Chapter 1263
Flames radiated from all around, lighting up the inside and outside of the perennially dark stone room, leaving no corners untouched.The secret that has been hidden in this stone room for many years is finally exposed today.

The person lying on the ground turned his head uneasily, only to feel that the surroundings were bright, which made his fragile eyes ache, and the back of his head was so painful that he felt that the whole set of senses did not belong to him.

But even so, the person who was already calm and indistinguishable from the dead still felt a momentary ecstasy at this moment.The so-called rain comes after a long drought, and after losing the light for many years, it is really a pleasant thing to regain this unique sense of one's own one day.

At this moment, he realized that he was still alive, not in hell.

For a while, no one spoke. Neither the intruder nor the "owner" of this place chose to break the strange situation in the room.

"No matter who it is, at this moment... it's better... to leave... as soon as possible. It's still... too late..." The voice was extremely hoarse, like a broken pole that hadn't been activated for a long time, making an unpleasant rattling sound .

If you don't identify carefully, you probably won't understand what he said to express.He knew that the other party was not the one who imprisoned him here, who had been tormenting him all these years.It was never like this when the man came to see him.

There was no response from anyone who came.This made someone who couldn't move freely sigh secretly, it was too late, this was probably fate.

Years of being imprisoned in the darkness has already caused his eyes to lose their proper function, and he has been unable to see things since then.Although he was not completely blind, he was not far away, and even the sudden regain of light would make his fragile eyes decay more quickly.

But he doesn't care about it, or it doesn't matter what it is.After all, he has lived in this environment where he can't survive for many years, and he has had enough, and he has long been looking forward to the day when it will end soon.

It's a pity that another person died here because of peeking at this secret, and no one has ever been able to escape.

After a little getting used to the surrounding light, he tried hard to open his eyes to see the appearance of the poor man this time.He hasn't seen anyone for too long.

Tilting his head, in a blur, he only saw a vague shadow with a dark purple streamer, and it could be seen that it should be a member of the family.

He worked hard, but finally found that being able to see blurred shadows was already the limit, and he couldn't see the rest of the details clearly, so he had to give up in the end.


The people on the ground suddenly froze all over, tilted their heads, and looked in the direction of the blurred figure in disbelief.

"Why, I haven't seen you for many years, but you don't recognize me?"

That emaciated figure who was beyond human shape seemed to be shaking like chaff, and his whole body was trembling violently. If there were other people in the secret room, they might think that he had some serious illness.

"" the man lying on the ground hissed, even the words he said were trembling, and he could vaguely detect his loss of control.

It's him!It's that person.Even after so many years, he never forgot the other party's voice.How could he?
He seemed to suddenly remember something, and struggled desperately like a madman, completely ignoring the entanglement of those chains, which made his fragile bones rattle.In a few strokes, this person was already seriously injured, with scars all over his body.

These years of torture and imprisonment have completely turned him into a useless person.

Even so, he was still struggling desperately, regardless of his weak body and external trauma, struggling to get up and do something.

But no.

No, don't come here... Hurry up... Hurry up and go...


However, things were still developing in the direction he least wanted to see. At some point, that person walked slowly in front of him, and seemed to squat down in front of him.

He opened his mouth wide, and his throat made an unpleasant rattling sound. He wondered if it was because of his extreme fright that he temporarily lost his voice, but he couldn't make a sound in this terrifying and out-of-control panic.

He feebly raised his trembling arms, and choked his throat tightly. His throat kept making a scream like a small animal, and he almost seemed to be suffocating, but he still failed to utter a word.

He was exhausted.

The arm was still stiff and half-raised, as if he wanted to signal something, the sticky blood overflowed from his dry mouth like a money-free spout, matching his skinny appearance like a ghost, it was extremely frightening.

Zhenjun Yunmao silently looked at the miserable old man on the ground, not knowing what expression to make for a moment.

Even though I had some doubts before coming here, and I was somewhat sure, but I still felt extremely cold in my heart when I saw it with my own eyes.Because... this confirmed the last thing he wanted to confirm.

"You..." Regardless of the difference in status, he subconsciously wanted to help this poor man who seemed to be broken.

The other party's strange struggling movements made him a little puzzled, and before he touched the other party's hand, he suddenly heard the movement behind him.

True Monarch Yunmao didn't turn around immediately, but only frowned, the expression of violence quickly flashed across his eyebrows, and he restrained his voice and said: "You did this?"

Fifth Zi had arrived behind him at some point, and stopped far away, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth: "Since father came here to ask the teacher about his crimes, doesn't he already know all this? Why bother to ask knowingly?"



"Oh? Hehe... Hahaha, father, what you said is too funny. If you do it, you do it, so what is it?"

"I'm... just such a bad embryo!" He laughed idiotically as if in a daze, his eyes were straightened, and the eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he looked very terrifying.

"You lunatic."

"You're wrong again. I'm not crazy, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get to where I am today. Besides, aren't these the rights my father gave me? Let a lunatic sit in this position...Father, you said crazy Is it me or you?"

Zhenjun Yunmao was speechless by the other party's incoherent speech.Obviously this is not the case, but it is distorted in various ways when it is said by the other party. It is frightening that it really has a somewhat swaying effect.

He subconsciously sensed that something was wrong, and wanted to interrupt the other party with his spiritual power and continue to confuse the crowd.

"You guessed it a long time ago? You guessed the truth early tomorrow, but why do you come to ask the crime today? He is really pitiful. He claims to love him like a jewel, but in fact he doesn't pay much attention to him. Let the murderer run free for many years, and let him sit on the position of Patriarch..."

"What a ruthless father you are—" As soon as the words fell, the face of the other party, who was still handsome, twisted like an evil ghost.


(End of this chapter)

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