old dream

Chapter 172 Commissioner Alcoholism Case

Chapter 172 Commissioner Alcoholism Case

"You said Linus is alone...?" Colin asked suddenly.

"That's right, Elena didn't show up last night."

Perhaps feeling that the space is narrow, Goldie leaned her body and sat sideways, and the truth and falsehood in her words were unpredictable:
"Are you afraid that maybe she will find out all about you?"

Colin was silent, he began to worry about Elena.But it was unclear whether it was the fear that she had died or that she had survived.

"Four hours ago, our people went to check Linus's address and work place." Goldie continued:
"But the place was empty, and several commissioners, including his students, all ran away early."

"Next step, what do you want us to do? Should we continue to chase after them, or leave them alive?"

Colin continued to stare ahead:

"If I plan to let her go, you will stop?"

"Hey...not at all."

After all, it involved murders against members of the Order.Compared to Colin, the Ninth Precinct cannot allow Elena to survive.

"How? It feels like we are doing evil for you."

Goldie shook her calf in uncontrollable joy. This woman only threw this moral choice in front of Colin out of bad humor:

"Not bad."


Ke Lin didn't know what the Ninth Branch got from Linus.

Arecio can make the dead talk, there's no reason the Ninth can't.So a few days ago, at the moment Linus' fate was handed over to Goldie, Colin was ready to be mastered of the underwater transportation route.

But judging from the results, they should have failed.

Therefore, Goldie, the negotiator chosen by the sub-bureau, also maintained more patience with himself, and did not directly choose to evade and seize power.

But this is just a temporary restraint, not a complete abandonment:

"Some people above feel that you may need more assistance," she said:
"Because many people have begun to notice the potential of this business, especially the Sindhi people in the south. To be honest, your strengths are still far apart, so the people in the branch are actually more worried..."

"I can handle it myself," Colin refused coldly.

"You mean, don't need our 'help'?"


"Hopefully it's the right choice."

Colin has a neurotic defensiveness that has saved him countless times.

For today's Stade Institute, the "Lieutenant" is irreplaceable.Moreover, this empty personality has become more and more concrete under his own interpretation.

Unless everything is destroyed and rebuilt, the sub-bureau cannot surround itself.

"I know you guys have been trying to stalk me," Colin said.

Because the detection network in charge of Giovanni not only captured the traces of a group of people:
"But since you haven't succeeded so far, don't think that you might succeed in the future." He said:
"If one day I discover something..."

Goldie still had a smile on his face, but felt a little subtle in his heart.This man, who is not as good as Chixing, exists like a bug, but he not only humiliates and humiliates his superior self, but even goes crazy enough to compete with the entire branch.

How could there be such a person.

Goldie quietly tightened her legs under the skirt, moved aside, rubbing, she was puzzled by the momentary tremor:


Goldie casually brought up the topic and said:

"Leaving aside the future, maybe now, we should finalize how Linus will die."


The top commissioner of the Prohibition Bureau, Linus, went so far as to guard himself and steal, and finally died of a heart attack caused by excessive drinking.

This was the result of a private discussion by the Ninth Branch Bureau, and it appeared on the front pages of the newspapers the next day, becoming a new fact.

The police detectives found a large number of empty wine bottles in his mansion. After comparison, it was confirmed that Linus's lip prints, fingerprints and saliva were indeed left on the mouth and body of the bottle. This cannot be forged by anyone.

The "Commissioner's Alcoholism Case" at the end of October will probably be the most shocking scandal of the year in Stade.

A department formed under the leadership of the religious order went to ruin within a month.

The Stade Police Department refused to hand over the body to them on the grounds of preventing the religious order from destroying evidence.And launched an investigation and purge of the current Prohibition Commissioners.

The result was even beyond the branch's own expectations, because it found out that many commissioners had accepted bribes.It's just that compared to the wronged Linus, these people are actually blackmailing those newspaper boys and prostitutes.

Several assistants of Linus have not dared to face the doubts of the public so far, and their whereabouts are still unknown.

The turmoil in the newspapers passed quickly, but the impact of this incident was only just beginning.

Linus' death sent a powerful message to Stade and the Duchy as a whole that the implementation of Prohibition was impractical and inevitable failure.

For the foreseeable time, the ban has become useless, and many powerful people have come to their senses.But when they hurriedly wanted to join this profiteering industry, they found that there was already a terrifying behemoth that had already occupied everything in the old city.

Stade Agency.

And behind this "Death of the Commissioner", the shadow of the Ninth Precinct.

After the news was released, Ke Lin and the Ninth Branch further completed the benefit distribution plan.As a result, there was almost no change, and the conditions were even more generous for Ke Lin: both parties took 50.00%.

During the period, no one mentioned the underwater transportation route, which gave Colin a lot of advantages in the conversation.He secretly guessed that perhaps Linus somehow kept this secret.

Even if there will be a lot of private brewing in the future, this transportation route still has far-reaching significance.Ordinary citizens may accept private brews from small workshops, but for the upper class who are increasingly curious about alcohol, I am afraid that only the original wines from large overseas wineries can satisfy them.

As if ironically, this ban has become an excellent marketing.It failed to reduce the dependence of the lower classes on alcohol, but increased the curiosity of the middle and upper class towards alcohol.

After lifting the restrictions of the Prohibition Bureau, Colin accelerated the process of the plan again.

There are more than 40 days left in the time, and after deducting the share of the ninth game and the cost of maintaining the organization's operation, it is not enough to come up with [-] Ori in cash before the end of November.

Besides, it takes time to buy redstone.

So during the storm over the commissioner's alcoholism case, Colin set out to expand further.He began to buy some printing houses and two glassware factories in the name of his veterans.

And the four big car rental companies in the old city, which have long been an important tool for secret transportation and legalization of profits, were quietly taken down a few weeks ago.

These industries were even profitable at the same time, rapidly filling the strength of the Stade Institute.

Everything is on track.

However, this short period of development due to the cover of Julio Capello and the existence of the Prohibition Bureau is also coming to an end.

Whether it is the bootleg liquor market with its wide-open doors or the exaggerated size of the Stade Institute, it is doomed that Colin cannot continue to sneak away.

Presumably, all kinds of rumors about the lieutenant have already made the five-handed patriarchs sleepless.

A more direct confrontation between the Old Town and South Stade is on the horizon.

(End of this chapter)

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