old dream

Chapter 353 Acrobat

Chapter 353 Acrobat
In the wide aisle of the Grand Theater, all the chandeliers and wall lights have been extinguished.In the darkness, more than [-] guests who had withdrawn from various halls were gathering in a hurry.

The scene was very chaotic and noisy, because some people wanted to continue fleeing towards the gate, while others stayed where they were at a loss.And in the inaccurate place deep in the corridor, there are still horrible noises from time to time.Many people suffered minor or serious injuries, and the surrounding gold and red velvet carpets and curtains, at this time, actually added a bit of blood and horror to the atmosphere.

Therefore, several spies from the theater had to struggle to distinguish everyone's appearance in the darkness.Because a few minutes ago, a dark river invader they were chasing disappeared into the crowd.

But this kind of search is doomed to be futile. Annoyed, they scurry about like a few headless chickens, unknowingly, getting farther and farther away from their goal.

After a while, a burly member of the dark river wearing a ball mask stepped silently from among the wounded guests.

He was the one who met Colin briefly at the gate of the theater.

Standing among the restless and confused guests, the man silently watched the receding figures of the theater spies.Estimated the time in my heart, then turned around and walked in the direction of Gallo Hall.

According to the plan, he will be responsible for dispersing some of the remaining spies.But if Priest Kane fails to liberate the holy spirit of the tree crown within 10 minutes, then he will go to the Gallo Hall instead and fully support Colin to leave here.

After all, to Anhe, Colin is more important than the Holy Spirit.

The quality and resistance of the agents left behind were stronger than expected, so it took some effort for the man to get rid of them.Up to now, the time has exceeded about 4 minutes.

4 minutes is short, but enough for a lot to happen.

Especially on Colin's body, there is still an unknown crown.

Hope nothing happens.

He recalled the loud noises that came from the Gallo Hall a few minutes ago, and subconsciously quickened his pace, rushing directly towards the destination.



How should I describe the tragedy in Gallo Hall at this moment?
When the masked men stormed into what was once Danaro's best place, it felt like a slaughterhouse somewhere.

Even through the mask, you can still smell the strong fishy smell in the air.The man looked around while walking. He looked at the exaggerated bloodstains and secretly estimated how many spies died here in the past ten minutes.

There are many more people staying here in the theater than imagined.

But now they are all dead.

"Papa." "Papa." "Papa."

With almost every foot you put down, something gets splashed.stool?Or offal?The soles of the man's boots felt sticky and slippery from time to time, but he was not bored enough to confirm what he was stepping on, but just tried to stabilize the center of gravity of his steps.Because the floor of the concert hall was covered with a thin layer of grease, and even a person like him would slip and fall if he was not careful.

For some reason, a huge and dirty iron cage was placed on the stage, and then the man saw Colin standing alone in front of the cage, as if he was still touching something inside.

At least, it appears to be alive.The man breathed a sigh of relief, and then trudged towards the stage with difficulty.It took him a lot of effort to get behind Colin, but he didn't rush to speak.

Because when walking into this concert hall, no matter how nervous people are, they should realize that something is wrong.

At this time, "Ke Lin" was standing in front of the iron cage with a blank expression, apparently having lost his consciousness.And in his hand was holding a broken sword, the blade was hanging down, and blood slowly dripped to the ground along the blade.

The man looked beyond him into the iron cage, and couldn't help frowning, because among the countless filth in the iron cage, an old and fat monster like a pool of meatloaf was sitting paralyzed and panting, with something in his heart. A fresh wound, but not fatal.

The two-finger-thick guardrail on the iron cage has been bent. Obviously, it was "Colin" who stabbed the broken sword into the monster's chest--he had already pierced it, but for some reason, at the last moment "he "But still retreated.

Then do nothing, just stand here in a daze.

The man sighed inwardly, the details were still vague, but he had roughly seen the outline of the matter.

Fortunately, I didn't bump into the most brutal moment of His temperament.

And it so happened that among the seventeen members of Underworld who are currently in the Principality, he is probably the only one who knows how to deal with the situation.

Because he didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune, he had dealt with this kind of person more than once a few years ago.And this is one of the reasons why he was sent to Danaro.

"There is no time, let's stop here this time."

The man said to "Colin" as if nothing had happened, as if he didn't see the other person's black and blue face, as if he didn't know that "he" had completely become another person:

"Nancy hasn't given any news yet, so there's probably something wrong...so we must get out of here as soon as possible."

Boyd Elvis turned his head slowly, and looked at the tall man wearing a mask in front of him with some doubts.

Under His pure and clean eyes, the man suddenly remembered what was still sticking to the sole of his shoe, remembered the sound of "crack, clack", and then felt the muscles on his face almost twitching.

But in the end, his expression didn't show any abnormality.

Like a gladiator facing a bull, or an acrobat standing before a hungry lion.He silently confirmed to himself in his heart:

This lion, who can tear people apart at will, still has the heart of a preschool child for the time being.

"...Otherwise, we might not be able to leave when that McBride comes back."

He spoke softly and eloquently.Even with Colin's teachings, Boyd Ives still can't fully understand human language. She has tried hard to understand, but she still can't keep up with the man's speech speed, so she can only watch the other person's continuous speech in a daze. After a while, the eyes seemed to turn in circles.

While talking, the man naturally took Colin's right hand.The sleeves of the winter coat had already been torn into pieces. The man fumbled and took out a pre-prepared injection from behind, and stabbed it smoothly.

Boyd Elvis didn't respond to this, because he was still trying to understand what the man was saying.

Maybe it's because he has gradually calmed down after the brutal venting of anger, or maybe he didn't feel hostility, or the man's behavior at this time made him mistakenly think that this kind of injection may be a matter of course for human beings like shaking hands .

So Bod Ives didn't resist. In just a dozen seconds, the acrobat successfully injected a tranquilizer that was enough to bring down the dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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