old dream

Chapter 270 To get together as scheduled

Chapter 270 To get together as scheduled

But it was too late.

Immediately afterwards, Nancy told Colin the bad news: at present they can no longer get in touch with Ji Lian.Because of the existence of her and the universal question answering machine, it has naturally been listed as the top secret of the Underworld organization.

Nancy was the one who discovered Ji Lian, but now she has lost the authority to obtain relevant information.It's not necessarily because the level is not enough, but because the fewer people who know about the whole thing, the better.

"But there are still a few facts that can be ascertained." Nancy said confidently:
"She will definitely go to Baidu in the near future. Because the ceremony must use that copper and aluminum tower."

She walked to the full-length mirror and put on two long black sheepskin gloves.Then he gathered his straight black hair under the hood.

"Also, don't worry about her illness anymore."

Since he is so careful, it means that the upstream has recognized Ji Lian's value.Nancy looked at herself in the mirror to make sure Yemin's features were no longer obvious:
"Then let alone a general terminal illness, even if the person is dead, they will try their best to bring her back to life."

Colin still didn't speak, but his expression relaxed a little.

"If there are no accidents, the next time we meet will be midnight the day after tomorrow. The location is still here."

After making an appointment for the next contact, Nancy took one last look at Colin and left the apartment in a hurry.


Maybe Ji Lian will think that Colin is dead, he thought to himself, but it is difficult to clarify the misunderstanding at present.Because they were involved in two secrets respectively, it is impossible for them to hear anything from each other in a short time.

The street outside the window was lit with dim street lights, the road might be a bit congested, and some taxis preparing to drive to the theater were honking impatiently.Colin went over and drew the curtains.

The only consolation is that they are both in the dark river now, and it is destined that the two will meet sooner or later.Maybe there is still some distance, but as long as I get closer to the core of the organization, I will be able to get some information related to the question answering machine plan, and thus have an intersection with Ji Lian.

Moreover, she will definitely go to Baidu in the end, and "Amo" from the investigation department will also go to Baidu step by step.The completion of the cracking ceremony is already very high, so the day when they meet in the capital of the alliance is actually not too far away.

Thinking of this, Colin felt a little relieved again.But then he thought of another thing.Now that Ji Lian has finally found the stage that suits her best, with the resources provided by the Underworld Organization, her amazing talent will be released to the greatest extent. Ji Lian will grow at an unprecedented speed, like a dazzling star. New stars push the dark river, and even the boundaries of the entire human race in modern mysticism.

From now on, can I still keep up with her footsteps?
If before the winter solstice, Ji Lian's savvy and intelligence were only vaguely enviable to him, then in the next period of time, her progress might far exceed his understanding.

So how will the two meet soon?
Maybe she has become the core figure of Dark River, or one of the most valuable people in the whole world.As for himself, he may still be just a nobody in the organization, an innocuous lurker.

With Colin's self-esteem, he would not allow this kind of thing to happen.

So I have to speed up my pace.

Thinking of this, he stood up from his seat and walked towards the ceremony materials brought by Nancy.In addition to making coordinate stabilization devices, Nancy also prepared some other witchcraft materials for him.Because it was too dangerous for Colin to collect materials by himself before getting the supplies from the Investigation Department.

Colin turned on a lonely lamp beside the desk, and sat down quietly on the chair.Maybe a lot of things changed, but there were also things about him that never changed.

Intentional training using tracking devices and flowing water has been stalled for a long time, because his ether channel has been on the verge of limit before, but now that the spiritual element overflow problem has been solved, it is time to start again.

Now it seems that this training method actually has many disadvantages.Distributing tracking devices in a large area is extremely risky, and it is likely to expose your own coordinates.What I did in Stade was a bit like relying on the protection of the memory seal to do whatever I wanted.

But now the seal no longer exists, and Danaro's extraordinary density is probably much higher than Stade's, so copying the past method is no longer feasible.

However, a little tweaking will do the trick.

If it's dangerous to have lots of tracking devices adrift in the real world, what about the imaginary?

There are more dangerous creatures wandering in the imaginary world, but there is one frequency that is an exception, and that is Urju Hell.Most of it remains closed cages and cemeteries.Except for those devils and demons who were released after signing the oath, there are no living creatures wandering.

In the second area of ​​No.30, the air current circulates due to the pouring of iron slurry inside the giant tower.In other areas below the tower, hot winds that seemed to directly ignite the skin continued to rise from the flaming graveyards and valleys.At the same time, there is a cold river of Styx passing through the top of the giant tower, and the cold air that penetrates into the bone marrow permeates forever.

Therefore, there is always a violent gust of wind howling in Urju Hell, as if it is the endless wailing in the cages, it is this huge cage that is crying.If tracking devices are scattered here, they can also be used to explore the vicinity of Area 32 while exercising the strength of intent, which will serve multiple purposes.

It’s just that what needs to be tracked is no longer the actual physical orientation, but their changing coordinates in the imaginary frequency spectrum.So what needs to be used is no longer the previous tracking technique, but the coordinate measurement technique obtained from Giovanni.

Colin set to work on a new "tracking device," or should it be called a "coordinate monitor."Because there is no need to put the entity into the water, this time the more reliable copper plate is directly used as the base of the ceremony.The method of projecting these devices into the imaginary world is also very simple, which is the same as the method of entering the imaginary world yourself-just adjust them to the frequency of Urju Hell.

Although their coordinates will be floating around in the virtual world, the physical entity of the ceremony is still placed in Colin's room, so maintenance and reuse are much more convenient.Only fuel needs to be provided periodically.This kind of device is no longer lost with water as before, so it doesn't have to spend a lot of time remaking it every time.

The only problem is that Colin needs to minimize the coordinate measuring ceremony as much as possible, otherwise... these hundreds of thousands of ritual backbones will probably take up a lot of space in his room, and the cost of maintaining them will also decrease. Very expensive.

Colin took a short breath, then closed his eyes, and saw the abundance of life in his consciousness again.The precision of his control over Lingsu is still as terrible as before, and the number of life-rich divisions has increased to more than 50 copies, but Colin still shows no signs of being difficult to control when he controls them.

It's like having 50 small and extremely precise carving knives, commanded by consciousness at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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