Fist of Fantasy

Chapter 267

Chapter 267

Liang De and Mu Yigui detected each other's spiritual sense of warriors, they broke up instantly, and quickly exchanged the information they observed in the illusion of this small city.

After checking the answers, the conclusions drawn by the two are not bad.

All the people who entered the illusion of this small city felt that they had received a false promotion.

Because it was a false boost quietly added by the illusion, if it weren't for Extraordinary people like Liang De and Mu Yigui who are particularly sensitive to time perception, they would not be able to detect the strange changes after entering the illusion.

In the eyes of ordinary audiences, the illusion of the small town laid out by Sun Xunqiao is that the setting is a bit ink-wash, and it doesn't look real.

But after entering the illusion, all body sensations are not abnormal compared with reality.

In fact, the time in the illusion has been elongated by Sun Xunqiao in a disguised way by interfering with time perception, so that the taster can "live the days like years" while not feeling anything abnormal.

The Other Shore Master Chef Competition only stipulates the cooking time, but not the tasting time.

Even if a dish takes seven days and seven nights, it does not violate the competition system.

A puff of yellow rice diffused the uncooked aroma in the venue, and more than [-] spectators were in a dream, ignorant of the changes in the outside world.

In the scent, gravity lost its sense of existence, and the audience floated up gently, as if sleeping in an invisible cradle, shaking slowly.

This is the new move that Sun Xunqiao developed for Wugu Iron Sand Palm after borrowing from Mu Yigui's Sleeping Arhat Fist:

"A pillow of yellow beams."

After careful consideration, Sun Xunqiao shot with all his strength, and Liang De was behind him with crazy output and unlimited supply of natural power. Without other interference, he could persist until his martial arts primordial spirit was exhausted.

Although it is impossible for people to spend eighty years in a trance in the short sleep before the yellow rice is steamed, but before dark, he is confident that the three judges and the competition audience will have a dreamlike dream in the small town. Live here for a year and a half.

The food concept of Sun Xunqiao is to sublimate the taste of hometown.

Instead of making an absolutely delicious dish for anyone to eat, he makes a special dish for a specific person.

However, not everyone remembers hometown and the taste of hometown, and not all tastes of hometown are good things.

Sun Xunqiao made exclusive packages for more than 900 walkers from different worlds in the school. Among them, about [-] or [-] people were willing to talk to him about the past about their hometown and taste.

The past is the same as the food, each family has its own taste.

Not all the memories that Sun Xunqiao heard about the past are worth remembering. The smell of rust, mud, blood, musty, salty and bitter... There is also the sour smell of extreme hunger and the smell of rotting corpses. These are bad luck Some people use some disgusting and unpalatable things that should not even be regarded as food to survive, lingering in the weak and helpless bleak time, and the cruel hometown is the place where they try their best to escape.

What should I do?

Be a chef who cooks only for guests with fond memories?

Sun Xunqiao is not a very smart person, he thought about it for a long time, and he didn't think of a solution until today.

He feels that he is a lucky person. Although his hometown is not big, he can find delicious food on every street.

At the bottom of the roadside, at the end of the lane, at the end of the bridge, opposite the factory, at the gate of the school... there are many, many delicious food everywhere.

He likes his hometown very much. Chives are delicious, pears are delicious, river seafood is delicious, it is very comfortable and easy to sell.

If you don't mind, how about living in my hometown for a year or so, and regard this as my second, or third or fourth hometown?

I dare not say anything else, but the food here is really delicious.

It is not difficult to build the small town full of delicious food in memory.

Because he brought all the flavors of his hometown with him.


In the small town, Sun Xunqiao’s clear memories of his hometown are flowing, and on the quiet sidewalk, there are suddenly many foreigners who see everything new. Highlight a cheerful energy.

They flock to restaurants and stalls in the city in small groups, take orders from waiters and stall owners who are a little slow to respond, and eat them all in a short time.

Although I don't know what Sun Xunqiao's "heart-to-heart" routine is, but... you are here, so let's go shopping!

I bought the tickets for the Chef Immortals Star Competition on the other side. I thought I would be able to eat five peerless delicacies. As a result, one of the five contestants was fined to retire, two surrendered without a fight, and two of the five left. fold.

Although Ye Shuangliu's great auspicious dish is worth the fare, the raging fire of the prosperous age in the heart is still burning more and more fierce after eating, which can be called endless aftertaste, but after eating this dish, I always feel a little empty, as if I didn't fill my stomach like.

Fortunately, Sun Xunqiao, who served the food at the end, saw that it was a way to fill the stomach with a large amount, so he directly brought a city and invited everyone to his hometown to eat and drink.

Why are you being polite!

Don't tell me, Contestant Sun doesn't look very good, but he is very generous and hospitable.

It's a pity that winning or losing this competition depends entirely on the judges, otherwise, I would have to give Contestant Sun the most popular award among audience friends.

"Boss! Another bowl of super delicious seafood chaoshou!"

Bai Hekong sat on the bench and shook his hand, and soon got a response from the boss.

A group of people from Sheng Wuxu Private High School were all snoring in this shop called Gaoji Chaoshou. Lin Baolong, who ate the fastest, had already eaten hundreds of bowls of dry-mixed pepper Chaoshou.

The middle-aged boss who is in charge of the kitchen is an ordinary person in Sun Xunqiao's memory, but in the illusion, some of Sun Xunqiao's soul particles are active in him, which can perfectly demonstrate his skills in the snack of copying hands.

The taste of each bowl of plain pepper Chaoshou is slightly different. Just by using different grinding methods, the condiments such as peppercorns have their own unique taste due to their different shapes and sizes. Happened in my heart.

A simple bowl of vegetarian chili chaoshou, with thousands of wonderful flavors, is just like a chameleon!

The tower of small bowls is getting taller and taller!

With a strange smell in his hand, Mu Yigui said to Liang De who was sitting side by side on the bench:

"You can see more clearly in the competition area, how long can Sun Dog's illusion last?"

"Let's say a year and a half, it can last until the second summer in the illusion."

"So long? I thought one year was the limit."

"The time in this illusion is not real, and the difficulty of stretching is not as high as you think.

Didn’t that Wu Tao who was covered in knives left a pile of thousands of years of empty bluestone debris on the desk? My brother kept staring at her, and after she left the scene, he just imitated a little bit from the kitchen waste left by others. The taste of the years, so the time is extended.


Liang De hulu hulu drank the seafood soup, wiped his mouth and said:

"Compared to Ye Shuangliu's dishes, these dishes are just so delicious. Can you win?"

 1. Thanks to the Seeker of the Holy Light for giving Liang De's role ten thousand rewards, thanks to Ma Xin Da Shuai Bi, Jian Xu Ling Yu, Mei Ke La Fu, Zhan Jian Shrimp Ω, and senior rookies for their rewards, and thanks everyone for subscribing and voting for support. 2. It's a rare April Fool's Day, and I solemnly announce that serious literature will be supported this month. 3. Thank you everyone, see you tomorrow.



(End of this chapter)

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