Fist of Fantasy

Chapter 441

Chapter 441 Timely and Good Rain (Normal Word Count)
"It's over, it's over, this guy is still stupid."

Sun Xunqiao shook his hand in front of Mu Yigui, and said:

"I just said that the turmoil of the true nature must have sequelae, and I really want to see Du Gongtai, why don't you go to the west to see the Tathagata."

He turned his head to Liang De and said:

"Junior brother, let's do it, knock him out and drink some black tea to help sleep, and wait for the old man and Director Yuan to come back."

Mu Yigui glared.

At this moment, he is stagnant, and it is inconvenient to speak long sentences, but fortunately, he doesn't need to say much to a rotten person like Sun Xunqiao, one word is enough.


"No quality, I like it."

Sun Xunqiao didn't think it was disobedient, and said with a smile:

"I'll pour you a bowl of perverted spicy baby milkshake while you're asleep, Lao Mu, wait until you wake up with a pain in your ass.

"Junior brother, do it!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, brother, go prepare the milkshake first, I'll talk to Brother Gui."

Liang De pushed aside Sun Xunqiao, sat down with the support of Mu Yigui, and said:
"Brother Gui, you just woke up, and your mind is still in a mess. You can sort it out first and then tell me, what is the most urgent thing for you right now."

"...It's a bit messy, wait for me for a while."

Mu Yigui closed his eyes, circulated the martial arts primordial spirit, and smoothed out the messy sea of ​​consciousness.

When he woke up just now, he only focused on expressing the most urgent thing in his heart, and all other thoughts were left behind. At this time, he combed the sea of ​​consciousness, and only then remembered those things that had not been done before the real turmoil.

The first idol trainee of Resurrection Project, MYG48, the last girl who needs possibility... the girl whose eyes look very similar to her own.

Mu Yigui felt a pain in his heart, pressed his left hand on his chest, clenched his fist hard, and grabbed the skirts of his clothes together.

"Ade, give me two hundred units of innate qi, half of Yue qi and half of Yu qi, and give my younger sister the soul essence transplant operation. Let's talk about male virtue improvement classes and internal promotion."

Liang De waited for him to put down his left hand, and after the expression on his face returned to calm, he said seriously:
"Brother Gui, are you really going to the Men's Virtue Improvement Class? No, are you really going to Qinggeng Peak to meet Du Gongtai?"

Mu Yigui nodded and said, "Yes, what's the problem? So many students have gone to Thunder Bluff, so I can't go?"

Liang De took out the male virtue switch from Haina's phantom collection, and said:
"This is what Du Gongtai asked me to pass on to you. It's called the Male Virtue Switch. As long as you refine it into the Martial Dao Primordial Spirit, you can freely switch on and off the male virtue's influence on you.

"Originally, you have to pay 29800 crystals to Lei Ting Chunzong every year to use it, but Teacher Fengxian twisted it into a cracked version for you, and you can just pay him 2300 crystals every month.

"Brother Gui, if you went to Qinggeng Peak to escape the shackles of primitive male virtue and want to survive and do what you want to do, then you don't have to go.

"Two thousand and three per month, which Haizhongyuan's monthly mortgage payment is not cheaper than this, and the money is not handed over to Du Gongtai, but to Mr. Fengxian, Brother Gui..."

Mu Yigui shook his finger and said, "I'm going to Qinggeng Peak to work, how can I use the cracked version, wouldn't it be embarrassing to be seen by my boss and colleagues accidentally.

"Ade, please thank Mr. Tai for my kindness. I don't need this male virtue switch. You can take it back and deal with it internally."

Liang Dedao: "Brother Gui, how can you go to Qinggeng Peak if you don't do primitive circumcision? Do you really want to..."

Mu Yigui smiled and said, "Ade, you are confused."

"I'm confused?"

Mu Yigui nodded and said: "You want me to live in peace and stay away from Lei Ting's four friends, so all you think about is how to persuade me, and you don't think about other things.

"Think about it again, Du...Since Mr. Du gave me this male virtue switch, does it mean that everything is easy to negotiate.

"Is Mr. Du short of the annual fee of [-] to [-] crystal clusters? Is he short of this money? Not bad. He just wants those of us who get the male virtue switch to have him in their hearts.

"Mr. Du... To be honest, I have him in my heart, so it's okay if I tell you this. He doesn't care whether I have Mr. Du in my heart or not.

"Whether or not the original male virtues are observed can be discussed, but whether or not the original circumcision can be discussed? Mr. Du doesn't care about that.

"Don't talk about virtue and courtesy, Mr. Du doesn't care if I want to follow him or kill him.

"As long as I go to Qinggeng Peak, work under him, and put my life in his hands clearly, I will be the number one person in Lei Ting Chunzong's eyes.

"Don't forget my origin, the 1266th native of the world on the other side, a man of virtue who knows his roots, and a person who has condensed his true nature and nature, as long as I submit a resume to Qinggeng Peak, Mr. Du will reject it." me?
"Ade, even though you joined the job earlier than me, it doesn't matter who gets promoted faster than the other."

Liang De threw the male virtue switch in his hand to Mu Yigui, and said:

"This is what Du Gongtai gave you. Whether you want it or not, you can deal with it."

"it is good."

Mu Yigui accepted it readily, and said: "Send this thing up, and Mr. Du will definitely appreciate me even more. Maybe I can register with the Thunder Bluff Brotherhood of the Poor as soon as I get to work."

"Brother Gui, what do you want to do?
"If you want to seek a high position in Thunder Bluff, when Du Gongtai asks you for the answer, you can just kneel down."

Liang De showed off the Sony Ericsson radar on his wrist, and said:
"The more sacrifices there are, the better. You go and tell my senior brother, let him prepare too fast. We will sacrifice again. What internal referral code do you need? Wouldn't it be better to hire the boss directly?"

Mu Yigui pressed his hand down and said:
"What do I want to do? Of course I want to kill Mr. Du, otherwise how can I sleep in this life, relying on your Xiuxian coffee?"

Liang De: "You're going to kill Du Gongtai...and then you have to go to Qinggeng Peak to work?"

"Yeah, are these two things contradictory?"

asked Wooden Art.

"I don't have any problems, I used to be very rational, but I have used up all my sanity.

"Ade, do you think I have to find an answer that is more powerful than ultimate violence, and ensure that I will not become another Du Gongtai before I go all out?
"I don't have that much patience and I don't believe that I will find that answer.

"An old fisherman said that a man can be destroyed but not defeated.

"I have thought for a long time that it is impossible to defeat Mr. Du.

"He was also a man, a man of immense strength, a man who conquered the ocean, how could a man like him be defeated?
"I don't expect perfect success, I just need to destroy Mr. Du before I am defeated.

"Why, do you think it's impossible?"

Liang De remained silent. He saw an irreversible power in Mu Yigui, but this power could not judge right from wrong...

So what if you can't judge?
Another voice in Liang De's heart asked.

If you are right, you will succeed, if you are wrong, you will fail?
In the field of Dongguo ancient boxing, this is definitely not the case.

So if success is wrong and failure is right, should we pursue success or failure?
Which is more important, right or wrong or success or failure?

Liang Dening chose "right or wrong" when he realized his true nature, but that was only his own right and wrong.

As Mu Yigui said, he can use his own "right or wrong" to destroy a person, but he cannot use his own "right or wrong" to defeat a person.

Mu Yigui chose "success or failure", and he can't even judge whether he is right or wrong. No, why should I judge his right and wrong? Do I want to be a judge like Du Gongtai?

Seeing him frowning and thinking again and again, Mu Yigui couldn't help laughing: "Ade, do you feel a headache? You think I'm an idiot, rushing forward without [-]% certainty, do you think..."

"Brother Gui, don't you think I think, I don't like to be analyzed by others, and I don't want to be understood..."

"You're insecure."

"You're analyzing me again."

"Okay, I won't say it, you can say it."

"You don't need to go to Qinggeng Peak, Dugongtai is very dangerous."

"Do you only do what is necessary? Are you persuading me what I have to do?"


Mu Yigui patted Liang De on the shoulder:

"If you want to accomplish something, it's useless to dream in situ. If you don't do it, how will you know if it will be successful? Did Du Gongtai stay at home and count the probability as the pinnacle of youth?
"My goal in the first stage is very simple and safe. I want to become the person who knows Du Gongtai and men's virtue best in all circles on both sides of the strait.

"Ade, you're not the only one who has the guts to do things you're not sure about. I dare too, and I'm not afraid of losing, because Mr. Du said that people like me are not the first and will not be the last. Then I have nothing to fear."

Liang De: "Hiss... Brother Gui, why do I feel that you are a little bit more handsome than me now."

"are you crazy."


"I'm more than a little more handsome than you."

Mu Yigui stroked his thick black hair, and when his fingertips left the hair tip, it seemed that there was a flawless gem shining outward, and said:

"You have eye cancer?"

"Senior brother! Senior brother! Brother Gui is crazy, come out quickly, I can't deal with him alone!

"The perverted spicy baby milkshake is not ready yet? You take out the semi-finished product and splash him, add more boiling water, boil water to remove the heat!
"His physical and spiritual ossification is not over yet, come quickly!"

"Fucking... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Mental Health Building, School of Medicine, Global Elite Sports Center, Roof Garden.

The Jingwei Building of the Elite Center Medical College is a twin building. Sky gardens are built on the top floors of the two buildings. The designers carefully selected different garden plants. The two gardens complement each other, and both the visual image and the aroma of flowers complement each other. Effect.

Liang De, Mu Yigui, and Sun Xunqiao lay in the thick clouds, overlooking the garden under the clouds.

A girl sitting in a wheelchair with her eyes closed was leaning against the honeysuckle wood, quietly sniffing the fragrance of flowers in the air.

"I can't help you just with a soul transplant operation. It's fine if you two come here. Junior brother, what are you dragging me to do?"

"That's right Brother Gui, your Martial Dao Primordial Spirit has returned to its peak state, and you can perform surgery by yourself with the help of Xu Juezi, why are you forcing me to do it!"

"Fuck, he pulls you and you pull me? Why don't you think about me when something good happens?"

"Senior brother, you are out of sight now. What good things have happened to me? Next time, I will call you to collect information on the end of the Blue Star? I heard that opportunities are everywhere, and there is a possibility of encountering a high-magic Blue Star in the world."

"...Day, you should call someone else."

"Senior brother, I suddenly found that you are a very suitable travel companion in the end of the world, how about..."

"Climb, climb!"

"Stop arguing, you two, the leading actor is about to appear!"

Mu Yigui kicked his legs in a row, one foot at a time, kicking Liang De and Sun Xunqiao until they grinned and whimpered.

If it weren't for the pair of brothers and sisters who had built a barrier with natural power, even if the girl in the wheelchair below was an ordinary person, she would have heard the terrifying and strange sound from outside.

"Brother Gui, aren't you her hero?"

Mu Yigui said angrily: "What are you thinking, how long have I known her! How long can I stay in the world of No. 423 on the other side, and how can I be her hero?"

"Oh...that is to say, if you have known her for a longer time and have time to stay in the other shore 423, would you be willing to be her heroine?"

Sun Xunqiao covered his nose: "Is this the smell of sister-in-law? I'm already having difficulty breathing...Damn, what's your expression, junior, you want to get along with him?"

"Senior brother, analyze specific issues in detail. There are many types of sister control, and we can't generalize it. Since Brother Gui chooses to watch, it means that he..."

"Hush! The hero is here!" Mu Yigui kicked Liang De and Sun Xunqiao into silence again, and asked them to watch quietly.

A young man wearing a mask walked up to the wheelchair girl with his hands in his pockets and said nothing.

"You're here." The girl happily knocked on the armrest of the wheelchair when she heard the familiar footsteps.

Although she closed her eyes and didn't look at people, she was still very scared when she smelled the smell of a strange man.

But for some reason, this friend who comes to see flowers every day smells completely different from other people. She has never smelled such a smell... Not only does it not scare her, but it also makes her feel kind.

That smell is like the water vapor I smelled when I was playing by the creek in my hometown, which makes people feel comfortable and at ease.

"Hmm." The young man made a muffled voice from behind the mask.

"I heard from the nurse sister that the cannas in the garden opposite are blooming. Can you tell me what the flowers of the cannas look like?"


"It's just...a bit like the plantain I told you about last time, but with red flowers."

"Oh... that, its flower is..."

"I can't hear you clearly. Are you still recovering from your cold? My immunity is very good. You don't have to wear a mask."

"Not yet." The young man replied, he never had a cold, it was just a hay fever allergy.

"Someone is smoking again on the opposite side, it smells so bad."

The wheelchair girl patted the armrest unhappily, "I've told the nurse sister several times, it seems that the smokers are different every time, so it doesn't help.

"I told brother Yigui a few days ago, and it got better for a few days, but it was still the same afterwards."

"Well... I don't like the smell of cigarettes either, who is Brother Yigui?"

"He is a very, very good person, as good as you, he..."

The two chatted about unnutritious topics one after another, letting time pass by.

"Fuck, why is the male lead a dragon, and your sister is Nezha?"

"none of your business!"

"Isn't your sister my sister, Lao Mu, let me tell you, things like dragons are not good, their meat quality is worse than that of unicorns, if you don't stew them for a few more days..."

"Are you the standard for choosing a spouse!"


Ten minutes later, the wheelchair girl suddenly grabbed the armrest nervously.

"Hey, I smell a strong smell of smoke, is there a fire in the garden opposite?"


The young man wearing a mask said:

"Don't worry."

He took off his mask and sneezed hard!
All of a sudden, it rained cats and dogs!

 1. Thanks to GlistenH, ghost old Bob, Xuan Tsuji Ci, book friend 20190527195230149, book friend 20200505175323948 and book friend 20171029113555271 for their rewards, thank you for your subscription and voting Amway support. 2. Book push time!Today, I would like to recommend the new book of Mr. Yiha Mushroom, "The girl at the front desk is my number one black fan". The fried chicken looks good! 3. Thank you everyone, see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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