old dream

Chapter 169 A Gift for the Grand Duke

Chapter 169 A Gift for the Grand Duke

Taking the celestial scale system as a reference, after crossing the Chi Erxing sky, it enters the equator of the female moon.

If it is said that arriving from the earth to Ziyue means opening the first curtain, then from Chierxing to Ziyue means opening the second curtain.

This important node corresponds to most of the known paths to ascension.

Lifting the second curtain means dissolving the boundaries of the self.

As consciousness continued to expand and spread, the remains of the heart shell further cracked.As a result, the boundaries between inner and outer are becoming thinner and thinner.

From this point on, some rituals can take effect within the heart, no longer relying on external positions.

At the same time that countless spiritual connections are established, the small self is also embedded in a larger cycle, so "I" is no longer an individual with stable boundaries, but a series of incomplete chimeras, or , a set of gears in the world.

Some people say that this is the prototype of the gods.This is the node that all walkers must pass through before the road to awaken the inner god appears.

And if the first curtain draws a gap between ordinary people and extraordinary people.

Then the walker who has reached above the female moon sky is the extraordinary of the extraordinary.


His body fell to the ground hard, and Colin coughed violently, panting desperately.As the oxygen supply to the brain resumed, the originally blurred vision slowly solidified.

The wailing that was completely unlike a human voice poured into my ears without any hindrance
Colin was stunned to find that the man who attacked him was curled up on the ground in a strange way, and the semi-spiritual essence overflowing from his consciousness had become chaotic and violent, constantly gnawing at his original master.

For a person who draws strength from the inner god, the released spiritual element is like a fuse, connecting his fragile deep heart.

Ke Lin is no stranger to this situation, and it should be similar to the "mass solution technique".

But compared to the "mass solution" ceremony that requires complicated preparations in advance, Goldie used it so lightly...

Either, she has been setting up positions against the Stade Eagle, or she is a walker on the female moon.

Therefore, she can adjust the ceremony at any time according to the characteristics of the other party's spiritual element.

And I couldn't detect any traces of spiritual essence on her body, so the latter was more likely.

"Da da."

With the sound of the heels of women's shoes hitting the stone pavement twice, Goldie lowered her hat with one hand, and stood lightly on the ground.

The exaggeratedly decorated skirt was raised, briefly revealing the white petticoat.

As if she didn't hear the terrifying scream of "Old City Eagle", Goldie walked leisurely in front of Colin. The crisp sound of her heels made one imagine her swaying footsteps, without any concealment.

She bent down playfully, looked at Colin's body for a while, and then reached out her hand to the burn mask on his face.

Colin didn't have any room to retreat, he could only close his eyes.

But after Goldie's hand touched the mask, she hesitated for a moment, instead of taking off the mask, she tapped the surface of the mask with her knuckles.

"Well, forget it." She said:
"I don't want to see someone who is more frivolous than me, with a monster-like face."

After all, that was the burn mask used by the disfigured.

Will have nightmares.


Goldie, the ostensible agent.It was a coincidence that she appeared here, and it was not a coincidence.

Although Ke Lin never thought that this Goldie who had met him before and appeared in a grand manner was X who was behind the scenes.

She did not lift her mask, but she actually expressed some kind of goodwill.

Two days ago, when Colin handed them Linus's information, he also attached another request:
Dispose of the last agent.

"That's superfluous," Goldie said:

"After getting Linus' information, even if you don't mention it, we are starting to abolish the northern organization."

The branch has long been preparing to wipe out the old city eagle.

"Actually not long ago, no one expected you to destroy Linus. It was just that I was so angry that I capriciously added a condition."

Destroy Linus, or you will be the one to be destroyed.

Recalling that humiliating night, Gotti's eyes seemed to be foggy again.

As a result, the lieutenant really provided the bureau with a rare outcome, an opportunity that no one expected.

Stable profits, and Linus' life.These two points alone are enough for this man to win an overwhelming victory.

Colin stood up from the ground with difficulty. He glanced at the car that was almost scrapped, and Giovanni who decisively started to pack things:
"If this bullshit contest is over," he said to Goldie:
"Then you can also inform me of this official collaborator, who are you guys?"

"You should have already guessed in your heart?" Goldie said:

"It's no good knowing more."

"Tell me what I should know."

"I'm the secret detective of the sub-bureau." She said casually with a smile:
"It will also be the person who will connect with you in the future."

"Half of the underground wizards behind the northern organization, like me, are detectives or informants from the Ninth Precinct."

Long before Prohibition, these secret detectives had been lurking among underground wizards, monitoring the movements of illegal transcendents.

In this wave of huge profits, they chose to join forces and secretly supported several bootlegging forces.

"You know, Transcendents need money a lot." Goldie said with her head tilted.

This is true whether it is official or underground.

Therefore, relying on the Principality authorities alone cannot feed so many people.

The sub-bureau will choose to cooperate with underground wizards, and it is definitely not because of their strength.It's because these people have long been suspected of witchcraft, which will be the best handle in the hands of the branch.

Anyone who is out of control can be executed at any time.

"Who is supporting you?" Colin asked:
"The mayor of Stade? Or, Archduke Edmund?"


Goldie has already opened the intact rear door, and while retreating in, he put his index finger to his lips in a serious manner:

"Talking about this on the street during the day... isn't it good?"

Then she sat herself in the back of the car, looking like she wanted Colin to give her a ride.

Colin opened the completely deformed front door. It couldn't close at all, so he had to leave it open.And Giovanni obviously didn't want to get into trouble. He packed his guns a few minutes ago and left on his own.

Seeing Colin groping to start the redstone engine, Goldie said slowly:

"Those politicians have never been the same as us."

"So far, the Grand Duke has not joined the bootlegging trade. It's just a small group of people in the Ninth Precinct making their own claims."

"But it will be different in the future." Goldie said, "Because we will present Linus to him."

"This is the best gift enough for him to recognize us."


Linus is not yet naive enough to think that the address he obtained is not in danger.

Even if you don't consider that the prediction method may be countered, it is also the enemy's key point.

There were constant speculations in his mind as to who might be behind the Stade Institute.Regardless of whether the Grand Duke was involved or not, since underground wizards are gathering in large numbers, it must have something to do with the Ninth Branch.

Considering the branch's involvement, even small, does not rule out the possibility that this address is a trap.

In order to actually negotiate with "Lieutenant Heinrich", he is still preparing to go to the location of the secret warehouse.

In order to gain leverage for dialogue.

This was not for vengeance, but to fulfill a higher principle.

to do the right thing.

Before Ke Lin and Ji Lian arrived, he had agreed with Elena to go to that address to investigate in the early morning of the next day.

But as soon as Elena fell asleep, he left the house just after midnight.

After locking the door, Linus looked at the moonlight and the empty street, thinking silently:
"Hopefully he's not just a puppet of the Ninth."

(End of this chapter)

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