old dream

Chapter 178

Chapter 178
What would happen if the lieutenant died suddenly at this time?
Will the military's anger stop and disappear?No, on the contrary they will be further stimulated.At that time, it will only be the bootlegging business in the old city that will collapse.And if some people lose their livelihood again because of this, they are more likely to join the riots.

"Do you know them?" Colin asked, "The so-called 'Ankh Supremacists'?"

"Except for war technology, the Anhe people have not created any culture, but they often have an inexplicable sense of superiority." Marizio's tone was slightly disdainful:
"They just took great ideas from other places and piled them together."

"But the upper echelons of the alliance are not clamoring for the elimination of other races. Their ancestors came from various ancient kingdoms, and some nobles even gave preferential treatment to immigrants from their homeland in memory of them."

"But the most important reason is that they themselves are the biggest beneficiaries of this pattern."

Just as a slave owner treats his slaves kindly.The top leaders of the alliance also cherish these cheap raw material producers and humble consumers very much.

“In Stade, it is often the lower classes who are most eager to deport immigrants. Especially unemployed workers and soldiers, and the more depressed the economic environment is, the stronger these groups will become.”

"For example, the Ball Brotherhood, and the Skull and Blood Society..."

Marizio names several organizations that Colin has never heard of:
"This is a group of people with a deeper fringe than gangs. At first these associations were like mutual aid societies, and later they began to operate for some shady purposes."

Colin frowned. It sounded like some terrorist organization in his previous life, such as the most famous Ku Klux Klan.

Compared with gangs that operate purely for profit, their goals and demands are clear, so they will be more powerful and dangerous.

“These associations extended their tentacles into Nanstadt very early and developed very quickly, because the residents here are more squeezed by immigrants.” Marizio said:

"The five hands don't have much power outside the Sindhili area, so the clues I can get now are their activities within the range of South Stadt."

"And according to the information I have now, 'Wind Demon Rider' Horst... is the Nale soldier who died in your hands a month ago..."

The big boss cleared his hoarse throat and continued:

"As expected, he's from the 'Bohr Brotherhood.'"

Ke Lin was stunned, and found that many doubts in the past were suddenly solved.

It is precisely because Horst is a member of such a fanatical organization that he carefully compiled the funding list...Because in addition to helping veterans, he was originally developing offline with a purpose.

Therefore, there are so many inflammatory words in the letters written by the "Lieutenant".

"If the news is correct," Marizio said:

"The two identities of 'Horst' and 'Heinrich' must have been forged."


Colin didn't answer, but the fact has been confirmed by Marizio.

Those two names were indeed fake, and even their entry permits were forged by Benedict.

Colin had checked the lumberyard mentioned in the letter by 'Horst'. As a result, the workers there were all nearby villagers, and they did not accept the soldiers who came back from Nale.

Ke Lin squeezed the palm of his hand quietly, and found that the palm was cold, wet and greasy, covered with sweat.There is no electricity in the chapel, and white candles are still used.The smell of volatilized animal fat is very strong, and the candlelight is dim yellow and dim.

"So." Colin said: "...the symbol 'Lieutenant' was designed by the Brotherhood from the beginning."

Everything in that large stack of letters was fictional, and Colin thought it was just "Horst" trying to cover up his extraordinary identity.But unexpectedly, it was also to cover up the "Boer Brotherhood" behind it.

And, fabricate a very provocative story to the world.

In this way, it is not a coincidence that the identity of lieutenant can so easily mobilize veterans.

It is the result of some people's painstaking efforts.

But he inserted it halfway and snatched their fruits in advance.

Although the Brotherhood has not been able to contact and track him for the time being, there is no doubt that they have been staring at the "Lieutenant".

The bottom of the organization was infiltrated by the Brotherhood long before the Stade Institute even existed.Just as Ji Lian had warned: the magic box has been opened, but the lieutenant has not responded for a long time.

Some people finally couldn't help themselves.

"Why tell me this?" said Colin:

"It is impossible for me to use the power of the Stade institution to protect the Sincilians in the old city."

Just as Marizio is killing himself by stopping the Five Hands from selling wine.Even in his position, Ke Lin could not disobey the wishes of the entire organization.

"Or, do you want me to deal with the so-called Brotherhood?" Colin said, "But even if you don't tell me this information, I will be hostile to them sooner or later."

"Because I think that the current 'Lieutenant' must not die." Marizio said:

"Now he still has at least one face of Sincily."

If the lieutenant dies, the Ball Brotherhood can find a new "lieutenant."

Even, the dead "Lieutenant" will be more beneficial to some people.After all, the dead will not say unnecessary words, nor will they ask for more power, which makes it easier to exaggerate the story.

"People who don't need you are fighting the Brotherhood directly," Marizio said:

"What I need is your intelligence network, because we will be blind if we leave the Sindhili district."

Although the Caruso family is powerful, it relies on countless Sincili civilians for its existence.

"As long as you point out the target for me, then the killing operation can be handled by all five hands."

Borrowing the power of the five hands to eradicate your own hidden dangers is indeed a very cost-effective deal.

"But the fire is built," said Colin:

"You say the lieutenant is a ghost, so why not the Brotherhood? If we eradicate them now, will it stop the people who are already rioting?"

"So we need more support," Marizio said:

"I myself will go to the mayor's mansion in Stade to lobby, and the Danaro Council to lobby. But I alone is not enough, you must also mobilize all the resources at hand."

"I've seen the alcoholism case, and you've already connected with the Ninth Precinct. So I beg you, please, use bootleg alcohol as a bargaining chip to get their support!"

Even, the Grand Duke behind the branch office.

Marizio has always spoken in a teaching tone, but now, he uses honorifics.

"Your uncle, Craigie Dallozzo, is also an influential person in front of the Grand Duke." He said: "After all, the Grand Duke Edmund personally awarded him the honor, and asked him to say something to the Grand Duke. What, even to win sympathy."

"Use all resources immediately, we still have a chance now." Marizio said:

"Sincilians are not protected at all in Stade, so those mobs dare to act recklessly. But as long as a thousand or even hundreds of regular troops can be mobilized into the city, this riot cannot completely break out."

"If this matter can be successful." Marizio's hoarse voice returned in the auditorium, and he looked at Colin on the row of chairs:

"I would like to hand over the entire bootlegging market in Southstadt to you as a gift."

(End of this chapter)

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