old dream

Chapter 301 Subtle talk

Chapter 301 Subtle Talk

Who would have thought that the glamorous embassy area would have water leakage on the roof.

The ticking snowmelt soaked up the dried old pigeon manure, but Emil hid it very deeply.Ellie fumbled through the pile of things to get the bug out after she sneaked into the club loft alone.

Even wearing gloves, you can imagine how disgusting it is.

One minute she was pretending to be a sentimental rich lady, but the next minute she was crawling between the ceiling interlayers to dig out excrement.This is only a bit ugly, Ellie does have strong nerves and discipline.

Depressedly, Emil picked up the brown paper bag that was still dripping, and was about to throw the bug on the bathroom floor and rinse it off with a hose.

The bug is about the size of an adult's arm, and is recorded by a thin strip of shellac.

The ritual in the device is triggered by the voice of Mrs. Tuwana. Only when her voice passes through, the ritual will be established and expire after 2 minutes.

Therefore, the usual bugs will not have any spiritual response, and only a 100-meter-long bug tape can be used to record for a whole week.

Even if Emil rinsed the pigeon droppings with water, the strong smell would not be able to be removed.For some time afterwards, he had to carefully investigate the recorded voice amidst the stench.

"A crime of his own making."

Ellie, who came out of the bathroom, had already rinsed her mouth several times, and then she poured down a whole bottle of water expressionlessly, as if she wanted to completely wash away the smell in her respiratory tract:

"Can't we add a closed shell?" There was killing intent in the calm voice.

"...It will affect the sound collection effect."

Ke Lin suppressed a smile in his seat and said, as long as he is not allowed to do this kind of thing, it will be fine.

"How was the conversation with Mrs. Tuwana? Didn't it improve your mood?"

Ellie put the empty bottle on the table, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as if she wanted to completely seal up the memory just now.Then she opened her eyes and resumed her normal sight, and the next thing was business.

"My troubles were fabricated, so I don't have any special feelings for the words she enlightened." Ellie said:

"I don't know if the target realizes that I'm lying."

"...Hmm." Colin was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at the materials in his hand again:

"So those guys come into the club, are they really just talking?"

"That's right." Ellie recalled the details and said:
"A soundproof room, two chairs, Tu Wana and the guests sit face to face through a layer of tulle, for four to 10 minutes at a time..." She confirmed to herself again, nodded and said:
"Aside from talking, there was no other action. In the end, Tu Wana offered a price of one hundred Ori."

"Uh, just chatting like this for four or 10 minutes?"

Although he is an invisible tycoon who suffers thousands of dollars, Ke Lin still feels that the prices in the embassy district are like another world.

"Yes, one hundred Ori. Fortunately, I have a blank check." Ellie said, subconsciously glanced at the empty wicker chair by the window:
"I hope the commander-in-chief will not be angry."

The commander-in-chief is not a stingy person, but he often reminds that the budget of the investigation department is not much, so it is best to have a penny of every penny spent.

But judging from the results, it seems that the effect of this hundred aoli ​​is only to retrieve the bug.

Or, spending precious human and financial resources for this kind of action that should have been sealed is itself a waste.

Ellie was still sitting upright, but Colin could sense the disappointment deep in her eyes.It's not that the cost of one hundred ori is too high, but from the perspective of the investigation department, this abnormally expensive price seems too "normal".

Because it is expensive, it seems to be the main business instead of a cover for foreign infiltration operations.

If Mrs. Tu Wanna's real purpose was to make money, then there was no need for the investigation department to get involved.

Even if she's using witchcraft or deceit, leave that sort of thing to Game [-].

"Speaking of which, the day before yesterday I went to the charity fund that supports international students." Ellie went on to say:

"This institution is actually operating... I found the collective dormitory they rented, and it is indeed providing food and daily necessities for the international students from Otu."

"Are they all Otu people?"

"Yes." Ellie said:

"I've seen their registered names."

"But as far as I know, the Otu authorities have no plan to send overseas students to Anhe." Ke Lin said.

There are not many exchanges between the two countries, and most Otu people are still trapped in a closed tribal society and have no interest in learning about the outside world.

"So I also think their source of funds is a doubt, but now it has been explained." Allie said.

Mrs. Tuwana, relying on her superb conversational skills, and perhaps a little sense of mystery from Otto's exotic land, was very popular among the principality's upper class and earned a lot of money to support enlightened compatriots to study in Anhe.

The story seems to be complete here, and it feels a little better.

No wonder the emir and the informants felt that there was no problem after preliminary investigation.

Even if Mrs. Towana could spy and glean some information during her conversations with those women, it was far from being something that needed to be dealt with.Otherwise, they would have expelled all foreign journalists and businessmen from their territory long ago.

"But I overheard another guest's conversation when I was... fetching things from the ceiling." Ellie said hesitantly.

"How is it?"

"It's a little weird."

Recalling the wording, Ellie imitated the tone of the young girl and said:

"Sister Tu Wana, good afternoon. This is what I can do at the moment. I just hope that under your guidance, I can get through this month's painful period."

Very humble tone.

"I want to have a moderately peaceful state of mind to prepare for this exam. I hope this meager reward will not seem cold. I will try my best to save the most critical issues to discuss with you, while the rest will be digested by myself."

"Then Mrs. Tuwana smiled first before answering her."

Ellie changed her tone:
"I have received your wish, but you may not realize what you can gain this month. This time I will charge 1000 or two hundred Ori."

"After speaking, Tu Wana returned the money and refused the conversation."

"It's interesting." Colin thought for a moment, not knowing how to describe this feeling.

"Yeah." Ellie said:

"So I caught up with the girl after I left the club and had a chat with her as another counselor."

"She was a little angry and cursed. It should be from a wealthy class, but it is still very difficult for a young girl to spend so much money casually. But at the end, she sighed and said:
'Fortunately, she still wanted to kill the big ones, so she returned my little money to me. '"

But if she was really lucky to have saved a sum of money, why did she go to find Tu Wanna in the first place?

Just at this time, Emil came back after cleaning the bug, and walked to his seat with it.

Colin looked at his figure and suddenly asked:
"Emil, the target is using language magic, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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