Fist of Fantasy

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

As dusk grew thicker, Buchibenma carried a calico schoolbag made of rags on both sides of the country road covered with weeds, and walked towards Daba Village together with a few day students from the same village.

Holding a Chinese textbook with curled edges, Buchibenma asked a girl about her height to teach the pronunciation of a few words, to put pinyin on words that were not memorized in class, and to encounter places that neither of them knew. Then draw two heavy circles with a pencil.

On the dam in the distance, in order to lick the salt on the rocks, a few wild goats stepped on the gaps in the dam, climbing and jumping on the nearly vertical rock-earth dam surface.

The day students who live in Daba Village zigzag along the winding hardened road, and it took more than half an hour before they saw the dilapidated old dilapidated watchtower in the village and the stacked earth-stone watchtower next to it.

The roofs of those three-to-four-story Tibetan-style dwellings have four pointed corners, on which there is a sacred base of Dingla, on which white stones are placed to drive away evil spirits and avoid disasters.

Yu Peihuan has been using the magic circle to hide her figure and follow behind Buchi Benma. The miniature magic circle in her pupils rotates and shrinks, and the relevant data detected are displayed in the lower right corner of the mission record screen.

Every dwelling in this small village is soaked in thick incense from gods and Buddhas. On those sacred bases stacked with white stones, there are indeed fluctuations of extraordinary power, and the intensity is not low.

Yu Peihuan immediately entered the information in the work log that "a superhuman god is very likely to be born". Before entering Daba Village, she stacked a hidden magic circle for herself, and embedded a button-sized magic device in her palm. Be ready to ask Li Zhixian and the operatives of the Brazilian Evil Disaster Bureau for help at any time.

Yes, martial arts are abundant, which is admirable.

Mr. Liang, who was watching the drama and eating snacks in front of the screen, recognized Xiao Yu's caution.

Liang De stayed in World No. 415 on this shore for a long time, and he also took up a vain post as a special commissioner in the Evil Disaster Bureau. The management system already has a relatively comprehensive understanding.

Theoretically, the legal gods in all establishments in Brazil are under the close supervision of the local Evil Disaster Bureau, undergo strict assessments on a quarterly basis, and reward good and punish evil.

At the same time, the local evil disaster bureaus will regularly check and clean up the jurisdiction to ensure that there are no unlicensed wild gods and evil gods who violate the law and discipline.

Whenever a new good god is born, the person in charge of the local shrine will report the situation to the evil disaster bureau as soon as possible, and the evil disaster bureau will send a special person to conduct a pre-appointment investigation on the new god, and score the new god according to his background and actual performance , and then add posts as appropriate, or sign an employment contract with Xinshen and incorporate them into the management system of the Evil Disaster Bureau.

The Eastern Kingdom's Evil and Disaster Bureau has a profound background and has many soldiers and generals. It has always maintained a glorious tradition of sweeping away all monsters, ghosts and snakes.

However, a long history is a double-edged sword. In the land of legends in Chixian County, China, good and evil gods, wild gods and evil gods with heads and faces emerge in endlessly. You don’t need to look through the local chronicles. Just open the family tree and count dozens of generations, say There may be several town god lands in the ancestors.

In those cities with the names of ancient capitals, sometimes a construction site excavator can dig out several evil gods with a shovel.

Friends who have worked hard in the process of moving mountains and unloading mountains to find gold and buckets, as long as they have a bit of family education and know that life is precious, generally only dare to touch the tombs of the previous dynasty.

Those with a history of more than 200 years, those with a certain feng shui, and those with evil legends in the local area, all hide away. Whoever invites them will not go, regardless of what they do, who has no awareness of safety production?

The folk extraordinary inheritance that continues to this day is full of strange things. Basically, they have one or two unique skills and have learned to muffle their voices... Keep a low profile. If it weren't for love, who would have known that the ancestors next door were Laoshan Taoist priests who knew how to penetrate walls.

With a large area and a large population, it is difficult to control negative energy thoughts, and many so-called gods recur like colds and oral ulcers.

This makes it difficult to do in-depth and detailed management of the East Country Evil Disaster Bureau.

There are more or less feudal dross left in the old and poor border areas, and there are inevitably bad people among the ignorant masses. Therefore, in a place with a lot of incense like Daba Village, it is difficult to say whether there will be undocumented wild gods or evil gods hiding.

The whereabouts of four supporting teachers and six students are already missing. The Brazilian Evil Disaster Bureau has been busy for two months and found nothing. Yu Peihuan's caution is necessary.

She floated soundlessly in the air, and followed Buchibenma into a three-story stone-walled fortress.

Yu Peihuan first went to the sutra hall on the third floor of the diaofang. The sutra hall is the most spacious and magnificent place in this diaofang. The exquisitely carved Buddhist niches occupy a whole wall. There are many Buddha statues enshrined in the Buddhist niches. Yu Peihuan looked at each of them However, they are all common Buddha statues in the Brazilian snow area, and there is no special existence.

In addition to Buddha statues, there are also expensive thangkas and various ritual utensils enshrined in the scripture hall of Buchibenma’s family. There are several golden copper basins hanging above them. Thick, delicate blankets.

Yu Peihuan carefully inspected all the furnishings in the scripture hall, but found nothing special. She was about to check in other rooms when a middle-aged woman reprimanded her suddenly from downstairs.

Yu Peihuan floated to the first floor of the blockhouse, and saw a middle-aged woman in a Tibetan robe with a large collar pushing Buchibenma in front of her.

"Where's the milk! Where's the egg! Where's the thing I asked you to bring back!"

Buchibenma was about the same height as the middle-aged woman, but she lowered her head and did not dare to fight back, nor did she dare to walk away, allowing the middle-aged woman to push her around.

"Grandma Qucuo, the teacher said that milk and eggs can only be eaten in school. I wanted to sneak them out, but Grandma Dorje stopped me, so I had to eat them myself."

The little girl lowered her head, her face full of guilt and fear.

The middle-aged woman named Qutso's mother refused to let her go. She pushed her again, and then kicked Buchibenma's knee, causing the little girl to cry out in pain.

"You ate it yourself, what did your sister eat after you ate it!

Spending money and being disobedient, what's the use of raising you! "

Qucuo's mother raised her hand to hit Buchibenma on the head, when a boy of sixteen or seventeen rushed in from the door, hugged Buchibenma, and gave Qucuo a fierce slap.

"Grandma! Why are you beating Benma again!" The boy with big eyes puffed out his chest and protected Buchi Benma behind him.

"Tsering, she ate your sister's milk and eggs, she..."

"Benma is also my younger sister, she also wants to eat, you are not allowed to beat her!"

Dawa Tsering protected his cousin and glared at his biological mother.

 1. Comrades, today and tomorrow are just an ordinary Tuesday and Wednesday, please be serious and don’t engage in capitalism! 2. In order to avoid the misunderstanding of the same name, here is an explanation: "Dawa" means Monday and the moon. Tibetans in many places have the habit of naming their children after the week of their birthday, and "Tsering" means longevity. Meaning, these two are Tibetan names that appear very often, and are not under the "Hua, Qiang, De, and Biao" in Chinese names.Sometimes a class even uses "big Tsering", "small Tsering", "male Tsering" and "female Tsering" to distinguish students, which shows that there are many duplicate names.All in all, "Fist of Illusion" is purely fantasy, and it has absolutely no meaning of insinuating real people, and it has no meaning, so I hereby explain. 3. Thank you everyone, see you in the next update.



(End of this chapter)

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