old dream

Chapter 198 The Road of Hearts

Chapter 198 The Road of Hearts
The floor had long been scorched by boiling blasphemy, revealing the tamped man-made fill.

But the moment the silver statue took its first step, the originally solid foundation sank and deformed like mud, leaving a deep footprint.

Strength and speed have always been one.

The violent wind pressure hit from the front, and the strong wind brought by the silver statue made the sawdust and dust swirl at high speed. The moment before it got close, several blood lines were cut out of Colin's face out of thin air.

This is a blow that is as fast as a bullet, and it is almost impossible to avoid it.But Ke Lin's eyes did not change, it was still empty.The trade-offs and trade-offs are completed in an instant, and the moment the opponent takes the first step, the prediction has been completed in the mind.

Under the supercharged spirit element, the Shuttle Demon immediately pushed Colin's body to the right, but even so, Colin's left arm was still affected.The vajra technique touched the boiling blasphemous fire on the surface of the silver statue, and it only lasted for a moment before bursting like a bubble.

But under this brief buffer, Colin's left arm was only dislocated, instead of turning into a pulp.

The left arm was twisted aside at a weird angle, and Colin's right hand activated the trigger on the dagger handle at the same time, and the second vajra technique took effect immediately.The Shuttle Demon appeared behind him again, ready to charge towards Boer's body.


Looking at Colin's empty eyes at this time, Boer began to capture the strange feeling back then.

On the Metell Mountain Road, the snow covered the mountains reflected the brilliance of the female moon, and he and his companions carried out a one-sided massacre like a broken bamboo.Then, inexplicably, the rugged battlefield fell silent, as if hundreds of men and hundreds of guns had been silenced.Then, he looked up and saw that short figure appearing on a spire.

Pol didn't want to admit it was just a kid.

After dawn, he and several companions crawled out of the rock gap in despair, not knowing how they survived.

He tossed and turned at night for the next three years, constantly regurgitating what happened that night in amazement.Not because of the brush with death, but because the dwarf felt very strange.Later, he began to feel for no reason:
That dwarf looked a lot like the Night Folk.

Although it's obviously not from the face, even the black hair, the only thing they have in common, is curly.

Maybe it was the illusion that after recalling too many times, I gradually blurred the initial impression and subconsciously connected the two most ominous things in my heart.

Now Bohr felt that maybe it was just that memories made the other party too horrible.

What's more, I am already different from then.

"If I were you, I would do everything possible to get out of here."

Pohl looked at Colin, trying to get rid of the old demons through ridicule:

"Instead of making meaningless entanglements with people who are stronger than yourself."

The silver statue that launched the attack was now separated from him by a certain distance, but Bohr didn't take the time to recall it, but directly cut off the "umbilical cord" connected to it, allowing it to collapse into a puddle of sewage.

Because at this time, another body of steel and silver had already condensed and formed beside Boer.

What Bohr said to Colin just now was not all out of provocation, but also the best solution in his cognition.

From Colin's point of view, even if he desperately kills himself now, he can't stop the riots that have erupted.On the contrary, if Colin immediately withdraws to clarify the rumors as a lieutenant, then maybe there is still a chance.

What's more, the people from the ninth game have probably already rushed here.

Since the cooperation was confirmed, Ball took the initiative to show a very frank attitude, allowing the ninth game to control his position at any time.

Because he understands that the strictest control equals the most comprehensive protection.

And like Ke Lin, who only knows how to attack, it will only make things easier for him.

Is it so stupid that you can't figure out the crux of the problem?

Bohr recalled the opponent's series of actions since the duel.

Or, do you have other plans?

Colin's eyes were still blank, completely ignoring Ball's words.After continuous supercharging of the spirit element, the density of the spirit element in the crystal map has once again risen to the level of the female moon.

Lingsu exploded.

Amidst the loud bang, the forward speed suddenly increased, and Colin once again attacked Boer, who was injured in the chest.

At the same time, the condensed silver statue had already stood in front of Boer.The old man squandered the abilities of high-level devils wantonly, preparing to let the miasma-like flames linger again.

But at this moment, a tingling pain suddenly came from the depths of Boer's consciousness, making his intentions stop slightly,
It was at this moment of stagnation that Colin's dagger pierced through the bare silver oak.Under the huge impact, the vajra technique blessed by the high-density spiritual element broke again, but before that, the twisted dagger had twisted its head.

Another silver statue was destroyed and turned into foul-smelling sewage.

But in this way, what is the point of exchanging injuries for injuries, but only attacking the enemy's consumables?

Almost like an instinctive movement, Bohr immediately condensed a new silver statue, but he found that it was already a lot of effort.

The operation of the hearth is becoming sluggish, because the supply of spiritual essence from the sanctuary is obviously weakening.

And because of the severe physical trauma, he could no longer close the connection with the sanctuary.

And the hearth in his body began to ask for power from the sanctuary more greedily.

Bohr suddenly thought of something, and his pupils shrank slightly.

After examining the current situation, he suddenly realized that the Lantern Girl's invasion of the sanctuary was not just to suppress himself.


Hilpert wandered through the sanctuary, wondering what the situation in South Stadt was like.

The people under Marizio should be confronting the rioters.

The five-handed family holds light machine guns, which can barely constitute a deterrent.But until the last moment, it is impossible for them to use it towards dense civilians, otherwise, it will lead to a more terrifying counterattack.

And at the same time, some of the rioters were armed, and there were even a dozen to dozens of extraordinary people mixed in.

Coupled with the means of the extraordinary, the situation is completely one-sided.

With the responsibilities of the lamp girl and the lamp keepers, at least the five hands should be ensured to be safe at the extraordinary level.

But under the current circumstances, how to pull those dozens of extraordinary people out of the chaotic crowd?

What Colin and Hilpert had in mind: take advantage of the sanctuary's connection.

But if you just enter the Sanctuary, it is not enough to pose a threat to the Connector, because the Sanctuary is more similar to a public place in many cases.

There are often many members connected to the sanctuary, and it is not possible to ensure that everyone is reliable.So there is also mutual vigilance among members, in case all are attacked by individual lurkers, or trespassers.

A slightly more mature sanctuary will also set up a large number of protection mechanisms.When there is a problem with the sanctuary, the most serious consequence is to blow off the connection with the sanctuary, and what is lost is only remote support, and it is far from fatal.

So when the sanctuary was invaded by the Lantern Girl, Pol didn't act too nervous.

But the sanctuary built by the Brotherhood is obviously problematic.

In other words, this is also a common problem of most secret organizations.

The "sanctuary" relies on contracts or oaths to regulate the relationship between members.

In order to maintain secrecy, secret organizations must ensure a high degree of control over each member.Therefore, their sanctuary oath often gives the leader too much power.

Members need to swear an oath to the leader of the organization, promising to cover up secrets, surrender, and inevitably after surrender, allow the other party to "occupy power".

If it is to protect the sanctuary, the leader can cut off the connection of a member at any time; but when he forcibly invokes the spirit element on someone, the subject will not be able to disconnect from the sanctuary.

It may seem mild to just say "invoke Lingsu".Because in a very common situation... the one who is called is the abundance of life of the other party.

This way of using other people's lives as the source of spiritual energy is rarely mentioned in public because of the huge potential harm.

But it has been an important ascension path since ancient times, and it is called "the path of hearts".

Hilpert looked up, and in the Sanctuary of the Brotherhood, hundreds of life-rich connections were shining brightly.

Bo Er has no bottom line than expected, because most of the hundreds of connections are from ordinary people.

I am afraid that some veterans made the oath in a ignorant manner without any concept of extraordinary things.

The abundance of life of these members can be invoked without limit if Bohr needs it.

Their connection to the sanctuary will not be broken until death.

(End of this chapter)

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