old dream

Chapter 160 Embracing the Unknown

Chapter 160 Embracing the Unknown
Colin left from the main entrance of the old mansion, and briskly walked through the small flower garden, as if he had just visited a friend, without even leaving any wrinkles on his clothes.

The agent was only hiding here temporarily, so neither in the mansion nor on himself had much value.

Giovanni has been waiting outside the wrought-iron fence. It may rain anytime recently, so he has a black umbrella.Seeing Colin walk out of the old house, he also picked up the umbrella and moved his back away from the wall against which he was leaning.

"The opponent is the first lineage who is good at handling spirit bodies, so you think I will lose."

Knowing that this was the reason why Giovanni chose to wait outside, Colin hung the broken lock back on the iron gate, and announced the result to him:
"The last time I faced Chi Erxing, I won; but this time, I am still the one who wins."

When confronting the wizard in the northern suburbs last time, Giovanni chose to avoid it before the battle.

The fangs that can live to more than 40 years old are deeply harmonious and life-saving.Before determining the high probability of safety, he would not really go through life and death for Colin.

"I'm just saying you 'could' lose...and what might happen, will happen," Giovanni said:
"I just want to live longer."

After all, taking Capello's continuation as a belief is just to give myself a reason to live.

"Did you have the same attitude when you were working for Aresio before?"

Colin took off the white gloves that covered his fingerprints and put them in his coat pocket.They walked down the stone steps together.In order to leave the scene as soon as possible, the pace was a little hasty.

"Arecio? No, you are completely different." Giovanni said:
"I think you are more dangerous now than Aresio after you betrayed your creed."

Arecio will wait patiently for more than half a month before making a move.In the same time, Colin had killed six wizards.

Colin's lust is stronger than Arecio's, wanton, and anxious.

He is more desperate than Arecio.

Colin did not respond to Giovanni's comments. Of course he knew that he was walking on a tightrope every moment.

"But you can't be lucky forever," Giovanni said.

In the sorcery duel, there are too many uncertain factors, and even Aresio sometimes misses.

"My reconnaissance can also be wrong. It is a common practice to deliberately camouflage voyeurs." He said:
"Maybe the milkman was instigated by someone, and the target was just pretending to enter the virtual world two days ago."

"Or there is no conspiracy in it, it's just because of a little accident that he didn't choose to enter the imaginary world at this time today."

Either way, Colin may face an extremely dangerous duel today.The first type of wizards who specialize in exploring the virtual world are undoubtedly the natural enemies of the Shuttle Demon.

"You can't be lucky forever. Sooner or later you will be forced to fight this kind of opponent head-on. At that time, how sure are you of winning?"

Giovanni did not want to bet his life on such a madman.

"I'm never quite sure," said Colin.

"You are right, so I have never forced you to keep up with me."

Uncertainty always brings great fear.

But after getting used to this kind of fear gradually, Colin began to realize that instead of saying that he was forced to face it, it was better to say that he was enjoying them.

The two reached the end of the quiet stone steps.There is a road ahead, and across the road is a square, where carriages and cars are jammed together, bells and horns are ringing.

The narrow field of vision suddenly becomes extremely wide, as if returning to the noisy and ever-changing noisy world.

Colin looked at this chaotic scene, and as each level progressed, he began to realize that it was impossible to control everything perfectly in his hands.And the mentality you should have is precisely to embrace the unknown.

"I've done everything I can to the extreme."

He opened his arms and turned to Giovanni who had just come down the stairs and said:

"As for the remaining uncertainties, isn't it your favorite 'stimulus'?"


In the end, Elena's weekend was cancelled.

Because the development of the bootlegging organization in Stade far exceeded Linus' expectations.

"Take up three kids delivering newspapers on the street and there's one working for them."

Of course, these people know almost nothing, they just go to underground bars to pick up goods every day, and their knowledge of bootlegging organizations is no different from ordinary regular customers.

Linus put the whiskey he bought into his bag, walked to the side of the road, and wrote something in the notepad in his hand.

The addresses of two speakeasies, and the shadow behind them: the Stade Institute.

It doesn't sound like an underground gang at all, but a legitimate formal organization.

"Did you catch a cold today?"

After putting away the notepad, Linus suddenly asked, as if he saw Elena's face wearing a cotton mask just now.

"Cough, cough." Elena coughed twice, of course, it was fake:

"It's a bit uncomfortable, but it's not that serious."

Fingers twirling the curls on her shoulders, she said.

On the second day after becoming Ji Lian's sample, Elena showed no symptoms.

"I can only say... pay attention to rest."

Although Linus said this verbally, he also knew that it was impossible for them to squeeze out free time now.

There are only four people in Linus' team besides him and Elena.These days they have traveled all over Stade, and some people are contacting various overseas wineries by telegram, tentatively asking if there are any big sellers recently.

Stade, a gateway-like city, is rapidly eroding. The only good news is that there is no sign of large-scale importation of bootleg alcohol into the hinterland of the alliance.

However, based on the current situation of the flood of bootleg alcohol in Stade, Lynas quickly realized that this route was enough for bootleggers to transport a large amount of storage in a short period of time. Now it may be too late to just cut off the smuggling route.

They had to seize the bootleggers' warehouses while cutting off the shipping routes.

"Now there are two more suspected addresses."

After writing down the result, Linus flipped the notepad in his hand forward and compared it with the previous record:
"And none of them are the same as before."

How many speakeasies are hidden in the old city.


Thinking back to the dense marks and arrows on the work map, Elena couldn't help but feel powerless.Faced with an underground transaction of this scale, the six of them alone can only run around exhausted.

"While everyone is willing to give their time, it's clear that just a few of us won't be enough."

The whole morning's work has made little progress, Elena said wearily.

For the past few days, Linus has been keeping an eye on the liquor trucks that showed up at the bar, but he couldn't figure out where they came from, and they were returned to several different car rental companies after unloading.

So they tried to get clues from other peripheral personnel, but they didn't get any definite information.Lynas currently has nearly [-] locations of suspected warehouses, but it will take a lot of time to investigate further, whether it is by manpower or precise forecasting.

And while they're on the move, bootleggers can move their goods at any time.

"Why not let other commissioners do it?"

Elena asked with some doubts.She knew that those who only received temporary training were not reliable, but there was no problem in letting them participate in some repetitive and low-level work.

Because the previous investigation was only a small number of smuggling routes, she agreed with the six-member team to act alone.But now that manpower is obviously in short supply, Linus has always refused to use the manpower of the Prohibition Bureau, which inevitably makes people puzzled.

Linus has always avoided talking about this matter, which made Elena even more curious.

There have been some private discussions within the team, and Elena couldn't help but raise the question face to face. Linus knew that he couldn't hide it any longer. After being silent for a while, he calmly expressed his guess:

"Those commissioners are all natives of the Principality, and among them, they must be loyal to Danaro."

"Grand Duke Edmund?" Elena thought for a while:
"But even if there are the Grand Duke's henchmen in the Prohibition Bureau, we don't need to deliberately avoid it."

In Elena's understanding, Linus is definitely not someone who will deliberately slow down the progress of official affairs for the sake of power struggle between factions.

But then, Linus expressed his doubts further:
"In less than half a month, this 'Stade Organization' that popped up suddenly took over the entire old city, and people from all walks of life in the Principality seemed to turn a blind eye to them."

Hearing this, Elena's back was already chilling quietly.After a short pause, Linus said softly:

"You said behind this, could it be that person who nodded?"

(End of this chapter)

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