old dream

Chapter 88 Confrontation

Chapter 88 Confrontation
This time, Colin saw clearly the body of the screaming sound. It was a colorless moon-arc-shaped air blade, and its existence could only be detected from the deflection of the light.

And not just one, but three parallel ones, at a glance, it looks more like some kind of claw marks.

With a short distance of half a meter, dodging is already impossible.Colin could only protect his vitals with his shoulders.A piece of his clothes seemed to be missing out of thin air, the sharp hiss of the air blade tearing through the air overwhelmed the cracking sound, and the thin clothes instantly dissipated into dust.

When he was hit, Ke Lin only felt that his back was stuck to three irons, and the sound of breaking the air stopped abruptly after the silk was ripped apart, like fireworks falling into the water.Then it turned into a tire drifting sound when braking.Bright Mars flashes away.He was pushed staggering a few steps by the rest of his strength, and he didn't have time to understand what happened, at most he knew that he was still alive.Then, I smelled a faint burnt smell coming from behind.

Perhaps because of the closer distance, the power of this air blade has increased a lot.

The focused diamond technique blocked the attack as he expected. The high-speed vibrating air blade failed to completely cut into Colin's skin, but it also rubbed a lot of heat energy, which burned the wound on Colin's back in an instant.

At this time, the residual heat on the wound has not yet dissipated, the water and oil make a "sizzling" sound while boiling, and the edge of the cloth is faintly burning.The severe pain made Colin almost unable to control his body, and the muscles all over his body were convulsing, but all the discomfort was quickly soothed by the stimulating substances in the blood, and the pain receded like a tide before it brewed. When he regained his footing, he even thought about this accident to stop the bleeding from his wound.

The aftermath of the air blade hit the wall, but the marks left were not deep.After pinching out the flames on the clothes, Colin immediately shifted his position.

Wiping the sweat off his face, he cast his fierce eyes on a corner in the darkness.There was a figure crawling there, his embarrassed appearance was no different from other customers at first glance, but Colin caught the moment before the appearance of the air blade, the man made a short gesture with his left hand, and then There is also a faint light that emerges.

He is that wizard.

After confirming the goal, everything will be easy to handle.Colin hit the dagger grip again with the butt of his gun, activating the last vajra.

When they are all exhausted, those air blades will tear apart his body without hindrance.

The outcome may depend on the next confrontation.

Colin walked silently in the dark, and soon came to the side of the man, who was still lying on the ground unconsciously, with the back of his head facing Colin unprepared.Colin lowered the pistol to his head with two bullets still in the gun.

The opponent might not be able to see in the dark. The first two attacks on him should be based on the direction of the gunfire.It seems that besides this, he has no other means.

Is it really that simple?

This is the strength of Ziyuetian Wizard?
Ke Lin didn't stop, and pulled out the dagger with his left hand expressionlessly. He continued to walk forward, and said silently in his heart: "Return to zero."

The human body on the ground suddenly disappeared, and the sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded again. Colin's hair tip flicked twice, and some strands of hair were cut off by something.

The faint light was too deliberate, almost as if it was deliberately attracting his attention.So at the last critical moment, Colin became suspicious.

I don't know when it started, my consciousness was pulled into an abnormal frequency limit, and the actions made by the "wizard" on the ground were just what the other party deliberately wanted me to see.

That is, a trap to lure yourself to a specific location.

At the same time, through this trap, Colin has completely confirmed that the other party cannot see in the dark.Otherwise, you don't have to go to such lengths to lead yourself to a specific location.

And this hallucinogenic frequency limit is probably a trick of the devil's deception.Does the other party know how to use elf magic?Colin recalled the second attack that appeared out of thin air less than half a meter away from him, and the air blade shape like claw marks.

I'm afraid that at that time, an invisible devil was standing beside him, and the power of the second attack was much stronger because he was being slowly dragged into its frequency limit.

So when the wind blade hits an irrelevant wall behind him, the effect is obviously weakened a lot.This is also evidence that one's consciousness has left reality.

In the same way, after decisively "returning to zero" and returning to the normal frequency, the power of the sneak attack just now became close to that of the first arm injury.

Then I was likely to be pulled into its frequency when I was attacked for the first time.

It seems that the frequency boundary where the devil is located is closer to the material world, so it can easily interfere with reality, or drag outsiders into it.

At the same time, it is completely under the control of the wizard, almost the most difficult enemy that Giovanni said.

The devil does not need to see through light, so it is likely that even now he follows him around.Thinking of this, Ke Lin couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart.

but why?Why is the wizard still unable to determine his position even though the devil is there?

Can't communicate between them?
Colin decided not to shoot, and to use the dagger entirely to solve the problem.

Confirming that the wizard's eyes can't see him is equivalent to understanding how to ensure his own safety.

He stroked the wound on his arm, recalling the moment he felt when he was attacked for the first time.Let the consciousness be close to the frequency boundary where the devil is again, and then, to perform imaging.

Perhaps because it is somewhat close to the Shuttle Demon, the imaging is much faster this time.Soon there was a prototype in the field of vision.

The obvious features are blurred figures, and tears.

At this point, Colin stopped imaging, and Alessio was not there. He didn't want to be associated with a devil anymore.

The most important thing now is to confirm its location.As a result, he successfully saw it, and the devil was standing still less than two meters away from him.

It has been following itself, but for some reason, it did not tell the host where it is.

Just as Colin was staring at it and lost in thought, the devil spoke in a hoarse and ugly voice.

"Did you see that beast?"

Beast, do you mean the devil himself?
Colin didn't speak, his voice would reveal his position.

"I know it has been with you. So sooner or later it will know where you are." The devil said to himself.

But it's clearly not its own words.Is it that wizard somewhere who is speaking through the mouth of the devil?
Sooner or later you will know, that is, you don't know yet.Colin silently thought that the wizard can determine the location of the devil, but he cannot see himself.

He tried to approach the devil, but it took two steps back timidly.

(End of this chapter)

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