Fist of Fantasy

Chapter 167 Mission Record

Chapter 167 Mission Record

Liang De has mild obsessive-compulsive disorder since he was a child. The main symptoms are blind pursuit of perfection and inability to stop.

When he recited famous poems and sentences when he was a child, he would definitely find the whole text and recite them. Although some poems were mediocre except for the famous sentences, he just wanted to memorize them.

After watching dramas, as long as he has finished watching the feature film, he will definitely find PV, SP, OVA, sequels, staff interviews and other related content and watch them all. Even if these things are boring, he will not miss a single frame.

When playing games, I can't help but pay for it as soon as I see the sequel.

Because of this, he will be poisoned by "Legend of Sword and Fairy II", "Lost Planet 3", "Mass Effect: Andromeda", "Instinct 2", "Superman Returns", "Rocky 6" and "Star Wars 9". The disease is really harmful.

What's even more frightening is that when he finished watching a stinking work, he would be driven by obsessive-compulsive disorder to find all three stinking brothers.

In the era before the double-speed playback function appeared, Ade was wasting his youth meaninglessly.

Today, many years after the end of his youth, Lao Liang still hasn't got rid of this problem. When he hears that there are still incomplete confidential files, he feels as if a husky is tearing up the paper, and it is very itchy.

Liang De walked into the corridor on the 32nd floor of the Evil Disaster Bureau with a special barrier attached, and walked the prescribed distance of 2 meters in the 9 minutes and 15532 seconds stipulated today.

The prescribed time, the prescribed distance, two rules, this special enchantment is not called "timed walk", it is better to call it...

Liang De took the last step at the last second, and an office door appeared on the white wall beside him. The house number was 3201, which was the office of the chief of the Evil Disaster Bureau.

Liang De knocked three times on the black door, one long and two short, and someone in the office immediately said:

"Please come in."

Liang De pressed the metal handle and pushed the door in. Behind the solid wood executive desk in the middle of the office, a Lingnan Chow Chow wearing round-frame glasses raised his head and gave Liang De two friendly barks.

Standing on a leather swivel chair and holding a pen in its right paw, this naive pale yellow Chow Chow is seriously reviewing a large pile of documents on the table.

"Director Huang, are you busy?" Liang De smiled friendlyly at the earth chow lion, and took out the seized cigarettes from his pocket, "Do you smoke?"

"Busy? I'm not busy, but Lao Liang, why do you have time to come to me to guide the work?"

Liang De turned his head and saw that there was a Zhang Gendiao tea table in the corner of the office, where Huang Chuanchao, who was driving a black limousine and wearing a white polo shirt, was drinking tea, smoking and playing with his mobile phone.

Director Huang crossed his legs, put out the cigarette butt, and said:

"Secretary, you go out for a while, I have something to discuss with Commissioner Liang."

"Wang Wang!"

The Chow Chow, who was working hard on the desk, nodded, put down the pen and closed the cap, and quietly got out.

Liang De smiled and sat next to Huang Chuanchao, and said:

"Brother Huang, you're doing well in this class. You don't do anything. You're free and easy, and you won't change it for a god."

"It's not as free as you guys are. It's a pity, you Huang Ge is too lazy. The higher-ups probably won't transfer me to the empty sea outside the boundary."

"Who can say clearly about promotion and salary increase, come and smoke a cigarette."

Liang De smiled and sat next to Huang Chuanchao, and passed the cigarette in his hand.

Huang Chuanchao glanced at it and said, "This is a big cigarette. I smoke too much. You can try mine."

Liang De took the golden box of Double Happiness Agarwood from Huang Chuanchao's hand, and happily swallowed the clouds together with Huang Chuanchao.

Huang Chuanchao poured Liang De a cup of Kung Fu tea and said:

"If I knew you were coming to the Evil Disaster Bureau, I would have brought you here with me. Why are you looking for me today?"

Liang De then told Huang Chuanchao that he wanted to consult the confidential files. Brother Huang is the administrative officer of Lei Ting Zhenzong, so there is no need to hide it from him.

Teacher Feng Xian sells cuckolds and worries... No, it's the test of true love. Almost everyone in Thunder Bluff knows, everyone knows, Huang Chuanchao knows why he came after listening to Liang De's speech.

Huang Chuanchao quit the green stock trading app on his phone, and found the office app of the Evil Disaster Bureau after searching for a long time. He entered the wrong password seven or eight times before successfully logging in.

He gave Liang De the highest authority, and he could read the secrets for as long as he wanted.

The confidential files of the archives department are classified in the Evil Disaster Bureau, but for the Thunder Bluff employees who are stationed in the world office, they are not important at all.

Huang Chuanchao put down his phone and said, "You've found the right place. More than half of the confidential files of the Evil Disaster Bureau are the mission records of the Magic Girl Unit. There are a lot of love and hatred, heart-wrenching sadomasochism, and more blood than social news." up.

That guy, as a man like me, I have watched and cried several times. If I didn’t have something to do today, I would accompany you to brush it again. "

"Brother Huang, are you going to help the poor too?"

"What kind of poverty do I need to help the poor? After the general affairs incident happened, Zhenzong's stock continued to drop to the limit. You don't know that the upper levels have both soft and hard ways to let us spend money to enter the market to rescue the market. Now I am the one who needs poverty alleviation most."

Brother Huang sighed and said:

"Yingxuetang is going to open a branch in Xiangbei. The person in charge will arrive at night, so I have to go and receive him. Are you free tonight, let's have dinner together?"

"No, no, business meals are too serious to shake off my cheeks. I'd rather eat casually on the hour by myself. There is still a meal at home waiting for me to bring snacks back."

Huang Chuanchao shook his head and said:

"Hey, Xiaoli is not like this. The head of Chunzong Ritual Culture Department asked me to take care of her last time. She is a little girl, and I am not very good at taking care of her...Old Liang, you and her partner should take care of you. Come on, count me as a favor to you."

"Brother Huang, whatever you say is a colleague. If you can help me, you will definitely help me."

Liang De and Huang Chuanchao said a few more words of courtesy, then returned to the archives department, passed through the blockade of dozens of magic circles with the highest authority, and entered the confidential file storage room of the Xiangbei City Evil Disaster Bureau alone.

In the dimly lit room, pink crystals cut into snowflake shapes are placed on the wall panels, most of which are mission records of the magical girl unit.

When a magical girl belonging to the Evil Disaster Bureau goes out to perform tasks, she will carry a magic device with a fixed monitoring circle to monitor every move of the magical girl in real time. Send it here for archiving.

Liang De pressed the touch panel on the wall and entered three words in the search box:

"Chestnut to salty."

The search result is 0.

Sorry, typo.

"Li Zhixian..." Liang De thought for a while, and added "Yu Peihuan" at the end.

After clicking confirm, the magic circle at the bottom of the wall panel lit up, and a box full of snowflake powder crystals was sent to Liang De, at least one or two thousand pieces were placed inside.

Liang De canceled the search and sent the box back.

He connected with Jieyuan, and after reviewing the soul memories related to Li Zhixian and Yu Peihuan during this period of time in the revolving lantern of life, he added another key word.

"Dengying Beef."

This time, only one snowflake powder crystal was sent to Liang De.

Liang De held the crystal clear gemstone snowflake and unlocked the seal with the authority granted by Huang Chuanchao.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The sky is as blue as a lake, the clouds are as white as Hada, and a few yaks can be seen faintly on the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

Seven years ago, No. 415 World Brazil Snow Area on this shore.

Two girls with schoolbags were riding on the yak one after the other, singing like jasmine tea echoed in the mountains.

 Due to the influence of the active period of the World Blue Star Spirit on No. 404 on this shore, 〇〇 is now changed to "Brazil". I hope to understand, thank you all.



(End of this chapter)

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