old dream

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

As early as the beginning of the fifth century of the new calendar, the Eucharist built the earliest large-scale "automatic narrative device" in the Principality.Of course, it is not just the principality. The churches have built similar systems all over the world, and it took more than 200 years. The blood and sweat of generations.The hatred and hidden dangers buried in those 200 years have also become one of the reasons why the alliance lost the southern land today.

The reason why so much investment is initially just to verify and find "the symbol closest to the unspeakable".Automata wrote countless records without prejudice, as if scratches had been naturally produced from the surface of the rock.Scholars of the religious order try to restore an "innate language" that only belongs to the ruler of the universe. This language cannot be created, but can only be discovered.In other words, any artificially created language is just a poor imitation of this model.

But no matter what great aspirations the churches had at the beginning, in just 20 years, these "symbol collection devices" deviated from their original purpose, and instead were built into the world's largest "network of omniscience."The church did not hire an intelligence officer, but completed a complete surveillance of a series of cities including Danaro.The truth is, they can look up almost anything that ever happened offline.The question is not that it cannot be found, but whether it is worth checking.

Since then, the churches such as the Spiritual Grace Sect and the Eucharist have stepped into their most glorious era. It seems that even the princes of Anhe who maintain the ancient covenant must unite with a certain religious order, otherwise they will be at a disadvantage in terms of intelligence , a little bit reduced to second-rate.This situation continued in the fifth to sixth centuries, until after the prophecy became difficult, more than half of the "narrative devices" in the world were discarded with the cleaning of personnel, and a "net of omniscience" that originally covered all large human settlements was replaced by that Lost together with the passing of time.

But Danalo is different from most other places, because of the conspiracy of the Third Holy Communion and the Edmund family, the "automatic narrative device" here has been carefully maintained, and thus has been completely preserved.

Therefore, if the Grand Duke wanted to check a certain record on the narrative agency, he would definitely be able to find it.But the question remains which one: Is the fact that "six woodlanders were killed in Danaro" really worth the Grand Duke mobilizing the narrative device.

"It's better to say that it is precisely because the theater has been monitoring the traces of someone's witchcraft that they were able to find the scene where the six woodland people were killed in the first place." Rui said lightly:

"Otherwise, there are only seven foreigners, so what if they disappeared? Even if the murderer didn't deliberately cover up, I'm afraid the body will have to wait until the body smells unbearable before being discovered."

"...So it's in the information provided by the 'magician' this morning." Colin frowned and said:

"Who is the murderer mentioned?"

What kind of person is it that deserves such precautions from the principality authorities, who are always monitoring with automatic recording devices.It should be known that no matter how the performance of the device itself is, the attention of the operator is always limited.If too much energy is spent on a specific goal, it is possible to unknowingly miss more important information.

Even Nancy, who performed the ceremony at the Vanus Theater, did not receive such treatment.

"That's a terrific fellow."

Rui looked around the street and said in a low voice:

"...It is because of him that I don't want to participate in this operation."

Vigilance itself represents a kind of recognition and respect. So far, Colin has never seen Rui treat anyone so seriously.

"No one will mention him now, as if this person has never appeared. But if anyone lived in the principality during the war more than ten years ago, it is impossible not to have heard of his name."

"Zar Winter." Rui said a slightly ordinary name:
"The person who established the Ninth Bureau in the post-war era, the first branch director, was bought and betrayed by other countries. Now the Danaro authorities regard him as the most dangerous factor in the principality, and the 'number one traitor' among all living people .”


Obviously, he has been dealing with the ninth game, but Colin has never heard of this name.

But if you think about it carefully, the reason why the Ninth Branch Bureau is now gradually declining and marginalized among the Grand Duke's confidantes may be directly related to the founder's defection.

All kinds of complicated information were quickly reorganized in Colin's mind. After thinking for a while, he asked in surprise:
"But, this person is still in Danaro?"

People who have reached this level have almost no reason to be bribed. After all, it is already difficult for outsiders to promise more.

So far, the theater and the ninth inning should still be unable to determine Winter's whereabouts.So he could actually leave at any time, but he voluntarily stayed in Danaro, and for some reason, endured a life that was neither human nor ghost.

In this way, the reason for Zar Winter's defection is even more difficult to establish.

"Yes, within the authorities it was simply called a traitor."

Seeing that Colin has keenly discovered the loopholes in the superficial story, Ruhr smiled knowingly:

"However, in the magician's informant, a deeper reason for this incident was mentioned... Even for the operators of the theater, this is the top-secret truth." He lowered his voice:

"The real reason why Wen Te, the first branch chief, was wanted was that he was so desperate for power that he even violated taboos and embarked on the 'road of awakening the inner god'..."

"Oh, that's right." After speaking, Rui suddenly came back to his senses:
"According to our current classification, we should not have access to any information on this road." He said:
"Or even the name 'Road to Awakening the Inner God' itself should not have been known."

Awaken the inner god, the name itself contains too much information.

A path commensurate with the "pursuit of external connections", which, contrary to the popularity of the former among wizards, is deliberately hidden.

But Colin not only knew the existence of this path, but even fought with its practitioners.From Aresio, who drives the semi-linguine on the train, to the "Old City Eagle" in the bootleg proxy war.It seems that compared to the wizards who have received systematic training, the underground rats know more.

Among the underground wizards, there is still a trivial and unsystematic statement. Colin once heard it from Giovanni:
If "Twin Twins" inspires elven magic, and "Sacred Geometry" inspires mirror rituals, then what "Void Body" inspires is "the way to awaken the inner god".

However, the practitioners of the inner god path gradually began to feel that the so-called "empty body" is just a false name, a deception.For there is little corresponding mythology to this form of creation, except for a few words.Its true face, only a few people have realized it.

As soon as these people themselves are enlightened, they try to hide the mysterious inward path, saying that there is nothing there.

(End of this chapter)

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