Fist of Fantasy

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

At 23:30 in the evening, Liang De received the blueprint of the medical testing bracelet and the matching mobile application installation package from the mysterious person on his mobile phone.

It only took less than 14 hours from morning to now, which is really a bit efficient, hum, you deserve to be Party B.

Liang De went over the blueprint with his martial arts soul, and after memorizing the details repeatedly, a baseball-sized phantom sea aura surged in his palm, and he quickly produced the first finished product according to the blueprint.

Liang De looked at the simple and elegant metallic sky blue bracelet with a unique screw design on the trial language drawing, and then at the thing in his hand that seemed to be made out of a blue glass ashtray. Mr. Gou Liang secretly decided in his heart that he would never judge people by their appearance.

"Brother Xian, try wearing this, if there is no problem, go out with me later to shop."

Li Zhixian put on the blue bracelet without any logo, only a QR code for downloading the app was printed on it, curiously twirled it around his wrist a few times, and asked:

"What is this? An upgraded version of Hair Loss Buster?"

"It's not that simple. This 996ICU bracelet not only integrates the function of automatic hair growth, but also can be connected with the meridians of the human body to monitor the wearer's physical condition in real time, and then quickly make a diagnosis through the built-in medical analysis module to find serious hidden dangers in time. Immediately remind the wearer to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, effectively preventing sudden acute illness and sudden death from overwork.

This product can automatically absorb the free energy from the outside world to maintain its operation, and the service life is as high as two and a half years. Such a great product only sells for 99.6 yuan. It can be said to be a friend of social animals with high quality and low price. "

"Only 99 yuan?

Lao Liang, you are not mistaken, ordinary sports bracelets are more than this price.

Those white-collar workers are very willing to spend money on electronic equipment. There are more people buying new mobile phones, new hosts and new handhelds. Your 996 bracelet sells for 9960 yuan, and there are many people who buy it. If the number is unlucky, you can sell it for 8848. Ah, a handmade bracelet, who has seen such a high-end gadget before? "

Li Zhixian checks his physical condition through the mobile app that comes with the 996ICU bracelet:

…Esophageal varicose veins, leukocytosis, hepatomegaly, acid-base imbalance, the preliminary diagnosis is early alcoholic fatty liver, it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Alcoholic liver, well, I think so too, this thing is quite accurate.

She raised her head and said to Liang De:

"Sell at least three thousand, Lao Liang, be confident. Although your bracelet is ugly and does not reflect the spirit and feelings of craftsmanship, your core functions are still good. You dare to sell two or three thousand for a hammer phone. Why do you no.

Those petty white-collar workers are willing to buy a wireless vacuum cleaner that costs thousands of dollars, let alone such a good thing that can save a dog's life, the price must be increased, and the price must be increased.

I think the price should be multiplied by 30, 2988 yuan, which sounds auspicious. "

Holding his special mobile phone, Liang De said without raising his head:

"Who told you that white-collar workers are the main user group?

Today's white-collar workers are very hard-working, but compared with office workers, those front-line workers who are older, have lower salaries, have worse working conditions, and do more manual labor are more likely to get sick.

My 996 bracelet is a three-no product, and they won't buy it if the price is too high. "

"Old Liang, you neither leave a name nor make money. Why do you do these things? You are a fist of fantasy and not a savior of social animals. Besides, this bracelet alone can't save social animals."

"The world-crossing gate will arrive in a few days, so I want to take advantage of my free time to do something that I am willing to do to solve my problem of not being durable enough."

Li Zhixian almost sprayed the mixed semi-sweet white wine out of his nose.

Spray, don't tell me that you have persistent problems!

Are you so indifferent to this kind of thing about a man's self-esteem!

Liang De, who was less than 2 minutes away from Jieyuan, didn't speak any more. He concentrated on the operation, using his dedicated mobile phone to capture the relevant data of World 415, and was doing the final localization transformation for the mobile application made by Shenshiyu.

Mainly by grabbing the data of various medical institutions in the world No. 415, adding the average treatment cost of various common diseases and the introduction of related procedures to the mobile application.

Liang De also added a function, that is, users can choose to ignore some minor problems that have been ignored.

Cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, tenosynovitis, chronic pharyngitis, eye fatigue, gastritis... social animals more or less have these medals, and they will not go to the doctor if they are reminded every day. It's better to block it, so as not to aggravate the obsessive-compulsive disorder and mental weakness that are widespread among social animals.

In addition, users can set a medical budget, and once a disease that exceeds this budget is detected, it will immediately give an early warning.

The default reminder budget given by Liang De is 4000, which is one-half of the average income of Xiangbei City last year. Users can modify it if they think it is too high or too low.

After finishing the localization, he immediately turned on the mass production mode, outputting all the mysterious energy of the fantasy sea, and quickly piled up hundreds of finished 996ICU bracelets in the Haina fantasy collection.

The automatic production mode has been turned on, and the goods can be distributed.

"Brother Xian, let's go, and strive to spread the goods all over Xiangbei City tonight."

A few minutes later, Li Zhixian stood with a sore face outside the door of the unmanned adult products store, showing no interest to Lao Liang who sneaked in as a transparent person with a pigeon hidden.

That's right, the current law in Dongguo prohibits the use of child labor, and this 996ICU medical detection bracelet is an out-and-out adult product.

Moreover, adult product stores that do not sell goods generally have curtains, and now that small table-top vending machines are gradually popularized in themed hotel rooms, so the traffic of adult product stores is decreasing. Lao Liang went in stealthily to do machine repair And distribution, basically do not have to worry about being discovered.

Liang De disassembled the vending machine in the adult goods store with his bare hands, and installed a blue aisle inside, placed a 996ICU bracelet, and left a sea-eye aisle at the end of the aisle for future convenience. Restock anytime.

If the coin is set... only cash is accepted, and the ID card can only be purchased once a day, and there is also a sea eye leading to Haina Magic Store in the coin storage box.

After Liang De finished his work, he walked out of the sex shop and patted Li Zhixian on the shoulder.

"This one is done, go to the next one."

Li Zhixian was walking on the street in the middle of the night, staggering like a walking corpse.

Why does it become like this.

For the first time, I had a reason to work hard.

It doesn't matter if you work overtime at night for the first time.

It was supposed to be a wolf-like inspirational time like a dream, but why did it become like this.

Why did I, an ordinary orthodox beautiful girl, visit all the sex shops in Xiangbei City overnight with a man!


The sad wolf howl echoed in the heart of the beautiful girl under the moon.


Two in the morning.

A huge, fat figure sneaked into a shop with an opaque curtain.

Zhao Siyue, the technical director who was still working overtime in the industrial park, received a text message from Liang De 5 minutes ago. He went downstairs with his ID card and tiptoed into the unmanned adult products store near the company.

"996ICU bracelet?"

 1. Thanks to Tangtangzhengzheng o, enjoying a half-day leisure in a floating life, Raven Yaw, Jinlan's Lobster, Pioneer 1997, Xiao Juerwo, Skilley, Book Friends 20191025060331895, Hong Ran, Broken Dreams, Original Sin, Shao Hanlun, Repaying All There is a universe, a crown of thorns, a little serenade, a little serenade, dongdgon, a reward from King Huang Yixiang, I cried until I drifted three thousand miles along my tears. 2. Thank you for your votes and support. Serious Literature successfully checked in this afternoon and ranked 250th on the weekly push of the site. As of the update of this chapter, "Fist of Imagination" ranked second in the original new book list of the light novel channel. It is stable and promising. Break into the 2 realm this month! 213. This is the end of today's update, I have burned out _(:з」∠)_3. I am working hard on coding and preparing to add an update tomorrow. 4. Sacrifice a copy of the behind-the-scenes invincible flow soft science fiction "The Great Creator" written by a friend XD. 5. Thank you everyone.



(End of this chapter)

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