Fist of Fantasy

Chapter 1 Entrance Exam

Chapter 1 Entrance Exam

In front of the mourning hall, a middle-aged man in a black suit stood in front of the microphone with a heavy face, holding a stack of speech scripts in his hand. The title of the speech script was "Speech at Comrade Liang De's Memorial Service".

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends and relatives, ladies and gentlemen, it is with deep sorrow that we..."

"Mother Gan Lin!"

Liang De suddenly opened his eyes.

He struggled in the darkness for an unknown amount of time, and now it was as if a hot pot of red soup had been boiled in his head, his brain was gurgling, and the pain made him unconscious.

Liang De's eyesight gradually recovered, and the surrounding scene became clear.

The light in front of him was very bright, and a smooth iron gray appeared in his vision.

Liang De supported the ground with his hands, and his posture changed from lying flat to lying on his side, and then from lying on his side to prone... His posture kept changing, his limbs twitched and swayed, like an octopus dancing on a hot iron plate.

Pain, pain, pain, why do my muscles hurt so much, why does my muscle only exist when it hurts, I am obviously a waste house animal with no muscles!

Why should I suffer for something that basically doesn't exist!

Liang De rolled on the ground for a long time, and it took a while before he felt the severe soreness in his muscles gradually dissipate.

He stood up slowly and carefully observed the surrounding environment.

Front, back, left, right, top, bottom, the color that comes into view is iron gray.

This is a square room with an area of ​​more than one thousand square meters, with a very high ceiling, no doors and windows, no other people, and no light source.

Liang De scratched his head, and was about to clear his throat and shout for help, when a cold mechanical female voice sounded beside his ears:

"Candidates are awake, and the entrance examination for transfer students is about to take place. Candidates are requested to read the instructions carefully and use the test tools prepared in the test room to answer. The test time is 3 hours, and there are still 10 minutes before the start of the test."

The voice disappeared, and a bright yellow scroll appeared out of thin air, and landed in front of Liang De with a bang.

Liang De hesitantly picked up the scroll and unfolded it.

This scroll is made of silk-like material, with black simplified characters printed on it.

"Sheng... the notices for candidates of Wuxu Private Senior High School Entrance Examination?"

Liang De grabbed the scroll and squeezed it twice. The instant feedback from his palm was true and true, saving him the operation of hitting himself twice to confirm whether he was dreaming.

Not dreaming, so either a prank show or kidnapped by a psycho.

Someone must be watching me from behind the camera right now.

Why did I encounter this kind of thing after working overtime all night? I still have a PPT to send to the leader for review tomorrow. I finished it with great difficulty... No matter what kind of pervert kidnapped me, ask me before kidnapping me Opinion ah, annoying.

Liang De threw the scroll aside, wanting to check whether the iron-gray wall in front of him could be destroyed. After he took a few steps forward, the iron-gray wall in front of him suddenly rose up automatically, slowly revealing another room behind the wall .

Then Liang De saw the giant beast squatting behind the wall.

Mr. Giant Beast also saw Liang De, it blinked its eyes friendly and yawned.

A gust of wind hit Liang De's stunned face, and the stench that came with it made people want to vomit.

Liang De saw hundreds of fine white teeth and a bottomless throat.

This bad-breathing behemoth has the head of a Komodo dragon, and it is covered in livid black hair, except for its black scales that are exposed on its face.

The halitosis giant has a pair of dark green eyes, and two fangs protruding from the lizard-like snout. The sharp and fine teeth in its mouth are arranged in multiple layers like a lamprey, and its body is like a dinosaur-sized giant. The lion has very thick limbs and a hardened horny cone at the end of the slender tail.

Liang De's heart was beating violently, his scalp and hands and feet began to go numb at the same time, he took several deep breaths of the giant beast's bad breath before he calmed down.

Vomit Vomit Vomit!

You should insist on rinsing your mouth with toilet cleaner if you have bad breath like this!

Liang De retched while clutching his chest, and almost passed out.

The blue-black monster on the opposite side just glanced at Liang De curiously, and then continued to doze off on the ground, as if he had no interest in quickly having a super-friendship relationship with Liang De such as negative distance contact.

Liang De refrained from retching, bent down and picked up the bright yellow scroll of candidates' instructions on the ground, unfolded it, and read it quickly with the speed of reading the website registration user terms and the seriousness of listening to the boss's voice message.

Brother Jesus bless you, I hope this Guisheng Wuxu private high school will eliminate racial discrimination in the workplace and employ eclectic people. The big guy with a lot of teeth and a bad mouth is just the invigilator of the entrance exam...

Five minutes later, Liang De threw the scroll aside, exhaled a long breath as if he wanted to empty himself dry.

The sawtooth lizard lion is 25 meters long, 10 meters high, and weighs 12 tons. It likes fresh blood food. It comes from No. 441, the world of Konghaibian, which Liang De has never been to or heard of. It is very interested in humans who have never eaten it.

Unfortunately, this Mr. Monster who came from afar is not the invigilator, but the exam questions left by Sheng Wuxu Private Senior High School for Liang De.

According to the candidates' instructions, Liang De had to kill the sawtooth lizard completely before he could activate the teleportation array in the center of the room and leave the examination room.

There is a silver dividing line between the candidate and the lizard. As long as it does not cross the line, the lizard will not actively attack the candidate.

If the examinee has not completed the examination paper at the end of the examination time, the mechanism above the examination room will automatically operate, and the iron-gray metal ceiling weighing 5 tons will be pressed down at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour, and a friendly meeting with the examinee will be completed quickly. Bring in some extra work.

In all fairness, Liang De doesn't want to cause trouble for others, especially since he has been eating unhealthy food. He likes to eat everything from the Fat House Happy Series. As a result, his blood lipids, blood sugar, and cholesterol are high, and his blood is sticky and fatty. After pressing, spray it evenly on the ground...the cleaning is too hard.

Mr. Liang has been working overtime for many years and leaving later than cleaning, so he knows the hard work of the cleaning staff and does not want to cause them trouble.


Liang De stroked his chin and thought seriously.

There are still 3 hours and 5 minutes before the end of the exam. If I do my best with sincerity...can I lower my blood sugar and blood lipids!

It seems, it seems, it seems, it is impossible!

Liang De sighed.

Forget it, it is impossible to lose weight, and it is impossible to lose weight successfully when you are about to die. Let’s take a look at the test tools prepared in the test room. If there are two-way foils, antimatter energy annihilation cannons, RX-0 Unicorn Gundam , Anti-World Noble Phantasm Deviation Sword and so on, even I can easily pass this test.

Liang De pressed the "Display Examination Tools" box on the examinee's instruction scroll, and the sound of mechanical operation immediately came from the floor behind him.

Three iron-gray square platforms protruded from the ground, and then unfolded automatically like a cardboard box, revealing various utensils placed inside.

On the first platform are all kinds of armor: cowhide armor, infantry armor, chain mail armor, bright light armor, yellow satin copper nailed copper leaf armor, European full-body knight armor, etc... There are even iron spikes all over the body like human figures A hedgehog-like Siberian bear suit.

Liang De shook his head. Putting on this kind of thing can only add a little more fun to eating canned food for the sawtooth lizard, or chew it directly with the shell to enjoy a different crispy taste. It is the same as eating oil-fried small river prawns. At most, the gums will be red and swollen Get ulcers.

How does this help to solve the bad breath problem of the bad breath bucktooth beast!

Liang De looked towards the second platform.

On the second platform are various mechanical components and a universal toolbox.

Gears, batteries, motors, bearings, rods, screws, tapes... Liang De's recognizable and unrecognizable things are all over the platform, with a complete range and a large number, even the most picky secret room murderer in the Detective Conan series It is meaningless for Mr. Liang De, a liberal arts student, to find someone who is handy.

Even if there is a complete set of RX-0 Unicorn Gundam on it, he can't assemble it, and even if he can assemble it, he can't move it.

So Liang De could only look at the third platform.

The things on this platform are more or less reliable, and they are all kinds of offensive weapons.

Mongolian bows, English longbows, and bows, waist-stretching crossbows, kick-stretching crossbows, and bed crossbows... Good guy, but how do I string the bed crossbows.

Flying knives, sleeve arrows, locust rocks, wishful rings, iron toads, money darts, plum blossom needles, thunder drills... I, Liang De, only have a Fengshen Qilin arm that has been trained for 27 years. Or Avalokitesvara, farewell.

Liang De left the medium and long-range weapon area and walked towards the melee weapon area.

Forget about the Deviant Sword, the Heavenly Crystal Tiger Soul Emperor Hate Xingxiu Jie came to play with two, Frostmourne is not bad, we don't pick it, forget it, forget about Frostmourne, our father is still there.

Liang De looked down.

Tsk tsk, good guy, swords, guns, halberds, axes, hooks, maces, maces, hammers, boring sticks, sticks, meteors... with hooks, with blades, with points, with wings, eighteen things Weapons are readily available.

Coincidentally, I, Liang De, have eighteen martial arts and eighteen weapons since I was a child...never know any of them.

Forget it, wait for death.

Liang De muttered, picked up the scroll of candidates' instructions and read it again.

Hey, there is a line of small words under the body data of the sawtooth lizard:

"The sawtooth lizard (full body) used for the test has been injected with timed degeneration injections, degenerating once every 50 minutes, until it degenerates three times and becomes a juvenile sawtooth lizard (full body→mature stage→growth stage→juvenile stage)."

Liang De whispered to himself:

"That is to say, if the purpose of this entrance examination is to enroll students instead of fancy feeding the sawtooth lizard, after the sawtooth lizard has degenerated three times, candidates may use the tools provided by the examination room to kill the juvenile sawtooth lizard within 30 minutes lion."

"No, not at all."

The unknown being who was secretly watching the examination room sneered.

I have interfered to change the rule setting of the entrance examination.

This juvenile sawtooth lizard lion was injected with a timed evolution injection. After evolving three times in 150 minutes, its size will shrink to the size of a civet cat, but its attack power will increase by more than ten times, comparable to that of Bai Jie. A Jieyuan walker who specializes in killing.

No matter how hard the candidates try, it is impossible to kill this sawtooth lizard lion in the exam.

After 3 hours at most, you will know the horror of death.

Deeply understand the taste of despair, and learn to fear real death and pain from despair.

Mortal, this is your first lesson at Sheng Wuxu Private High School.

"The exam has begun, and candidates are asked to start answering."

The cold mechanical female voice rang out on time, and a hemp rope used for timing appeared between Liang De and the Lizard, burning slowly from the end.


(End of this chapter)

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