old dream

Chapter 265 Don't Check Motivation

Chapter 265 Don't Check Motivation

Suddenly, it all came back to that question.

If you act only for survival, then your current self has violated the principle of motivation check.

So is Boyd Elvis controlling me again?

Colin woke up with difficulty, the strong sunlight reflected on the snow made him squint his eyes.

He found himself thrown in the back of a truck. The owner had just opened the door when the environment suddenly changed from dark to bright, making it difficult for his eyes to adapt.

Two hours ago, when Ke Lin raised his hands and walked out of the building, the people in the ninth round probably didn't know how to deal with this situation, but now that the tracking has been exposed, they can only choose to knock the target unconscious and take him away.

Colin's hands were handcuffed behind his back.It is estimated that the whole body has been searched to ensure that there is no hidden trigger.The car was specially modified, and there was a large-scale FM ceremony inside, so the background sound within a range of more than ten meters had already been rewritten.With such a careful response, any wizard under the female moon will be incapacitated.Whether he is an elf envoy or a practitioner of celestial magic.

The techniques of these personnel are professional and skilled, and they probably have a fixed process for dealing with wizards.No matter how you think about it, it is too reckless to take the initiative to send it to them like yourself.

Colin was pushed and pushed off the truck by several people, surrounded by deserted mountains.At this moment, he knew that he had made the right bet. The stalking was not an order from the ninth game, but a more personal behavior.At least, it cannot be put on the bright side.So a few extraordinary people would not bring him into the base camp of the ninth game, but had to find a sufficiently secluded place to "solve the problem" in private.

"Honestly, we don't want that either."

The person who seemed to be in charge said to Colin:
"The reservation is to contact you in a gentler way."

He's a middle-aged man with a dangerous hairline under the brim.The other two dug holes with shovels.They have already dug to a depth of two meters, but they are still digging, because it is easy to be dug out by wild dogs if it is buried shallowly.

I don't know when it started snowing, and it was all white as far as I could see.

"Do you like it here?"

Seeing Colin looking around, the man asked.

"not bad."

"You can choose again, after all, you will be left here alone later."

"I'm curious, what's wrong with me and you guys." Colin withdrew his gaze.

The man lit a cigarette with a flint lighter and said:

"You are too sensitive, you shouldn't have discovered that we also came out of the ninth inning. You and I should have known each other in another identity two days later, foreign organizations or something. Now that you know who we are, there is no need to cooperate. It's possible."

"Even if I plan to surrender, will I obediently hand over my coordinates to you?" Colin said.

"But you know, they will also record the coordinates of the members." The man said with a puff of smoke, "I have carefully thought about many possibilities, and found that if everyone holds the same thing as a threat, there is no guarantee that you will Which side to choose. So there is really no way.”

"They" refers, of course, to the Amir's Investigation Department.It is estimated to be an inexplicable struggle within the principality.

"It seems that you don't like to kill casually." Colin said, "This is very similar to me."

"Thank you." The middle-aged man said:
"But I won't let you go just because of this."

But you survived because of it.Colin thought.

"You must have read the files. I have just arrived in this city, so I need to obtain information from the authorities." Colin said:

"Because I lost my former informant, I'm always in the cloud now, and I don't know what's going on like an idiot."


"So I need to add a pair of eyes and ears in the ninth game. But three people are too many, and in the end I may just let you die."

The other two had almost finished digging the hole, and climbed up the smooth walls.Just heard what Colin said.The middle-aged man in charge turned his head and looked at them, because the trapped beast's reaction was so funny, the three of them laughed uncontrollably.

"It seems that you really don't understand the situation." The middle-aged man smiled and approached Colin, reaching for the gun at his waist.

Seeing them so happy, Colin also laughed.

Perhaps it was under the influence of Boyd Ives that I risked myself in this predicament.

But at this moment, I also really feel excited and excited.

It all comes back to that question.

Did all my motivations really come from Boyd Ives?
If he didn't exist from the beginning to the end in 621, what choice would he make?

Is it to accept the facts calmly and live a mediocre life as Lenz expected?
Or that masked lieutenant, who was actually destined to appear in some form?

With a strong sense of purpose and utilitarianism, I can always hear my other self screaming silently under the water, but I never pay attention to it.

So only when wearing a burn mask, with the help of the sense of security behind that false identity, can a certain nature be quietly released.

The careful "motivation check" is too stupid. If you can't even believe in your own heart, what is the difference from death?Mechanical reason and logic can indeed prevent people from being controlled by evil gods, but at the same time it can also cover up their true self. "The Lieutenant" is by no means a monster born of Bond Elvis' coercion, on the contrary, that is my nature.This cannot be proved, but it never needs to be proved.

During the conversation, Shihuo had already silently emerged, lingering quietly around the four people present.But because the background sound is blocked, no one here can perceive it, nor can it exert any influence on reality.However, the spiritual connection always exists.

The ciliary muscles in Colin's pupils began to contract, and he was already connected to Comb Fire's field of vision, thus seeing another layer of material reality behind him. Those that were originally coherent began to become incoherent, and those that were originally disconnected were connected one after another. together.So at this moment, even he himself couldn't help becoming confused.

Why are human beings bound by things like handcuffs full of breaks.

The handcuffs fell to the ground intact.Colin couldn't imagine what happened just now under normal vision, but all he did was pull his hand from the obvious gap.In order to prevent mental shock, Kushihura's vision was only opened for a moment before being cut off.Colin had already pulled back and grabbed the gun in the principal's hand.

If they used ritual magic, there was now no chance of pulling a physical trigger.

If they are elves, then they themselves are already under the shielding range of the ceremony.

So one pistol is enough.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Two crisp gunshots were almost connected together, and the two diggers fell back into the grave they dug.Ke Lin suddenly lost interest, because compared to those battles in Stade, the ranks of these opponents are really too low.

While holding the middle-aged man's wrist, he forcibly twisted the muzzle of the gun and pressed it against the other's temple.The person in charge previously thought about how to deal with Colin, but reminded him of one thing:

"Then what about you, you haven't been included in the coordinates by anyone."

Colin asked gently.

If there is, I can only kill the killer.

The middle-aged man shook his head in horror.

"That's all right," he said.
"Give me your name and coordinates."

(End of this chapter)

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