Fist of Fantasy

Chapter 410 Ending Request

Chapter 410 Ending Request
"I can't chat with Shuaibi, so I'm leaving."

When Liang De heard Mu Yigui's sad and indignant speech, he felt even more indignant than him.

I'm handsome and still follow me like this, do you think I'm going to eat bad street persona like Meiqiangpi, superficial!
With a whoosh, he retracted into the operation cabin of "Water Elemental Wrath", and was about to leave after closing the cover.

"Listen to me before leaving!"

At this time, Mu Yigui had recovered some mobility. He didn't care that the light blue wheel-shaped strange object was covered with mysterious substances, and he stretched out his hands to grab it.

Unexpectedly, the semi-frozen internal qi in his body suddenly rebelled, expanding and contracting suddenly, causing the foot Taiyin kidney meridian on his right leg to burp, causing him to rush forward.

Mu Yigui's eyes blurred, and Liang De, who had re-emerged from the cabin, held him firmly.

"Ade, you really are a little bit loyal."

"I just can't bear to see this cute little face being ruined by you."

Liang De clenched Mu Yigui's shoulders, and two blackcurrant amber flames shot out from his palm, engulfing them both.

After a while, both he and Mu Yigui regained their faces.

"Brother Gui, it seems that you are very handsome and your male virtue is low, so we don't need to talk about the well-known nonsense, let's get straight to the point.

I know that even if I put your dark history on the air, you will only be depressed for a while, and then go to other worlds to continue your corrupt life.

If you don't hesitate to die for other things, I may not stop you. The question is, Brother Gui, can't you clean up your body and cultivate your mind? You won't die without a girlfriend. "

Liang De took out a cigarette and bit it in his mouth, then threw another cigarette to Mu Yigui.

Amidst the smog, the voice of Mu Yigui seemed to come from far away. Although it was faint, it carried a kind of sincere dryness.

"Actually, you guys have a lot of misunderstandings about me, Ade, you also think I'm a complete scumbag, right?"

Liang De: "How could that be, people with low EQ would say that.

Brother Gui, I just think you are very suitable for practicing Golden Snake Tangzhe, have you considered buying my master's course? "

Mu Yigui smoked the cigarette in one gulp, and let out a long breath:
"There are some things I didn't want to tell others, but you know even if I don't want to, so it doesn't matter if I tell you.

Give me another cigarette. "

Liang De passed another cigarette, but Mu Yigui just held the cigarette between his fingers and did not light it.

"You think I'm a scumbag because you saw that I went to more places, met more girls, and had more relationships.

But I have never lied to them, never said anything that lasts forever, every time I simply confess, using my truest appearance to meet and fall in love with them, is this considered scum? "

Mu Yigui spread out the hand holding the cigarette, "Am I such a scumbag?"

Liang Dedao: "Brother Gui, although your Jieyuan's unfolded form is called 'everything is one', but the appearance of your primordial spirit after borrowing the form, can it be regarded as the most authentic appearance? It is not a kind of deception."

"You actually think that I will use my soul to borrow a relationship?"

Wood Yigui said in surprise:

"I was just helping Sun Gou in the Immortal Cooking Contest. Believe it or not, I have never used Yuanshen to borrow a picture with a girl I like."

"Then how can you manage to get so many..."

In the middle of Liang De's question, he suddenly noticed Mu Yigui's charming face when he was surprised. At that moment, he understood a lot.

It was his and Sun Xunqiao's speculation that Mu Yigui used Yuanshen to pick up girls. Now it seems that Xia Chong can't talk to ice, and how can ordinary men understand the difficulty of a handsome life.

This dark-skinned, hair-loss man has such a face, chasing girls doesn't need martial arts at all!
"Brother Gui, I'll treat you as serious every time, but the frequency of your breakup... You may think it doesn't matter, but the girls you dumped are too pitiful."

Liang De took out his mobile phone and opened the timeline of Mu Yigui Tongxu's dynamics. There were almost as many breaking up dynamics as there were food sharing dynamics.

"There were 31 in the last month alone. It's like collecting stamps. Don't you think you're a bit outrageous?"

"Am I outrageous?"

Mu Yigui asked back:

"We fall in love freely, interact as equals, and break up rationally, where is the pity for them?

If a breakup hurts one person, shouldn't it be me who hurts the most? "

"Brother Gui, there's no point in sophistry, you know what I'm talking about."

"I know what you're talking about... oh, I see."

Mu Yigui nodded and said:

"Ritualization, ritualization, you people always have to ritualize everything.

From holding chopsticks to serving rice bowls, from greeting to having sex, no matter what you do, you have to make moral judgments on it.

Putting a pot of tea in the wrong direction is no tutor, and putting a plate of fish in the wrong order is no rule... Take care of eating and sleeping, as well as sex. "

The emotion in his voice was getting heavier and louder.

"Everyone is accustomed to this set of rules. They themselves are disciplined, and they have to use it to discipline others. Generation after generation, they follow the old rules, but they never reflect on whether this set of rules is reasonable.

You said that I had sex with them, it was they who suffered, they were hurt, it was me who took advantage, and asked me to keep myself clean.

Ade, you are so upright, your three views are so upright. "

Liang De raised his hand to stop, and said, "Brother Gui, we will have more chances in the future, so you can directly draw conclusions."

"Then I'll be blunt, you have this kind of thinking because you look down on women from the bottom of your heart, you objectify women, you think they have no initiative, you think they are my collection of stamps, and they are victims.

And I respect them far more than you.

Ade, have you ever thought that sex can be equal, no one takes advantage of another, and there is no one who conquers another. "

"Uh...Brother Gui, my knowledge level is limited, and I don't know whether what you said is right or wrong, but..."

Liang De did not say "but" after a long time, so he picked up his cigarette and took a few puffs.

"Okay, Ade, don't care whether what I said is right or wrong.

I ask you, do you agree, if I am not lying, then you think my life is corrupt, the reason is mainly from the difference of concept, it is not a strict question that can directly judge good and evil, right? "

Liang De felt that he had been hit by a combination of punches, and his head was dizzy, but in order to show that he didn't understand, he said with a solemn expression:
"Perhaps you are right."

"So why do I have to abide by that set of rules called male virtues, just because I was born in World 1266 on the other side?"

Mu Yigui raised his middle finger towards the darkness above his head.

"Do you know that because I am a good-looking man, when I was in my hometown, I had to wear clothes like a bucket every time I went out, and I had to put a black sock with a hole on my head, otherwise If you don't abide by masculinity, you will be accused by thousands of people and scolded by thousands of people.

This kind of bullshit rule, I will never abide by it for another day! "

Liang De looked at the middle finger, speechless.

Mu Yigui lit a cigarette, and his excited voice became steady.

"Sun Dog doesn't know what I'm thinking yet.

I lied to him that I had a way to get the abstinence coupons printed by the four friends of Lei Ting, and the worst case would be to spend money to hang the male virtue and not die.

Sun Gou is a mother-in-law, if he knows about it, it will become very troublesome.

Ade, I want you to help me hide it from him before I die. After I die... Forget it, let's talk about it later.

That's all I want to tell you, can you help me one last time? "

 1. Thanks to Xiao Tuo Zhi—Brother M for the rewards, thanks to Ma Xin Dashuaibi, Joxya, kinsin, Waiting for the Moon, Book Friends 20180715122735451, Sanqiantu, Zhuling Yuxiaji, the inner clown, Shuijunshui Shui Shui and book friends 20171004100831686 for tipping. 2. I almost overslept just now, it's dangerous, dangerous, I still have to start coding in the morning! w(Д)w3. Thank you everyone, see you tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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