Fist of Fantasy

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

Yu Peihuan pursed her lips and smiled, as if she casually reached out to straighten the collar of Liang De's coat.

"Zhixian used to be a very good magical girl, but she has been retired for a long time, and there is a certain gap in all aspects compared with the active personnel.

If Commissioner Liang wants to find competent personnel to assist, we have many excellent operators in the Evil Disaster Bureau of Xiangbei City who can be selected. "

She took a step back, put her four fingers together and swiped in front of the promotional poster of the ten outstanding youths of the Xiangbei City Evil Disaster Bureau.

"If Commissioner Liang's important work is really necessary, these nine senior officers of the Evil Disaster Bureau can be dispatched at any time, and I will do a good job in coordination."

Liang De let out a "hmm", as if he was thinking seriously. After a while, he said seriously:

"Then Director Yu, are you free today? My important job has relatively high requirements for appearance. It is best for a beautiful girl to go out with me to be safe. I think you are suitable for Director Yu."

Yu Peihuan and Li Zhixian looked at Liang De's simple Shiba Inu at the same time and smiled.

Brother, don't be funny, the work you can participate in still requires good looks?

Yu Peihuan folded her hands and said softly: "In normal times, I would be happy to work with Commissioner Liang, and it happens to be able to learn advanced experience from the elites of the General Administration, but Director Huang is not here recently, and I have to preside over the daily work of the Xiangbei City Evil Disaster Bureau. so……

In fact, there are quite a few outstanding members of the Magical Girls Force in our bureau who are both good-looking, virtuous and talented. I believe they can meet Commissioner Liang's requirements. Why don't you go to my office to look at the information first? "

It took Liang De a few hundred milliseconds to resist the temptation to look at the data of active magical girls. He said with difficulty:

"Ju Yu, in addition to appearance, this important job also requires drinking capacity. Is there anyone among the active magical girls who can drink better than Captain Li Zhixian?"

Yu Peihuan raised her voice slightly, and said: "Commissioner Liang, Captain Li Zhixian is an early retiree. In principle, our Evil Disaster Bureau does not recommend re-employing this type of personnel. This is the spirit of the General Administration's document. This point has been repeated repeatedly in several important meetings, and you should also..."

Liang De lowered his head and made a loud noise with a soy milk straw, interrupting Yu Peihuan's long speech.

"Director Yu, the General Administration also supports the temporary recruitment of non-staff personnel with special skills to help complete the work. Regardless of whether Captain Li Zhixian retires early or not, her appearance and drinking capacity are here, especially the latter item, which can be said in Xiangbei City Don't be a second person.

Director Yu, if you have any objections, you can set a table in the cafeteria and bring your senior operatives out for a comparison.

Let me put it bluntly, I came to the bureau today mainly to register Captain Li Zhixian as a special conscript and restore her comprehensive law enforcement powers including interrogation, search, on-site control, use of ordnance, and shooting down bandits. . "

"Okay." Yu Peihuan agreed with a smile.

Liang De didn't expect things to go so smoothly, and was about to pretend to thank you when he heard Yu Peihuan say:

"Put a table in the cafeteria at noon today, compare the drinking capacity, and invite Commissioner Liang to give guidance on the spot."

I don’t drink alcohol, what should I guide you to keep whales in the bottom of the cup with cephalosporin in your pocket?

"This is..."

Liang De turned his head to ask Brother Xian for his opinion, only to see that she was calm and composed, her eyes were radiant, and she exuded a guru-like demeanor like Yue Zhiyuan.

"What wine to drink, eaux-de-vie?"

Yu Peihuan took out her mobile phone and sent a message, saying, "Distilled vodka is too harmful. We are all colleagues. There is no need to work so hard. Drink some golden wheat."

"Isn't golden ale banned in Xiangbei?"

"The smuggled goods seized last week have been reported to the General Administration, and we are allowed to dispose of them ourselves."

"Huanhuan, you can actually come to me directly if you have such a thing in the future..."

Li Zhixian smiled sweetly and walked towards Yu Peihuan, but Liang De grabbed him and asked in a low voice, "What is golden ale?"

"Grain distilled liquor, 95 degrees, the taste is okay."

"Ordinary medical alcohol is only 75%!"

"No, I've had 95% alcohol." Li Zhixian questioned.

"That's for UV lamps and lenses!"

And why do you drink alcohol directly!

"Can you do it, there are at least nine people on the opposite side."

Li Zhixian laughed, took off the captain's roll-brimmed cap on his head, and said:

"Don't tell me how many people there are, how healthy they are, how much they drink, and how profound they are.

People never leave the road, and tigers never leave the mountain. If you are afraid, don't touch wine, if you are not afraid, just keep drinking.

Drinking, two words, one horizontal and one vertical, the loser goes out sideways, and only the standing ones are eligible to speak.

From the first time I drank until now, I have been standing up and talking. "

Li Zhixian straightened his back, and glanced at Yu Peihuan with his eyes.

"Let's go."


A box in the small cafeteria of the Xiangbei City Evil Disaster Bureau.

When Yu Peihuan led Li Zhixian and Liang De into the door, there were already nine men sitting at the round table.

Not one of the top ten outstanding youths.

Seeing three people coming in, the nine outstanding youths stood up immediately.

"Ju Yu, sister Zhixian."

Li Zhixian waved his hand lazily to signal the nine outstanding youths to sit down, and walked to the nearest seat.

Dozens of cases of Gold Ale were stacked against the wall, along with a similar amount of Jager liqueur and still water.

3 ounces of 95% gin ale, 3 ounces of 35% Jager liqueur, 5 ounces of purified water, 1/6 teaspoon of salt, this is the recipe for a glass of "instant death".

Kicking cocktails often have hideous names like: Zombie, Afternoon Dead, Irish Car Bomb, Struggling Bastard, Dying Bastard, Dead Bastard, and more.

The above-mentioned high-strength cocktails are usually listed in the top ten wines for injustice along with Long Island Iced Tea and Northern Lights, etc., but the "moment of death" with golden ale as the main ingredient rarely appears on the list of wines for injustice, probably because Love is precious, and life is more expensive.

This kind of grain distilled alcohol, second only to "water of life", has long been banned from sale in most areas. Li Zhixian, who has not participated in anti-smuggling missions for a long time after retiring, has not tasted the taste of "moment of death" for several years.

Commissioner Liang, who gave the on-the-spot guidance, got up and announced the rules. Extraordinary force is not allowed, alcohol is not allowed to be excreted from the body, and alcohol is not allowed to be spilled. The person who drinks more wins.

Li Zhixian drank a bottle of Golden Wheat on her own while Liang De was talking. She threw the empty bottle back and stood firmly on the ground against the wall.

She picked up another bottle and cleaned it up, and said to the nine pale-faced outstanding young men:

"If everyone drinks separately, you guys probably don't have the guts to compete with me for wine.

Come one by one, wheel battle, whoever falls will be thrown out.

Then whoever has the biggest head, you come first. "

The young man with a big head held his head and frowned: "Sister Zhixian, just shake me."


Yu Peihuan looked at the big-headed young man tenderly, making his scalp tingle.

"Sister Peihuan, I...I did it."

With his big head and eyes closed, he drank a bottle of golden ale, covered his mouth and slid under the table, speaking inarticulately:

"I lost..."

The other eight people followed suit, covered their mouths after blowing a bottle and fled, only Yu Peihuan, Li Zhixian, and Liang De remained at the round table.

Reeking of alcohol, Liang De wrinkled his nose and said to Yu Peihuan:

"Ju Yu, the winner has been decided, let's register."

Yu Peihuan didn't speak. She picked up a bottle of golden ale and stood it upside down on the table.

This gentle woman raised her eyebrows at Li Zhixian, her provocation was undisguised.

This pair of old partners and old drinking friends who met again after a few years smiled at each other and held up a new bottle of wine at the same time.

Ton ton ton ton ton ton.

(End of this chapter)

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