level, and it is an illusion based on visual appearance.

There are only eight genes that determine skin color, the SLC24A5 gene.But there may be thousands or even tens of thousands of genes that determine intelligence, physical fitness and personality.Among the remaining tens of thousands of genes, people in the same region may differ by more than 90%.Far more than a few genetic differences in appearance actually.

Therefore, the differences between human races are more caused by the acquired environment.

This means that two Sincilians, even if they have similar faces and share some common ancestors, may be more biologically different than between different peoples.

It seems very strange, then, that the Sincilians would uniformly exhibit the same traits when using the so-called "blood power."

In previous lives, the differentiation of human races was only tens of thousands of years old, and the skin color of white people did not appear until about 1 to [-] years ago. This is just a blink of an eye for the long evolution of life.

However, the formation of the "Sincilians" group took only a few thousand years.But now, a more thorough biometric has been linked.

This fact seems extremely absurd, just like when a person changes his nationality, his race also changes.

Alessio's experimental subjects also included immigrants from other regions such as Nale and Otu people, as well as fugitives from the hinterland of the alliance.The results of their aroused blood power are different, but overall they perfectly correspond to their origins.

After the An He fugitive crossed the perfect balance point, the reaction on his body stopped abruptly.No matter how much the concentration of the stimulant increased, his body remained unchanged, as if the power of the blood did not exist.

Mottled and cohesive feathers will appear on the arms of the Otu people, just like vultures in the desert, dense and thick bird skin-like protrusions will appear on the torso, and then everything will collapse rapidly when it exceeds 230 mg.

The situation of the Nale people is similar to that of the Anhe people, but the body will obviously become stronger, the muscles will swell and the bones will be raised, and then slowly collapse.

Why does the stimulation result obviously divide with the civilization circle as the boundary?
Either there is indeed a single race within a civilization, and each race has a different origin.Moreover, the migration and group formation rules of "human beings" in this world are different from those in previous lives: they have never exchanged genes between them, and they are completely different in species.

So the reason why they all show the appearance of "human beings" today is just a coincidence.

"..." Colin couldn't help spreading out his hand and observing his palm.For a moment, I was a little apprehensive. Is everyone I see in peacetime not actually human beings?
But a further thought along this dire line of thought reveals that there are mixed-races in Stade, so reproductive isolation never existed.

It is also impossible for people from different regions to stop migrating, as evidenced by the large number of immigrants in Stade.

Even the Anhe Alliance itself was established during the migration of the legion. More than 1000 years ago, its citizens were scattered throughout the Middle Continent.

It seems to be in a contradiction, then change the direction.

If we deny the differences in biological genetics of these cases, the name "bloodline power" itself is misleading. In fact, it has nothing to do with real bloodlines?

Simply judging from the only variables in Aresio's experiment, it seems that only ethnic groups such as "Sincilians" and "Otus" determine the performance of bloodline power.

So, the determining factor is the individual's cultural background?Is it related to the consciousness frequency and the background sound of the land?
What is your own cultural identity?
The modern civilization of the earth in the previous life?
A descendant of the dragon?

As it sounds, physical properties are determined by self-perception.

The specificity of the Darllozzos was always just a hypothesis.And judging from the current speculation, the various abnormalities shown in the "empty state" are actually only because he is a time traveler?
And if a single family of "Dallozzo" will show some kind of abnormality, why doesn't it show up in other people?Is it just because such families are rare?
"Blood power..."

On the emblem of the Holy King family, there is a big tree with equally luxuriant roots and branches, as if embracing the sky and the underground world with countless outstretched arms.

What it symbolizes is the never-ending blood.

Colin originally thought that this sentence only described the permanent throne under the blood inheritance system, and the routine blessings for the prosperity of the descendants, after all, it meant a smooth transition of power.

However, if the "flame" on the emblem is regarded as one of the two pillars of the alliance at that time, it is a symbol of the faith of the religious orders.Then the "giant tree" should correspond to another pillar, the blood of the military nobles.

If the belief in the Holy King means the origin of the modern magic system, then in terms of balance, the other side should be at least equal.

No proof, but that's how that emblem feels, since the two are compositionally equal.

What does "blood" mean to the alliance?Why is it worshiped as a symbol, and why is it drowned out in many studies in seminaries?
Colin sighed, he had already decided to explore this power to the end, but with the progress of the analysis of the materials in hand, the confusion increased instead.


Because of Craigie's words, Colin's thoughts unknowingly turned to the direction of blood.But he had other plans tonight.

The encryption method regularly reported by the Jackdaw Hunting Group had been deciphered a week ago.Maybe they're pros at hunting but amateurs at encryption.

Because there has been no progress for a long time, the hunting group's interest seems to have moved away from the train tragedy.

In these reports, they refer to bootlegging as "honey," meaning bait for flies.

As a profiteering industry outside the official vision, it naturally has a fatal appeal to illegal wizards.

Colin roughly scanned the reports and found that the hunting group's personnel composition was very loose, and each group seemed to be formed freely and acted independently.

Therefore, regular bottom-up reporting is particularly important to this organization.And the person in charge will write the report in a lot of detail.

Although it belongs to the "Principal Saint Province".But not all wizards involved belonged to the order.

In theory, he is just a non-governmental association.Is that why we need to rely on the fourth-secret channel?

Judging from these reports, several groups have found traces of wizards in some underground bars.

Colin glanced at the Stade map nailed to his wall, and marked the addresses on it.The traces are quite dense, and it seems that the battle between the bootleggers is much more intense than I expected.

So should we use the hunting group to get rid of these people, or use intelligence to avoid conflicts, or take the lead.

Then Colin marked the sixteen addresses selected by Benedict, seven of which were located in the old city.Regardless of the outcome of the game with five hands, it is only a matter of time before they enter the old city.

After spending a lot of time during this period, Ke Lin has very little cash and red stones left.But at this time, the first underground bar in Hegang District has opened, and the resources on hand will soon be replenished.

Bootleggers are still blending with industrial alcohol, so small-scale rectification equipment is not too difficult to obtain. Once the test is successful, the problem of supply will be resolved.But this is only temporary, first stage start-up funding.

The blueprint for the future already existed, but in the spare time of these two weeks, Colin slowly sketched out the details.

The remaining empty wine bottles from that family workshop will be used up in no time.In this era, there is no supporting industry, and what I do is a shady business. In order to re-bottle wine with decent, even similar to the original bottle, I have to enter the glass and bottle making industry.

In order to forge commercial labels that are exactly the same as the original wine, he had to enter the printing industry, acquire a large number of color printing machines, and hire workers to manufacture various fake trademarks.

Speakeasy bars need shops, and the vast, hidden bootleg warehouses must be fully mastered.So I entered the real estate industry again.

Famous wines smuggled from abroad had to enter Stade by land or sea, and large orders spawned their own truck and steamship companies.

Because everything has to bypass legal channels, so when everything is ready at this stage, you may have an illegal business kingdom in your hands.

The final question, then, is not who dominates the bootlegging market, or who is the so-called king of bootlegging.Because every bootlegger operating in the principality cannot do without his own support.

It's not so much a gang that smuggles bootleg alcohol underground.

Rather, it is an armed giant enterprise.

(End of this chapter)

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