Fist of Fantasy

Chapter 144

Chapter 144 Call it a day

These vengeful dimples that make up the shield wall are tightly combined and cannot be absorbed by the soul catching ball.

If you use the pause effect for a while...but the strength of these vengeful evil spirits is too low, and you may not be able to hold it if you decide.

Liang De ruled out several options, and stretched out the martial artist's spiritual sense to sense the changes in the oxygen content in the air.

The remaining maids of the evil god behind the ghost mask shield wall held hands, and unconsciously breathed rapidly under the threat of death, rapidly consuming oxygen.

You need aerobic respiration, so that's easy.

Liang De took a deep breath and raised his neck like a red dragon before exhaling.

He had been lighting cigarettes in his lungs for a long time, and for this purpose he opened a henna phantom in his lungs to serve as an ashtray.

How often do men clean out their ashtrays?

If this ashtray is big enough, the answer is never.

Liang De moved the outlet of his lungs into his mouth, pointed at the ghost face shield wall Rua, and spit out several tons of peppermint ash.

The strong and evil high-concentration second-hand smoke spewed out wildly, instantly engulfing the ghost shield wall and the evil god's maid hiding behind the wall.

The pervasive peppermint ash was like large groups of light blue feathers. After burying those evil god maids alive, it quickly invaded the upper respiratory tract, and then spread to the entire body.

These bone-chilling dust adhered to the trachea wall, alveoli, and blood, denatured and necrotic hemoglobin, and inactivated cytochrome oxidase. The fragile respiratory system of the maids of evil gods instantly collapsed, and they fell to the ground with distorted faces.

The vengeful dimple penetrated by mint soot was unscathed, after all, the spirit body does not need aerobic respiration.

Plan pass.

Liang De backhanded a piece of pure white qi rain, tearing the disgusting roundworms in the air that had lost their super-speed regeneration ability into black and red pieces.

He took the remaining peppermint ash back to Haina's phantom, and then threw hundreds of red and white soul catching balls to collect the vengeful dimples scattered after losing the controller.

He came back to his senses and said to Li Zhixian who put away the bombardment ax and gun:

"Should we send away this group of vengeful evil dimples first, or go to the next evil dimple's stronghold first?"

Li Zhixian lifted the magical girl transformation, walked to the side and put the remaining champagne into the storage bracelet, saying:

"Go to the next stronghold first, otherwise the pangolin may run away."

"Brother Xian, I thought about it, the raid just now was flawless and lacked a pre-procedure.

When most of them died, they didn't know the reason, and they didn't play the role of warning and education, which wasn't enough. "

Li Zhixian: "Huh?"

Liang De looked at the stunned corpses on the ground, and said seriously:

"The working method of the Evil Disaster Bureau has always been very traditional. You messengers of justice always attack when the villains are doing bad things. You are very passive. Therefore, when the villains are hammered, they usually know why they were hammered. No special education is needed. .

But this time, you and I adopted a brand-new model of justice from heaven without saying anything, which was very sudden to them, and the death was a bit unclear, which did not play an educational role. "

"Then what do you say?"

Liang De rubbed out two red copper red armbands, and then used red copper red and amber green to make golden yellow paint, dipped his fingers and wrote a few words on the red armbands.

Liang De tossed the red armband that read "Tenth-Class Lolo Girl" to Li Zhixian, and put on the red armband of "Lolo Girl Policeman" himself.

"That's enough. Let the pangolins know our determination to fight copycat piracy before we start the fight."

"Fuck off! Wear it yourself! I want the one from 'Lo Police'!

You are the tenth-level mother-in-law!Your whole family is a tenth-level mother-in-law! "

"The whole family? It's exciting to think about."

Wearing sunglasses, the two walked out of the cafe that was almost razed to the ground side by side. With a cigarette between his fingers, Liang De tore off his head that was about to explode after using the two-phase mental communication method, and threw it back into the ruins of the cafe.

Before the head was thrown out, he had already used the blood refinement configuration method to make a large-yield explosive bomb.

The head fell to the ground and exploded with a bang, red flames soared into the sky, burning the ruins of the cafe.

"Old Liang, I think you are more evil than evil."

"Shut up, you are also a high-level employee of the evil god, what position do you have to talk about me!"


On this day, all the strongholds of the Evil God Sect in Xiangbei City were continuously attacked by the full-strength police officers and tenth-level looming girls, and the evil god's maids and male servants were almost wiped out.

The main altar of the Evil God was hammered into bean curds by a runaway tenth-level lady. After the Evil God's body descended, he was bombarded with dozens of magic powers.

When he was beaten to pieces and doubted his life, the Evil God heard the disappointed voice of a policeman.

"This is also called an evil god, so isn't it true that all my high school classmates are evil gods?

Brother Xian, get out of the way, I'll make it bigger. "

Under the light of the revolving lantern of life, the world freezes, everything freezes, and the evil god who tries to escape is left in the air.

After turning off the lights and rushing forward, Liang De's jumping figure seemed to flash.

The fist burning with amber flames hit the black-red evil spirit with an innocent smile, and the stubborn and hard gray-black true nature was destroyed, crushing the spirit body of the evil dimple into crumbs.

Liang De retracted his fist and landed, and said to Li Zhixian:

"How long can I kill once?"

"Without believers presiding over the sacrifice, it will take at least two or three years for evil thoughts to condense into evil gods again."

"Then see and kill once."

Li Zhixian took out a bottle of osmanthus wine made of white jade, and sprinkled the golden luminous liquid on the edge of the altar of evil, outlining a large purification array.

Liang De took out all the soul-catching balls containing the vengeful dimples and placed them in the center of the purification magic circle.

"Shouldn't you take them home first?"

"This bottle of wine is a sacrificial item specially provided by Lei Ting Chunzong's Ritual and Culture Department. With the corresponding rituals, these vengeful evil dimples who have been saved will go to the place they care about most after being washed away from their grievances, and then reincarnate."

"Does the wine money go into office expenses?"

Li Zhixian ignored him, closed his eyes and clasped his hands together. The complex array outlined by the golden light wine gradually lit up, and hundreds of soul-catching balls opened like scallops.

Those red or black vengeful dimples escaped from the soul catching ball, and after being washed away by the soft light of the formation, they nodded and smiled at Liang De and Li Zhixian, waving their hands and disappearing into the starry night sky.

"Let's go to the supermarket to buy some snacks. What show are you watching tonight?"

"Wonderful Stories of the World Season [-] Collection Remastered Edition."

"It's too old."

"You know what, this version was re-cut by Mr. Qianyuan himself two years ago, and also wrote a new theme song, which is much more interesting than the version decades ago."

"Judging from your tone, you've read it, Second Swipe?"

"Hehe, I'm a real fan of Teacher Qianyuan, how could there be only two brushes, 22 brushes!"

"Amazing, as expected of you."

Liang De and Li Zhixian bought a lot of snacks and discounted drinks at the supermarket and returned to the Hongye Building apartment, slumped on the sofa and turned on the TV.

He took out his dedicated mobile phone, turned on the cross-border data switch, and began to check today's information.

He uses the most basic cross-border communication package, which is charged by time, 0.2 crystal clusters per second, which hurts but is still passable. Anyway, he only opens it once a day at night to check the news and receive information. If it is fast, it will be done in a few seconds. .

Speaking of which, the supreme luxury package is charged according to the traffic, 5 crystal clusters/G, and the cross-border data cannot be turned off, and I don’t know how the eel head Anonymous survived.

Liang De clicked on the inbox, and besides the advertising emails, there was only one letter from the "mysterious person".

... What are you doing.

What is there to say between us, would you like to write and tell me what color the sea is today?

Liang De clicked on the "mysterious man" email.

(End of this chapter)

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