Fist of Fantasy

Chapter 231 White Lotus comes to the world

Chapter 231 White Lotus comes to the world

At seven o'clock in the evening, the tired city ushered in countless tired people, and the traffic slowly ebbed from the streets and returned to their respective residences.

It was only an hour before the normal off-duty time, and Zhao Siyue was already driving on the way home. He had talked with the boss, and he had been going to and from get off work normally in the past few months, without bonuses, and asked his deputy to take on more burdens. Guaranteed not to affect the project.

His daughter never came home, his wife stayed alone after work, and sometimes called himself at night, crying suddenly while talking, he was really worried.

There was a convoy of hundreds of meters in front of the traffic light, and the red brake light was annoying to see. Zhao Siyue pressed the window of the car and lit a cigarette, tapping her right hand unconsciously on her thigh.

He felt that he was stuck in an evening peak of his life, he wanted to step on the accelerator heavily, but he couldn't find a way out.

"Why must it be Xiaohan..."

Only three cars passed on one green light.

Zhao Siyue pressed her face wearily, and let herself be overwhelmed by powerlessness while waiting for the red light, her shoulders were loosely pressed against the back of the car seat, and the cigarette in her hand seemed to be unable to hold firmly.

At this time, the screen of his mobile phone lit up, and it was a video call from his wife.

The middle-aged man quickly extinguished his cigarette with agility that didn't match his bloated figure. He tilted his head to adjust his expression in the rearview mirror, smiled hard, and pressed the confirmation button for the video call.


Xiangbei City Evil Disaster Bureau Building, 3202, Deputy Director's Office.

Yu Peihuan was holding the bottle of Golden Happy Tequila, which had one third left. The bottle that had been cut in half had been restored to its original state with repair magic, but if it was sensed carefully with magic power, there were still parts of the bottle that had been cut in half. Subtle traces.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, she looked out at the night scene through the amber liquid with her clear eyes. The tall buildings and streets were shaking in the liquid, which looked like an old low-cost documentary.

The middle drawer of the desk behind Yu Peihuan was half opened, revealing half of the photo frame.

The two people in the photo are leaning together, comparing the outdated scissorhands in the midsummer amusement park.

The top half of the photo was blocked by the table, only the chin was exposed, and the expressions on the faces of the two could not be seen clearly.

The shadow on the office floor raised the wine bottle, and the tequila that was missed because he drank too quickly fell to the ground, dripping like tears.

Moments later, an empty wine bottle was thrown into the trash.


In the world of 883 on the other side of the empty sea, Huang Chengan led Liang De to walk past the couplets "Yingchuan Shide, Jiangxia Jiasheng". Pointed, in front of the glazed well pavilion.

There is an octagonal well in the pavilion, and the railings on the eight sides of the well are all made of sapphire, and the side facing the front is engraved with a new version of Qinggeng Peak Immortal Game Picture.

In the old version, Pu Xuande played chess with Zhu Yuanzhi, and Tai Fengxian and Du Gongtai watched the chess from the sidelines. In the new version, the chess player and the chess watcher are reversed. Du Gongtai is in the core position, and the expression on his face is particularly special Vivid, even the details on the belt are several times more.

The blood of the devout heart is the blood of the devout heart, and it's been a long time since Mr. Du took office, and the entire set of corporate logos on the altar has been changed.

Liang De had seen the shape of this well-shaped altar in "Chunzong Sacrifice", so logically speaking, it shouldn't be so exaggerated.

The altar of the four friends of Lei Ting emphasizes one being in harmony with light and dust. After all, these four are not very popular in many worlds on both sides of the sky and sea. The bald four's album or the mention of Pu Xuande's name will be punished by death, even "[-] Romance" and "Fire 〇 Liaoyuan" have been banned, which is very scary.

Therefore, all kinds of altars in Thunder Bluff usually disguise themselves like public mobile communication base stations, including mountain stone type, bionic tree type, cardboard type, folding stool type, manhole cover type, telephone booth type, solar water heater type, air conditioner external type, etc. Safety first, some high-end altars can also be made into razors and hair dryers, which are very convenient to use whether it is at home or traveling.

Huang Chengan was able to place such a luxurious altar at home, and it is estimated that World 883 will be included in the territory of Thunder Bluff in a short time.

"Uncle Shi, I have to go back to help with homework after class, so I won't accompany you down."

Huang Cheng'an poured half of the altar of golden light wine for sacrifice into the well, and Zhu Yuan, who was in the picture of immortals on Qinggeng Peak, flicked the beads.

"You come to play two games too. You also said that each time you bet, you only need 1 crystal cluster, and the medical bills will be called to you. It's a small gamble. Maybe you can turn a bicycle into a motorcycle."

"No, no, Uncle Shi, to be honest, Cheng An's income is all in charge of the cheap, and Cheng An can only listen to the 750 crystal clusters that Uncle Shi called me."

"I'll lend you some money, and it will be calculated at the real quick loan rate."

"No, no, Cheng'an, a penniless waiter, how dare he go to the Demon Sect's place, Uncle Shi, excuse me first."

After Huang Chengan finished speaking, he turned into an ocher light, and ran back to help his more than 40 children with their after-school homework. Liang De, who had tried to drag someone into the water, had to jump into the well alone, jumped, and fell into the well with a plop. in the well.

After diving for dozens of kilometers and finally set foot on the ground, Liang De lifted the curtain with the Thunder Demon Sect logo printed on it, and walked into the shop that looked a bit like a game hall.

The store is decorated in a poor style, and he is the only customer. There is a self-service chip exchange machine at the door, and three or four "arcade machines" are placed against the wall inside.

Liang De exchanged chips and coins for 10 crystal clusters, and walked to an arcade machine. On the screen, the young brave man was holding a sword, and his fighting spirit was like frost and snow, freezing a large area of ​​the ground. The huge four-winged dragon opposite the young brave man Roaring angrily, the poisonous fire from Dragon Kiss melted a lot of gold coins and jewels, and also burned his immature face.

A glamorous woman with the appearance of a mage hides in the gap in the space, with greed that cannot be hidden in her eyes.

There is no joystick on this arcade machine, only two huge buttons, one is a cat and the other is an ape.

From the worlds on both sides of the strait, all the enchanted people who have passed the test of "taking chestnuts from the fire" will appear in these arcades, allowing the gamblers of the Thunder Demon Sect to place bets based on the real-time images.

The odds are ordinary and there are no traps. Zhu Yuanzhi just wants to share his simple happiness with the world.

Liang De hesitated with the chips in his hand. Should I choose the cat... or the monkey...


No. 415 world on the other side of the sky, Yingxuetang Xiangbei branch.

The magic power that Zhao Yuhan probed into the world was suddenly shaken, and finally found the deep magic power he dreamed of.

A white lotus floated sideways from the world, and landed on top of Zhao Yuhan's head accompanied by repeated prayers.

 1. Thank you Sing Shuweng and Xu Zaiyuan for your rewards, and thank you for your subscription and voting support. 2. I wanted to do more today, but I accidentally fell asleep. I will try again tomorrow. 3. Thank you everyone, see you tomorrow.



(End of this chapter)

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