old dream

Chapter 311 Conditioner

Chapter 311 Conditioner

"In fact, it is a four-meter-by-five-meter cage. The difference from ordinary baby rooms may be that it is made of cast iron."

"It is said that this is done for the convenience of observation, as well as reducing interference factors as much as possible, and controlling variables. So this is entirely out of scientific considerations, not the experimenter's own psychopathic interest."

"Of course, none of this changes the fact that he's an asshole."

Emil looked away from Colin and said in a daze:

"If you just listen to my narration like this, maybe you will still think that he is excusable. But if you have seen that photo... it will be impossible to keep calm."

"Photo?" Colin asked.

"In the middle of the huge cage, a toddler sat on the ground with a dull expression. Her arm was holding on to the cold iron bars, and she seemed to be trying to shake them, but the iron bars did not move at all. Around her were babies whose volume and weight were much larger than babies. Own instruments and devices of unknown purpose. It is as if the baby is not a human being, but a monkey in a laboratory."

Facts tend to have a stronger impact when they are presented in visual symbols.

"That toddler was Ellie when she was a child, the experimenter Gast's own daughter." Emile said:
"Actually, there have always been rumors of human experiments in the research institute Gast worked for. But compared to those homeless people who disappeared without a trace, or volunteers who died for money, an innocent baby is obviously more stabbing in people's hearts. The softest part."

"Using my own daughter to do the experiment is more in line with people's most curious imagination of a technician."

"The 'Gaster Cage Incident' caused an uproar within the entire alliance, and along with it, other secret human experiments were also exposed to the sun. All relevant personnel were found one by one, and the past resurfaced. Although those experimental records are still being It is classified as top secret and cannot be announced, but the miserable aftereffects on the subjects, and even those strange death conditions, are real evidence."

"After the incident fermented, the people's out-of-control anger even began to point to the upper echelon. After all, behind such an experiment that destroys humanity, there must be their acquiescence."

"Someone has to pay for this."

"Actually, Gast's experiment was conducted at home privately by himself, but this incident still became the biggest scandal in his research institute. Even after this research institute was canceled and reorganized into the current military academy, the shame also It’s still being passed on.”

Unexpectedly, before Ellie was "exiled" to such a place where no one cares, there was a period of attention from everyone.

"Then Gast's private experiments were also treated as top secret afterwards?" Colin asked.

"That's right... the experiment log has been sealed. I'm afraid no one knows what happened in the Gast cage except the upper echelons and Ellie herself," Emil said.

"Even if Ellie gained an unparalleled talent because of that experiment?"

For example, at the age of 16, he joined the Blue Star.

With such a valuable technology, I am afraid it will not be easily given up by some people.

"There is a price," Emile said:
"Actually, I'm not only an intelligence officer here, but also a conditioner. Helping Ellie sort out her inner state is also one of my responsibilities in Danaro."

Colin froze for a moment, the conditioner?This was the first time he had heard of the existence of such a profession.

"Actually, if anyone is in the hinterland of the alliance, after being evaluated as the third type of existence, they will have to be equipped with one or even a digital language mage as a conditioner. This is also a general requirement in security regulations."

"Compared to the normal situation, Ellie is only a little earlier."

"I can only do very extensive inner conditioning on her, but I can still feel Ellie's contradictions and pain. If I leave it alone, it will develop into a more serious problem sooner or later." Emil frowned and said:
"I can probably guess what Gast's experiment is like...'The process of wizard ascension is the process of transforming the mind.' So whether this transformation is internal or external, instead of shaping It is obviously more efficient to shape the shape before it is formed, and then spend a lot of money on painful distortions, or transformations full of compromises."

"But it's not just about letting young children learn magic, because the existing spells are all methods for adults to transform themselves, rather than a method for shaping them all at once. Gast's previous experiments were all young monkeys, so he has a new understanding of Ai Li's training will definitely focus on those more physiological aspects, such as establishing certain conditioned reflexes, and even intervening in the early development of neurons..."

"I would have been able to help her more carefully if I had known more clearly what was going on in Gast's cage."

"Even Ally herself won't tell you what happened?" Colin asked.

"One time before, I tried to make her age regress, so as to return to the state when it happened..."

Hearing these words, Colin looked at him with vigilance again.This is the second time that Colin has felt the horror of language magic since Emil planted hints for Mrs. Tuwana.Moreover, it is agreed that it will not be used by teammates?

"Don't look at me with that look." Emil said with a wry smile:

"I didn't break the bottom line. After all, I am her conditioner, and every hint I use is recorded in the file in detail."

"Also, I just want to help her."

"But even in that unconscious state, Ellie didn't say what happened. I could feel that she had been immersed in those memories at the time, and she should be able to see clearly at that time, but she just didn't want to say it. "When it came to this, Emil couldn't help but muttered to himself:
"Perhaps when she was in Baidu, someone used a higher level of language magic on her to achieve absolute secrecy..."

The information barrier set up by the alliance is not so easy to break.

It can be seen from Emil's expression at this time that, as a conditioner, he really wants to solve the problem for Ellie, who is responsible for him.

There may be a relationship of mutual achievement between the high-level wizards who dive into dangerous depths and the regulators who are responsible for protecting their minds.

"Speaking of which, how are you doing?" At this moment, Colin suddenly remembered that Emil's mind was not in such a stable state.

"Are you talking about Edmund..." Emile said:

"Don't worry, the reason why I cast spells on myself is because I'm afraid that I won't be able to restrain my hatred for him."

The hints and instructions in his consciousness are always in effect, so when talking about Edmund, fear subconsciously appeared in Emil's eyes:
"But I know that the more I use external force to suppress it, the more it will explode one day."

Just thinking of such a prospect, Emil felt like having a panic attack, and his upper eyelids began to lift uncontrollably, twitching slightly.

But he still stared at Colin, and said something completely opposite to his emotions:
"But now, I am already looking forward to that moment."

(End of this chapter)

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