old dream

Chapter 77 Trying

Chapter 77 Trying
The miraculous and precise effect of the Hidden Object Technique is not known whether it is due to Ji Lian's improvement, or the result of his long-term precise control of the more than [-] life abundances in his consciousness.

Then Colin set up the vajra technique. Unlike the object-seeking technique, which can use a special indicator as the target medium, the vajra technique requires the placement of the target's hair in the ritual space to indicate the effective target.

It's a relatively primitive practice that feels like the witch in some horror stories curses others through their hair and nails.

But there is indeed an invisible connection between things like hair and nails and the body, and the ritual effect can also spread to its owner along this connection.

This phenomenon has been explained by the "law of contamination", which was Ankh's long-standing transitional theory before the discovery of the law of mirror images, and is still used by many wizards in savage countries as the basis for witchcraft theories:

"If the 'mediator' is manipulated with deep forces, such as hair, nails, or even shadows, the corresponding influence will eventually be exerted on the body, even if he is never present."

This theory was eventually considered too primitive and rudimentary, and now, the "law of contact" can be completely explained and replaced by the "mirror law".The so-called influence spread phenomenon is actually a mirror event in the ritual space (hair is manipulated as a symbol), which is resonated to the ontology in the real world (the ontology is affected accordingly).


After reconnecting all the lines on the main stem of the ritual, the inks began to make a small sizzling sound, somewhat like the sound of water quickly evaporating.

Colin held the dagger he used to cut his hair just now, and tentatively put his index finger on the blade and rubbed it, but found that the touch was no different from usual, and the horny skin was scraped off a little by the sharp blade.

Can it really be invulnerable?He gritted his teeth, and his fingers gradually pressed down, and the sound of the red graphite water on the main body of the ceremony also became intense.

The cold tingling sensation came from the fingertips, and the skin in contact with the dagger sank deeply under the pressure, but the blade never sank into the finger pulp, as if the skin surface was covered with an invisible flexible film.

Colin tried to hold the blade directly with his hand again, but he didn't hurt himself.After several attempts, the red graphite water on the main body of the ceremony has visibly faded a lot.

It seems that this vajra technique is indeed effective, and after these attempts, the endurance ability of it has been roughly known.

But to what extent it can be effective, Colin can't test it again for the time being.After all, this witchcraft must use hair as a catalyst, so the object can only be human.If it can't resist when it slashes or stabs hard, it will not be worth the harm if it hurts itself.

The ceremonial trunks of the Seeking Object and the Diamond Art are not very large, and in fact, there is no obstacle to carrying them around.But the problem is the detection of the seminary and the lampkeeper.The best thing to do at this time is to only carry the "trigger" on your body, a small and convenient trigger device. Before the ceremony officially takes effect, they are just some insignificant props.

Like Arecio once used a chess piece as a trigger.Some people say that their wands can be filled with sorcery, and in the end it's the same thing.There are many ways in which parts can be physically separated while continuing to be connected in the ritual space.

If it is a wizard who has opened the shell of the heart, it is only necessary to focus with his torch-like intent.

As for a half-hearted person like myself, I need some auxiliary means.

The method that Colin currently knows is to write the coordinates on the main body of the ritual, so that his body ether directly becomes the extension of the ritual space.

This is a somewhat dangerous practice, and why wizards must protect their positions.

In the next few hours, after preparing two more vajra techniques, Colin temporarily stopped his work.

He finally chose to set the trigger on the handle of the dagger and the revolver. When using it, as long as the two collided, the respective lines on the above could be brought into contact with each other. The ceremony was completely complete and entered the effective stage.

Originally a relatively cumbersome ritual, vajra is now a spell that can be used quickly in real-time combat.


Ji Li'an has cultured several additional copies of Vibrio carinii from Colin's blood samples these days, and obtained several single colonies, which can be identified by biochemical and serological reactions.

Colin glanced at Ji Li'an's workbench. There are many other petri dishes here, each with various labels, almost all of which are formulas that Colin can't understand at all.The only label he could recognize was "Mycobacterium tuberculosis", and this label had appeared frequently in his field of vision since he interacted with Ji Lian.

After all, Ji Lian's knowledge of biology and medicine was learned in just a few years for self-help.

It's not that I don't believe in more professional doctors, but that there is no effective cure for tuberculosis in this world.

"Are those inhibitors effective for your disease?"

Colin asked.Now that they are effective against Vibrio carinii, maybe they will be some kind of special antibiotics.

Curing Ji Li'an's disease would not benefit Ke Lin, but would make her uncontrollable.

But they worked together as a small ally for several years, and Colin didn't want the ally to end badly.So if he can help Ji Li'an's illness, he will try his best to help.

But when he asked this sentence, Ke Lin regretted it. After all, if the inhibitor was effective, I'm afraid Ji Li'an would have told himself excitedly.

Only in the two matters of ritual and medical treatment, she never keeps an image with restraint.

Sure enough, Ji Lian gradually stopped the movement in her hand, but did not answer Ke Lin's question.

Because it doesn't work.

(End of this chapter)

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