old dream

Chapter 136 Origin of Ascension

Chapter 136 Origin of Ascension

"So what did it tell you in the end?"

It was the next day, and in Ji Lian's apartment, she leaned on the cloth sofa and moved the needle on the phonograph aside, turning her head to listen to what Colin said.

"She answered nothing, but said that 'this body has made a covenant with the other,' and will always 'serve but one master.' said Colin:

"I know that I am by no means the first person to enter that frequency, and sometimes I will see traces left by others. So the 'master' in her mouth, I think it should refer to another visitor not long ago."

And she knew that the visitor was still alive, somewhere in the world.

Regardless of whether it is a human or a spirit body, there is another consciousness that once wandered and explored in that non-existent land, and moved to the same coordinates as itself.

But in terms of the infinite vastness of the imaginary world, the probability of two wizards meeting by coincidence is also close to zero.

Wizards will emphasize lineage, perhaps precisely because this kind of exploration will consume the efforts of several generations.They are like the pioneers of the route in the spiritual sea of ​​the virtual world, and the imaging results are marks one by one.Since the first generation of saint kings put forward guesses about the structure of the world, I don't know how many maps and coordinates these wizards have accumulated in their hands.

On Ji Lian's one-legged zinc leather round table, there is a large pile of materials spread out.It was all the information they could gather about the demons of Urju, including the tattered copy of "The Slave King's Wedding Ring" and the "Demon Hierarchy" obtained from Aresio.Some of the rest came from newspaper wiretapping, some from the library of the secular ministry, or the humble antique bookstore on the street.

They tried to find information about the woman, but the results were not satisfactory.Even Colin had imaged her and remembered the features: the chains, the handle piercing the heart, the stitched limbs.But in any material of Hell in Area 36, ​​no similar image can be found.

Even compared to the typical appearance of Urju demons, she is too human-like.

"Actually, this is not too strange."

Ji Lian closed the book in her hand and said.

Omissions are always the norm.Maybe this creature has not yet entered reality.Except for the traveler who really embarked on the journey, most ordinary people are bound in the material world, so there will be no shadow about her in various folklore.

Although she really doesn't look like a demon.

"It's not a devil but it lives in hell forever. Maybe it's a god." Ji Li'an said half-jokingly.

It turned out to be back to that question.

What kind of method should be used to imprison the virtual world walker who roams in multiple realities.

Colin had worried that he would be stuck in Area 32 forever, but that was the flaw and peculiarity of being human.Similar to a diver who needs to carry oxygen into the water, he who dives into the virtual world must also image all the time, just like breathing subconsciously.This is an instinctive maintenance and protection for consciousness, but it is also a burden that will cause out of control.

Once the consciousness fluctuates, he not only loses the ability to return to zero, but even cannot control the stop of imaging, just like a comatose person cannot stop inhaling hypnotic gas on his own, then the result is being bound forever, a complete endless loop.

But this kind of risk does not exist for the aborigines in the imaginary world.

If no imaging was required, then Colin could have died on Chiron, but is unlikely to be held there.Without the drag of imaging, consciousness will wake up at some point.Once you wake up, you can use "return to zero" to cancel the frequency superposition state and return to the coordinates that you cannot change.

Like a lucid dreamer, you can leave the dream state at any time.

Unless, it's stuck in coordinates.

Colin recalled the dense and irregularly distributed cages in Area 32, and suddenly realized that he had inadvertently made another mistake under the inertial thinking of past experience.

The demons didn't collect them one by one after they built the prison.

But from the very beginning, the devils built the prison on their coordinates.

With the shaking of this pattern, some devils began to use the induction of others to infiltrate into other frequencies.

As a result, why is that woman who is obviously not a demon bound in the coordinate system that belongs to the Urju devil?
If real constraints can only be achieved around coordinates, is there a way to rewrite them?
He has seen "creatures" whose coordinates change.

Colin suddenly recalled the ghosts he saw on the train.Although they roughly retain the sincilian angle, ordinary people can no longer observe them, which means that they are more or less no longer in the original coordinates.

Their coordinates have deviated.

Life and death...perhaps the most profound set of transformations in the world.The dead are exiled forever from the coordinates, abandoned by all familiar things, and completely become another existence.

There is still a stalk in the woman's heart, which is the intuitive feeling of her inner vision for this person, the soul of someone who has died or never lived.Maybe she's a dead person somewhere in the Unreal.Someone used death to rewrite her coordinates, and then exiled her to this ready-made prison.

And after forming the contract, she was forgotten here for some reason.

Judging from the imaging results, she should have been imprisoned for countless years.But not long ago, another person became her master.

And if the dead lose their coordinates, does that mean they cannot be bound?
Like a dreamer without a body, only a ghost that flickers in countless dreams.


"What are you thinking about?"

Seeing that Ke Lin was silent for a long time, Ji Lian couldn't help raising her head from the complicated materials in front of her and asked.

"It's nothing."

Knowing that he would never let go of this opportunity, Ji Lian didn't say anything more.She knows that any persuasion is futile, and all she can do is to provide assistance as much as possible.

Now, there is no part of the plan that is indispensable, so in order to spread the risk, Colin has recently moved the anisette and red stone to other places.

The darkroom has been dismantled, and only the medical materials Ji Lian needs are left here.

Ke Lin once asked Ji Lian if she wanted to move to a more comfortable residence, but it seemed that Ji Lian refused in order to maintain some kind of independence.

"Someone I know may come over recently, so I can settle down for a while," Ji Li'an said.

"Oh, yes." Colin responded while thinking about his own affairs.

After transferring the materials, there are not many shady secrets here.

"She was my old friend from the missionary school and was transferred back recently."

In order to remind Ke Lin, Ji Lian added another sentence, and intentionally emphasized the words "church" and so on.

What is the reason for the staff transfer of the church at this time?

 I'm a bit out of shape, and I don't dare to write down.

  As far as possible, solve the detailed outline problem as soon as possible, and make a second breakthrough in the update speed.

(End of this chapter)

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