Fist of Fantasy

Chapter 131 Survivor

Chapter 131 Survivor

Liang De put away the pen and paper, and helped Oldman who was lying on the ground crying and fussing after howling.

Sure enough, literature still needs a little talent.

Although the articles are fateful, not every hard-working person can write masterpieces, otherwise I should have become a writer.

There are so many playboys from poor families, but Cao Xueqin has only one.

This brother has no hope, he wasted the opportunity to travel through this fixed mission at public expense, so he can only consider himself unlucky.

Liang De helped Oldman back to the sofa, and just about to let go, the brown-haired young man on the verge of collapse suddenly grabbed his shoulder, and his voice was decisive:

"I can't believe I'm living a dream!

It's all just your illusion!

You are the omnipotent messenger of the gods, and all this is just a lie you wove to let me create classic literature!

The empire is real, my family is real, I am not a dream! "

Liang De sighed and said, "Brother, your conjecture like a 'brain in a vat' is interesting, but if I'm really omnipotent, how can I make you wake up and realize this?

Besides, if your empire is real, there should be quite a few masters of literature in the empire, so I should just go and find them. Are you famous in the literary world?

According to the setting of the false memory, you are a son of a nobleman, and you must have received an education in art. I don’t talk about legendary epics. Now you can hum a ditty of the empire, can you hum it?

Come on, let me play a tune for you, the red sun is rolling down the west slope - you come! "

Oldman's face changed again and again, and finally became ashen and dejected, like a lifeless dead leaf.

He knew what Xiaoqu'er meant, and knew that there must be Xiaoqu'er in the Empire, but his mind was empty, and he couldn't think of any kind of melody at all.

Liang De sat back on the sofa opposite Oldman and said:

"It's a matter of resource allocation.

The Dream World of True Essence is like a pomegranate of various colors, 1 different dreams run simultaneously in this world, and the world resources mobilized by each dream are limited.

So it’s normal to cut corners. The world can’t make up a whole set of detailed settings for you, a dead NPC. Anyway, you can’t go anywhere on the Gobi Desert. Thinking is basically a simple formula, and I’ll just stuff it with memory to fool you. Just one click.

If I don't interrupt, you'll probably repeat it to the end of the world. "

Oldman's dry eyes reflected the empty sky, and he didn't speak for a long time.

This guy has been deeply polluted by Lingnan dialect outside the Guanwai, and now he has no passion, probably because he can't create any famous literary works.

Liang De turned on the tablet to browse the list of known worlds, thinking about which world he would switch to to do the quest after the world-crossing gate restarted in five days.

Literary and artistic work is hard to do. The old man’s collapse that I’m filming now has nothing to do with it.

"Liang...Mr. Liang." Oldman put his hands on the table, approached Liang De and said:

"Can you prevent the destruction of this dream?"

Mr. Liang has always been ruthless towards useless people, he looked flat-headed and said without raising his head:

"I told you that resources are limited.

The illithid 'Spasm Pain' has dreams every day, sometimes several at a time. Once its new dreams are reflected in Kukai, the earliest dreams in the Essence Dream World will be shattered immediately, so that it can rest on the wreckage of old dreams. Generate new dreams.

This dream has turned into the color of rotten tomatoes, and it will be over in 20 days at most. It is hopeless, you can wait for death in peace. "

Oldman still did not give up, and continued to ask:

"So, do you have a way for me to survive after the world is broken.

Mr. Liang, maybe in your eyes I am just a poor-quality tool made by the creator, with only a false past and a poor life, but to me, I am also a person of flesh and blood. "

Liang De raised his head, he was a little confused, and said:

"Brother, but why do you live? I have seen people who live for family members, people who live for responsibility, and people who live for love, but you don't have any of these... It stands to reason that you don't There must be such a strong desire to survive.

I have also checked your body, there is almost no biological instinct written in it, it is an empty blank meat man.

Brother, why do you want to live so much? "

"Do you need a reason to live?" Oldman asked back.

"Don't you need it?"

"do you need?"

"Don't you need it?"

"do you need?"

Liang De was dumbfounded.

Yeah, do you need a reason to live?

No matter what the mission he was given when he was created, no matter how he was created, he has awakened, he is a man of flesh and blood.

When did I start to feel that I was a high-ranking Extraordinary.

I'm just an ordinary person who struggles hard in the vast world and wants to go home. There's nothing special about it. Don't pretend to be a ruthless boss. Shit, Liang Feifan.

Liang De laughed at himself, thought about it seriously and said to Oldman:

"Brother, even if you don't need a reason to live, how can I help you live?

I can't prevent the destruction of this dream, and I can't use the world-transmitting gate to take you away.

You are not a Jieyuan walker, and without Jieyuan's approval, you cannot travel through the worlds at will.Otherwise, taking you away would mean spending 50 more crystal clusters, which I can still afford. Although your brother Liang is short of money, it is not particularly short of money, not short of this little money. "

Oldman was like a piece of dry grass that was ignited, with a tenacious light in his eyes.

"You just said..."

"Don't come here, you're gone, brother, just be casual, there is no need to do this."

Liang De handed Oldman a cigarette and lit it.

"Relax and say what you want."

Oldman smoked a cigarette like Liang De did, coughed violently, and blushed.

"...Brother Liang, you just said that this world is composed of 1 dreams. These dreams are destroyed one by one in the order they were created, and then new dreams are created on the wreckage.

I can't leave this world, so can I leave this dream and go to another dream?

As long as I keep traveling between dreams, jumping from the dying world to the new world, won't I be able to live forever? "

Liang De rubbed the stubble on his chin and thought for a while, then said:

"Your body is a little weak, I can change it for you, but the problem is... you can't see the color of another dream in a dream, and there is no way to determine what state a dream is in.

If it weren't for this, I would have run away long ago, and I wouldn't stay here to chat with you. "

Seeing that Oldman was a little confused, Liang De explained:

"Every dream is connected to all other dreams. Every time you cross the border, you may step into a dream that is being destroyed. Once you touch it, you will not be able to escape."

"For me, it's better than waiting to die here, isn't it."

Oldman smiled and held out his hand to Liang De.

"Brother Liang, help my brother."

Your language learning ability is very good...

Brother Liang held Oldman's brother's hand and said:

"Brother, I can help you. A friend of mine said that when you meet someone who wants to live, you can help him if you can. I appreciate him very much.

But I have two things to make clear to you first. "

"Brother, tell me, I'm listening."

"First, my own academic philosophy is mainly practical, unless it is a body that I know very well, otherwise there will definitely be discrepancies.

If you want to change your body to the strength that can pass through the dream, it is definitely not what you are now. Objectively speaking, after the modification, there is a high probability that your appearance will not be too human-like. Would you like it? "

"No problem, Brother Liang, didn't you say that I am an orphan born and raised by nature, so I just look like a human. I have no blood relationship with ordinary humans, so it doesn't matter what I look like."

"The second thing, brother, even if you can survive by traveling through the dream, but the rest of your life, everything you encounter, everyone you know, are all fake, and the longest shelf life will not exceed Ten thousand days.

I imagined this kind of life, and it feels like nothingness, can you bear it? "

"It's okay, Brother Liang."

Oldman got up and took off the small blue camera from Liang De's neck and hung it around his neck.

"I've already thought about what I'm going to do."

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