old dream

Chapter 360 7 Years of Crown Casting War

Chapter 360 70 Years of Crown Casting War

After cleaning his body, Colin put on clean clothes, opened the door and left.The corridor outside the safe house seemed particularly narrow and dark, but when it reached the end, the strong light at noon beat over like a waterfall.

Raising his hand to half cover his forehead, Colin squinted at the long-lost sky outside.It was only six days since the attack at this time, but the idleness and constant tension in the safe house made the time seem extraordinarily long.He took a deep breath, stood on the side of the road and stopped a car.

In the next two hours, he changed to three taxis in a row. Because he deliberately took a long way, it took him more time than usual to return to the gate of the single-family villa of the Investigation Department.

With the "commander" leaving Danalo, the core members of the investigation department have considerable autonomy. For example, Rui and Amir have always acted alone recently, or they may also take advantage of the opportunity to fish for fish, but This does not mean an indefinite absence.

But to Ke Lin's surprise, the huge dormitory was deserted at this time.Ellie and Rui, who are usually resident here, seem to be absent. On the contrary, Emil, who rarely spends the night in the villa, is leaning on the dining chair and fiddling with the scattered information in the file bags on the table. The single-page documents, notes, and packaged unknown debris that came down.

After greeting each other, Emil put out the cigarette between his fingers into the pile of ashtrays.He said sorry softly, because he didn't expect anyone to come, otherwise he wouldn't smoke so much here.The intelligence officer with celadon-colored eyes did not ask where Colin had gone, just as he never voluntarily revealed his whereabouts:
"However, I don't have much work to do for the time being." Emil gently pointed at his work results in the past few months and said:
"Danaro has been very uneasy these days. The Moulin Rouge, which has a little brain, has closed down, so I have lost contact with several of my main informants, so I can only stay here to pass the time."

Colin stared at the ashtray full of cigarette butts, trying to figure out how long Emil had been sitting there.This person smoked so hard in private, but the teeth in his mouth were as white as ever.One can imagine how much effort he would take to take care of himself before work every day, and how long he would brush his teeth so that no one would smell the smoke, and no one would be aware of his fatigue and fragility.

Even with the aid of verbal magic, Emil takes pains to keep herself attractive socially, or more bluntly—in love.

After a brief conversation, Colin found that the Emil and the entire investigation department did not know much about the attack a few days ago. Stories like terrorist attacks in theaters.

Of course no one believed it, but that was all they had at the moment.

"To be honest, I still admire those woodland people." Emil turned to whisper:
"At least they have the courage to draw their swords against the Grand Duke."

Ke Lin looked at the downcast in his celadon-colored eyes, and suddenly remembered something, so he reached out and looked in the pocket of his jacket, and found the group photo he found in his room.He glanced at the line of beautiful characters above again: "Eyer and Vera 3.628", Colin unfolded it on the table and pushed it in front of Emil.

When Emil saw this photo, his eyes seemed to be rusted, and he remained motionless.

"Where did you find it?" After a while, he asked in a dry voice.

"In the middle of the drawers in the room," said Colin.

Emil picked up the photo and carefully touched the figure on the photo, as if afraid that her trembling hands would puncture her last afterimage.

Roughly, it is not difficult to imagine that the woman who nicknamed him "Ai" in the photo died in the hands of the Grand Duke in all likelihood, and it is also likely that the Amir put the "fear of the Grand Duke" on himself. The reason for the hint.

"Vera, she...is the department's reserve operations officer."

Emil, who is usually good at playing with languages, said with some stumbles at this time:
"It's just a preparation...so I became her conditioner, or rather." He twitched the corner of his mouth: "The monitor."

Speaking of this, Emil showed a wry smile on his face:
"She's a good girl, maybe people like me shouldn't approach her at all... If it wasn't for the magic of words, she wouldn't even look at me more."

Ke Lin silently watched Emil express his emotions. It wasn't until three or four minutes later that this man cleared up his expression and silently folded and put away the photo:

"Thank you. Originally, the commander had already dealt with all traces of her, because he was worried that I would not be able to control my impulse." Emil said softly, with only sadness in his eyes, but no anger.Because all the anger has been stored somewhere deeper and deeper, quietly waiting to be used in the future.

At this time, Colin once again thought of the implication of "fear of the Grand Duke" in Emil.Afraid of the Grand Duke, now he has a completely different association with this sentence, because of the nonsense of Mammoth McBride, the so-called inhuman realm above the triple curtain.Whether it's true or not, maybe someone from the investigation department will know something?Considering this possibility, his expression became a little serious:

"Speaking of which, Emile." Colin asked seriously:
"Why do you think the Grand Duke is completely irresistible?" he said:
"I mean, besides owning a crown, do you... know anything else?"

"Except for a crown? What?" Amir asked in confusion.

Seeing his reaction, Colin was a little disappointed. It seems that Emil also didn't know much about whether the Grand Duke himself had extraordinary strength.

To be honest, I have joined the investigation department for a long time, but I have never heard any member talk about the uniqueness of Archduke Edmund himself.Among all the information they collected, including the information regularly sent to the No. [-] Building of Baidu, the Grand Duke is just a shrewd and capable old man who is not exempt in many ways.

But if that's all it is, is it enough to make a behemoth like the Central Intelligence Agency of the Alliance fearful in the Principality just by relying on the "Holy Crown Holy Spirit" that has already declined or even died?For this powerful department that can be listened to at any time and is directly responsible for the mortal king, it is not difficult to mobilize one or two crowns.

"In fact, in the Ankh Alliance...the horror of the crown is not only because of its power far superior to ordinary people, but also because they are protected by the "Treaty of Cessation of War." Emir continued:

"Any behavior that may damage the crown is the most terrible felony in today's alliance...Of course ordinary people cannot have the right to use force against the crown, but even if they are the same owner of the crown, they must avoid all possible conflicts with each other. Conflict. This horrific confrontation has been going on for at least two centuries." Emir said:
"So in these two centuries, no matter how bloody and tragic the annex war between princes of Anhe has developed, no crown has ever truly fallen in this land."

"Why?" Colin asked inexplicably, because he had heard from Nancy that if he wanted to enter the prototype world, he had to merge the crown as a silhouette into a more complete prototype—that being the case, the agent It is impossible to stop the competition between them.

"If you are interested, you can call some materials from Building No. 70, which will be more accurate and comprehensive than what I said verbally." Amir said: "The key words are almost '[-] Years of Casting Crown War' and its influence so far. "Treaty of Arms."

"Maybe it's hard for you to believe, maybe it sounds absurd, but such a thing has indeed happened in this world..."

"The 70-year battle to cast the crown was paved with the corpses of the gods to ascend to heaven."

(End of this chapter)

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