Fist of Fantasy

Chapter 430 Open and honest

Chapter 430 Open and honest

"Brother, calm down, brother!"

Liang De yelled and dodged to the side, and at the same time withdrew the inner air barrier, giving Sun Xunqiao an unimpeded charge route.

Mu Yigui thought for a while, and simply lay on the ground motionless, biting a cigarette, and didn't even put on the supine defensive posture of Sleeping Dream Arhat Fist.

He and Sun Xunqiao's martial arts strengths were originally on par, but after breaking out of the Zhou Tianjie ban set by Sheng Wuxu, the negative impact brought about by his lack of male virtue intensified, and it was inevitable that he would lag behind in his cultivation.

In the past few days, he has cut out so many gods and spirits, and he has given special attention to the four major schools of work and reading. His body and spirit are in danger. If he fights desperately, he may still be able to display some abilities, but...

Sooner or later, you will not be able to hide, and you will be able to lay flat and fight.

I should too.

Under the light, the shadow of the large soup bucket from the sky covered Mu Yigui's face, and Sun Xunqiao, who stretched out his palms, also rushed to the place where he was lying.

In a rage, Sun Xunqiao swung his arms upwards, clamping the soup bucket like chopsticks, and the two balls of violently tumbling five-color light mist collided like meteors in his palms, smashing the solid container made by Liang De's internal energy into pieces.

The hot jujube, wolfberry, and chicken soup exploded in mid-air, and every drop of golden-red soup was sifted into particles by the five-grain palm that collided back and forth, and mixed into the five-color light mist.

Pressing down with both palms, Sun Xunqiao poured the essence of five grains and nourishing chicken soup into the pores of Mu Yigui's acupuncture points, and the nourishing power went deep into the body, without missing any flesh, hair, skin, muscles and bones.

The five-color particles spread and swim along the meridians, and through the connection between the meridians and the Martial Dao Yuanshen, moisten the soul, as light as drizzle, meticulously, temporarily fill and repair those shocking incisions, and stabilize the dilapidated Yuanshen of the Muyigui Building .

Liang De, a former food tester, could tell at a glance that these two palms were born out of the "Lovesickness", but washed away the unforgettable blazing, and added a little softness and softness.

With two palms down, Mu Yigui's haggard face regained its luster, and his weak blood was replenished.

Sun Xunqiao folded his palms, and wanted to kick Mu Yigui against the wall to enjoy himself, but after several hesitations, he still didn't make a move.

This guy lacks male virtue and is full of mold. It would be no fun to accidentally kick him to death.

Mu Yi stipulated to calm down, and stood up slowly after pulling out the feeding tube.


"You idiot, give Lao Tzu 1 bangs before you speak!"

Sun Xunqiao rolled up his sleeves and clenched his fists. Liang De came up to him and persuaded him a few times before letting him put down his murderous aura. He walked to the Eight Immortals table next to the training room and sat down cursing.

Liang De and Mu Yigui sat on both sides of him, and Sun Xunqiao took out a plate of melon seeds and held it in front of his chest, with an expression of ignoring anyone, and began to nibble ferociously.

Mu Yigui's voice was hoarse: "I..."

"What are you, you shut up for me! Is it your turn to speak?"

Sun Xunqiao spat out the skin of the melon seeds on the ground with a "bah", and slammed the table loudly.

"If it wasn't for my junior brother, how long would you fool want to keep me in the dark? I never lent you any money. What are you going to do without telling me if you are going to die!"


"You're an idiot!"

Sun Xunqiao placed the melon seed plate heavily and said:
"You can't think of a way by yourself, won't you tell me and ask Lao Tzu?

"One person counts short, two counts long, not to mention there are three people here.

"There must be threesomes, even my teachers don't understand, are you the one who slipped through the nine-year compulsory education?"

Mu Yigui took a handful of melon seeds from in front of him and knocked them silently.

After being scolded by Sun Xunqiao for a few idiots, the stuffy feeling in his chest due to guilt was much better.

"Uncle Chang and my master already know about this matter, they can't think of a way, what can you and Ade do.

"I said, now, brother Sun, what's your opinion?"

Sun Xunqiao was at a loss for words, knocked a few melon seeds, and said to Liang De:

"So there are really no porn coupons? Mr. Tai doesn't have them either?"

Liang De nodded and said:
"I asked before. Back then, Lei Ting Zhenzong Pu Xuande forced Du Gongtai to distribute the power of printing and distributing pornographic coupons to other high-level members of Thunder Cliff, in order to limit the influence of male virtue and let those who put on the male virtue dog chain There is also a way out.

"Now that Du Gongtai sits at the top of Biyou Palace on Qinggeng Peak, even Teacher Fengxian can't print abstinence coupons. The ones sent out before were all taken back by Lei Ting Chunzong and destroyed in a centralized way. Du Gongtai didn't say anything. , no one can get it.

"Brother Gui doesn't want to go to the Thunder Evil Sect to do the Fist of Imagination, and Teacher Fengxian's way will not work."

Sun Xunqiao turned to look at Mu Yigui again: "Really not going?"

"I'm not going to die. I know what Mr. Tai wants me to do. I can't do something that would ruin a marriage."

Sun Xunqiao sprayed another mouthful of melon seeds on the ground:

"Are you looking down on my junior brother?

"The Fist of Illusion is rampant on both sides of the strait and is famous in all worlds. If it weren't for my junior brother, I wouldn't dare to sit at the same table with him. You don't want to do such a prestigious profession. You have a stone in your head!"

Carpenter also raised his voice:
"He's him, I'm me, I have my thoughts.

"Besides, where is Ade's sexist? Is what Mr. Tai asked him to do and what he wanted me to do are the same thing?"

Liang De took the melon seeds out of his mouth:
"Brother Gui, I don't like to hear what you say. It's your fault that you don't appreciate me, and it's not that no one likes my style. Why, you have a problem with my vision. Have you ever studied design? Do you understand aesthetics?

"Every day, relying on myself being a handsome guy to talk nonsense..."

Liang De muttered a few words, and said to Wooden Art:
"Brother Gui, you are a gentleman if you say something, and you are not a good person. Don't be embarrassing. I will ask you one last time.

"Are you really not coming to our company?"

"I really won't come." Mu Yigui resolutely said.


Liang De put his hands on the table and said:
"Actually, there's something I didn't tell you, since I've said it all today, I won't hide it anymore.

"Brother Gui, there is actually another way to keep you from dying, and as long as you use that method, you will never have the problem of losing male virtue too quickly.

"As long as you abide by the public order and good customs in the future, don't do too much, and don't need to deliberately control any male virtues, you will naturally be able to raise the level of the male virtue Vaisya, and live a normal... a relatively normal life, once and for all.

"From my point of view, with that method, Brother Gui is not exactly living on his knees. It mainly depends on how you look at this issue."

Sun Xunqiao said anxiously: "What are you still talking about at this time, just tell me the way!"

Liang De took out his mobile phone and clicked on the recording that Li Zhixian gave him popular science on primitive male virtue and primitive circumcision that day.

"Brother Gui, you can decide for yourself after listening."

(End of this chapter)

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