Fist of Fantasy

Chapter 133 1 Star Toilet Paper

Chapter 133 One Star Toilet Paper

Li Zhixian took out a cyan reel specially used for recording materials, and spread it on the coffee table.

The automatic writing brush that comes standard with the Fancy Note is suspended in the air, waiting for the owner's command.

She had already seen the audio-visual records brought back by Liang De, but she was still unable to write after pondering over and over again.

One of the main tasks of Fist of Fantasy is to reprocess the material brought back by Fist of Fantasy and then submit it to the evil god novelist Mr. Tai Fengxian.

Teacher Fengxian doesn't care about the authenticity and rationality of the story. There is only one criterion for judging it, and that is fun, so there is a lot of room for modification of the imaginary note, and it can even be changed beyond recognition.

But this kind of work with vague standards is difficult to start.

Li Zhixian thought and thought, but he still couldn't figure out how to modify the story Liang De brought back.

"Old Liang, your work lacks the potential to become a blockbuster."


"Let's talk about the scene first. A piece of Gobi can only make people think of classic Chinese curses. It's not romantic at all. If the story happened on a beautiful island, the atmosphere would be much better."

"Where do I go to get an island out, do I have to paint the ground blue to pretend to be the sea?

Besides, as long as you have sand in your heart, where is the Maldives? The Gobi Desert is full of sand, isn’t it enough for your imagination? "

"Forget it, the objective environment really can't help it, but Lao Liang, your creative thinking was crooked from the very beginning.

Judging from the current market environment, there are only two ways to make this kind of dual male protagonist story popular.

Either it is not GAY and insists that it is GAY, or it is GAY that insists that it is not GAY, creating a feeling that seems to be GAY and not GAY, which makes people itchy all over and cannot stop.

But look at the things you took, 90.00% of them are welded and screwed by you, plus your public face that makes heterosexuals and homosexuals have no evil thoughts, it can only remind people of handmade Geng, I If you want to make up the plot, you can't make up for it, okay? "

Li Zhixian picked up the grapefruit vodka and took a sip. Although he didn't write a word, he was very confident.

Lao Liang covered his public face and said angrily:

"Then don't make up your mind, just write it out plainly.

Forcibly adding popular elements in order to please the audience is completely different. Do you think the audience is so superficial? Do you think they are blindly chasing fashion?

They don't care if it's popular or not, they're simply chasing what they like.

Besides, Teacher Tai Fengxian is a straight steel man, how could he like the kind of tune you mentioned. "

"Okay, I can't tell with a straight guy like you, anyway, I can only get [-]% of the research bonus, so you can do whatever you want."

Li Zhixian manipulated the automatic brush to write vigorously on the scroll, and then outlined some boxes to fill in the edited video data. It took three or four meters to finish writing the story Liang De brought back for the first time.

She put away her pen and ink, and threw the scroll to Liang De for review.

Liang De took a rough look at Li Zhixian's writing, which was light and tasteful, neither exaggerated nor boring. He used ordinary sentences to clearly tell the story of Oldman, the thief who shot the demon. It is the key point, there is nothing to modify.

"Okay, let's sacrifice it to Teacher Fengxian, as long as the evaluation is not 1 star, I will be satisfied."

Tai Feng first adopted a five-star rating system for the materials brought back by Fist of Fantasy, with 1 star being the lowest and 5 stars being the highest.

The bonus for 1-star material is 100 crystal clusters, and the bonus doubles for each star level.

The bonus for 5-star material is 1600 crystal clusters, which is equivalent to more than half a month's salary of Lao Liang. This is the main source of income for Fist of Fantasy.

Li Zhixian tied up the blue scroll and threw it into the altar of the evil god. There was a sound like a toilet flushing from the cardboard box. After a while, the scroll that turned black to indicate that it had been read jumped out of the cardboard box.

A silver-white five-pointed star was printed on the black scroll, and after jumping out of the carton, Tai Fengxian's voice sounded out of thin air.

"Ade, it's so boring.

The two male protagonists have been alone for so long, but there are only electric welding sparks, dry, no ambiguous interaction at all, making people want to crave CP and have no way to crave it. I don’t think even a youth magazine for middle school students will want your story.

You can use these 100 crystal clusters to buy two more popular boy and girl comics on both sides of the sky and sea to study. If you are still at this level next time, I will write your name on the bald seven arrows book. "

Get out!You old bald man still likes to eat CP, where did you get the heart of a strange girl!

Li Zhixian caught the black scroll that fell from the sky after the sound disappeared, and she showed a smug smile that she knew so well, and tapped the palm of her hand with the scroll.

"Let me just say it, Teacher Fengxian understands it very well, Lao Liang, it's because you have been out of touch with popular culture for too long.

Listen to me, next time I find a world rich in beautiful men and shoot more material, and with my amazing editing at 180 mph, it's easy to get 5 stars. "

"I, Liang De, is a straight man for a lifetime. I will never sell my soul for a little money! Give up!"

"Hmph, wait for the day when you really smell good."

Li Zhixian_(:з)∠)_ returned to the sofa, shook the black scroll in his hand and said:

"Where do you put this thing? There will be more and more in the future, can you offer sacrifices?"

"The material reel needs to be archived, and the higher-ups may come to check it later.

Hmm... I'll dig a cellar under the apartment after you sleep. I'll dig down later to check the pipes and foundation. If it doesn't move, I'll dig deeper. "

"Then you can start, I'll make up the drama all night today."

Li Zhixian turned on the TV in the living room and watched the start-up advertisement boringly.

"You have nothing to do during the day, why do you have to make up the drama overnight."

"Do your business, dig your hole."

Maybe salted fish is such a nocturnal animal.

Liang De shook his head, lifted a piece of the floor and turned into a drill bit to drill down. The operation was silent and dust-free. The hole left was only the size of a ping-pong ball, which opened Li Zhixian's eyes.

She chose a sensual old Korean drama from many years ago, sucked out paper with the wine glass in her left hand, and watched it intently while nestling on the sofa.

When the male protagonist and the female protagonist drank five or six cups of beer at the food stall, and Li Zhixian drank dozens of cans of beer at the same time, a mysterious dark magic suddenly surged in the sky above the Red Leaf Building on Shanqian Street.

Two girls in gothic Lolita dresses descended from the night sky holding their skirts, and gracefully landed on the deserted rooftop of Hongye Building.

The blond girl who was as proud as a swan glanced at the dirty roof of this old building with disgust, let go of her skirt and said to the black-haired girl beside her:

"Does the man you speak of live here?"

The black-haired girl said with some fear: "Yes, Mrs. Agres, she changed a lot of residences after retiring, but I heard..."

Before she could finish speaking, the blond girl Agres pinched her chin forcefully.

"You are afraid. She is just an old unemployed woman. Even if she still has some magic, it is just a trick that has been eliminated by the evil disaster bureau long ago. After seeing the divine magic bestowed by my lord, what do you have to be afraid of?" of it.

After bathing in her blood, you can become my lord's maid, and the Evil Disaster Bureau will not be able to do anything to you, a traitor, Yami, what are you afraid of? "

Agres cut the black-haired girl's cheek with her pure black nails, dipped a little scarlet blood and put it on the tip of her tongue.

"It's the smell of shaking.

What's the matter, Yami, are you starting to regret bringing me to her? After all, it's the instructor who trained you, so it's understandable to be a little shaken, if that's the case..."

The black-haired girl Yami broke free from Agres's hand pinching her chin, and knelt down on one knee, letting the blood on her face drip onto the delicate light black gold skirt.

"Master Agres, I will use her blood to wash away the last wavering in my heart, please believe in my determination."

"I'll watch over you, Jamie."

The blond girl smiled lightly and danced her skirt, a magic circle made of profane runes unfolded from under her skirt, and the dark enchantment like a cage of dry bones instantly enveloped the Hongye Building, dragging the old building down soundlessly. Into the inner side of the world.

"It's now!"

The wine-soaked salted fish suddenly stood up on the sofa.

The pointless synopsis time of the opening credits!

Li Zhixian suddenly cartwheeled away from the sofa, her dexterous body turned quickly in the air and rushed towards the refrigerator, and opened the door in the air to get the wine in one go. Back on the sofa.

She opened a can of beer just as the first episode of the new episode began to play on the living room TV.

Why doesn't the male lead confess his love, he's so anxious, this screenwriter is so understandable and annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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