old dream

Chapter 350 Is The Beginning And The End

Chapter 350 Is The Beginning And The End

As the door of reality was forcibly opened a gap, the final distance between Colin and the Bird of Light was also lost.

This was the second time since that miserable winter solstice night that Colin faced the gods without protection.Of course, he no longer has the ability to image the other party, so what he perceives in his consciousness is only a gorgeous golden spot.

Those rays of light are pure and warm, like a round of sun just hanging on the treetops.

If it wasn't for being coerced all the way by Brad Ives, maybe the consciousness would have been overloaded.

Similarly, it was also when passing through the Gate of Reality that Colin felt the power of the Bird of Light for the first time.

So it was only at this time that he realized what a real crown was.

Why can they become the apex of each quadrant in the imaginary world.

Perhaps in the eyes of Jurgen and the spies, the berserk Boyd Ives is already an existence that mortals cannot resist, but at this time in front of the bird of light, even she who has gathered all her intentions just now is still As immature as a baby.

Even though it has been imprisoned by the Edmund family for hundreds of years, even though it is constantly trembling and scarred due to the consumption of day and night, the power possessed by the bird of light at this time is still far beyond that of the hidden crown Bod Ives.

Fragmented gold-like light spots covered the entire space, turning it into a forest glade in the early winter morning.The dark branches sprouting from the gap in the door of truth are still extending forward, and more and more darkness is squeezed in through the door, but compared with the gentle and majestic power of the bird of light, they seem so insignificant.

But Bold Elvis seems unaware of this apparent disparity.In Colin's feeling, she has been completely dominated by the instinct of cruelty and revenge, unable to think meaningfully.Black flowers bloomed on the thicker and thicker branches, and they burst like varicose hemangiomas, splashing black blood.A pair of hands protruded from the calyx, followed by shoulders and a closed face.In this space of consciousness, her new body is composed purely of spirit elements, like a newly born fruit.But this fruit has rotted since it was born.

Stepping between the broken gold spots with both feet, those lights immediately curled up and changed color like decay, turning into puddles of mud.Bode Ives is holding a connection like a vine man and an umbilical cord behind her, because at this time most of her power is still blocked outside the door of truth, but Bode Aves, whose body has shrunk, continued without caring. go forward.

She will not be blocked by anything, even if her body is torn apart, or the world is destroyed, she will not hesitate.

The bird of light is undoubtedly another metaphor for the sun.

The lord of the goshawk, Krosos, used this symbol to bring order to the vast forest and sea that belonged to the king.

The sun on the treetops suddenly dimmed, and at the next moment, His body released a more intense light than ever before.The sun scattered in all directions, and turned into a flock of birds in the sky in an instant.The golden light spots all over the ground also jumped up one by one as if they were waking up, flying into the golden torrent in the sky.

The Holy Spirit of the tree crown seems to have finally made up his mind, and is going to expel the alien gods in the agent's consciousness first.So after just a short moment, Bod Aves was submerged by the torrent of countless broken gold.Even though she raised her hands to protect her face, her right eye was pecked out by the first golden flying bird, and her little finger was cut off by the sharp claws of the other.A series of deep wounds quickly appeared on the body of the pale goddess, and continued to spread. Each wound was torn away by a golden flying bird, and the flesh was torn away by the next one. A golden flame rose from the sky.

In front of the real crown of the Bird of Light, her power is too small.Even if he never stops under the support of boundless anger and hunger, it is impossible for Boyd Ives' life to last too long.

It would be a big misunderstanding if you think that the Bird of Light has only a gentle side.

He is indeed the messenger of purity, but he has never been the messenger of the Land of Eternal Youth, but also the messenger of Nether Abyss and Burning River.The Bird of Light is the executor of the sky burial, the good ones ascend to the sky under his guidance, and the evil ones sink into the abyss.In this way, all things are classified into categories in the end, just like the pure colors on the color wheel, and the elements on the periodic table are always distinct.

As long as the rules are perfect enough, there will be no ambiguity in the world.Everything can be judged, and He has the power to execute it all.Under the majesty of the Son of the Sun, the orderly and perfect world idealized by the sages of Nale will finally come.

It stands to reason that it should be like this.

But at this moment, what did the Bird of Light see?

The dirty black juice is still overflowing.

And behind that, there is a pale and rotten land, but it is also full of vitality.

This filth is quite different from the evil in those bugs, for it is even older than good and evil themselves.

It is absolutely impossible for the Bird of Light to send Bod Ives into the Abyss, because she herself is a more primitive darkness than the Abyss.

Before and after the separation and unity of voicing and voicing, what is experienced is the same chaos.Where it all began, it will also be where it all ends.

But in the face of this filthy and muddy power, the originally incomparably pure and powerful light on the Bird of Light has become extremely fragile.

Because that piece of mud is the original form of all his power.

Under the attack of countless golden birds like a storm, Boyd Ives covered the deep hole in his face, lowered his head and endured it.Amidst the more and more converging birdsong, she suddenly stretched out her blood-drenched arm, grabbed something in mid-air, and pressed it hard to the ground.

Among the thousands of golden shards, the one she grabbed was actually the body of the tree crown holy spirit.

This is indeed an asymmetric battle of the gods, but the real situation may be completely opposite to the superficial power comparison between Bod Aves and the Bird of Light.

The giant bird suddenly fell to the ground, and His golden figure appeared immediately.And with Bod Ives' sudden shot, the spots of light flying all over the sky also fell together, and, as if they were suddenly returned to the raw materials before creation, they turned into a little bit of dirty mud before landing.

Boyd Ives bowed down unbearably, while holding down the Bird of Light, she opened her mouth cruelly, with white teeth in her mouth, and the dripping saliva had covered the entire chin at some point .

Although she only really opened her lips at this time, another form of engulfment had already begun when Boyd Elvis stepped into this space.

The holy spirit in the crown of the tree was suppressed, and I felt that a part of my body gradually did not belong to me.

(End of this chapter)

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