Chapter 1297 Story
As we all know, the main branch of the fifth family has a thin population. Many years ago, many foreigners were introduced in order to strengthen the family.In order to retain these talents, the fifth family sacrificed the marriages of many women in the clan to attract talents with foreign surnames.

At that time, it was also considered a man with a talent and a woman with a beautiful appearance, and a long period of harmonious days passed.But the interests of the aristocratic clan are easily divided, and the relationship is also very fragile. Sometimes it is just a little bit short of blood ties and surname inheritance.

Before the foreigners could fully assimilate, the two groups would be separated by interests and secular prejudices.The estrangement between the main line and the collateral line has already arisen, and no amount of blood relationship in the future can resolve the contradiction between the two parties.

Of course, in the end, for the common interests of the family, the two forces survived "harmoniously" in the end, only occasionally fighting "innocuously".

But in general, the main bloodline of the fifth family naturally has an advantage, and has always had the upper hand, and the collateral bloodlines can only look at the ocean and sigh, and take a back seat.

But there is no one-day success, no one-day happiness, and the tug-of-war will always have a chance if you fight it long enough.After so many years, the sidelines that were suppressed to death finally found an opportunity.

The Altar Rebellion caused heavy casualties to the entire Fifth Family.

At the time of the incident, the main line of the fifth family was also standing in the front, and the situation was particularly serious. Dozens of top masters were killed or injured, Zhenjun Yunmao was seriously injured and fell into a coma, and "Fifth Purple" was also seriously injured.This is also the moment when the main vein is weakest.

Although the collateral line also suffered heavy casualties, it was stronger than the main line anyway.Besides, their principals are fine, alive and well, compared to the leaderless group of dragons from the main line, their influence is indeed very limited.In such a situation, they, who were already restless, could easily come up with other ideas.

However, they still have a sense of belonging to the fifth family after all, so they dare not make a big fuss and leave some room for the family.It's just that the orthodox battle is inevitable, and because of the serious injury of the main line, the collateral line finally came out strongly.

The past heir, Fifth Zi, was born as a master, with outstanding talent, and he is also competitive.Even if there is, it is no match for such an heir with an absolute advantage.

But this is under the condition of nothing, the main line is powerful, and the side lines dare not compete with them.

However, the situation is different now. The elites of the main line have suffered heavy casualties, and the prestige of the successors has declined due to the unjust disaster on their backs. The opportunity for their collateral lines naturally came.

While the principal, Zhenjun Yunmao, was in a coma, a collateral elder settled in the main house in the name of helping the family affairs, intending to transfer the power of the family.

Many elders and monks in the fifth family's main line were still seriously injured, and some of them had ambiguous positions, which really made those people succeed for the time being.

For a while, the members of the collateral line temporarily lost the authority of the fifth family, and the main line had to avoid its edge due to certain plans.It can be said that this is the most dangerous moment for the main line.If one is not careful, the position of authenticity will change hands.

The fifth son, as one of the most legitimate descendants at present, is supposed to be the most qualified to speak out and preside over the situation.However, as the fifth son, he could not sit firmly as the heir.

He has the title of a direct descendant, although he is well received in the clan because of his gentle temperament, but this does not mean that the clansmen of the fifth family can accept him as the heir.Whether it is talent, skill or popularity, the fifth son lacks something.

If he is forced to take the position, it may speed up the decline of the fifth family's main line.

Originally, the elders of the main line were still on the sidelines, wanting to wait until Zhenjun Yunmao woke up.After all, Zhenjun Yunmao has been in charge of the fifth family for many years, and his cultivation base is profound. As long as he regains his consciousness, he will definitely be able to solve the current chaos of the fifth family.But I don't know if the main line is destined to have this difficulty, and things are getting worse and worse.

And after some short-sighted people in the main line defected, they could no longer wait and see.If we continue to wait and see, the fire will come to them. In the end, we can only use the dead horse as a living horse doctor and forcefully push the fifth son to take the position.It's just not in the name of the second son, but in the name of the eldest son Fifth Zi.

Fortunately, they did not announce Fifth Zi's disappearance to the public early, otherwise this method would not have been implemented smoothly.

Although it is almost impossible to survive under such a catastrophe, after so many days without seeing anyone dead or dead, everyone is basically sure that he should have died.But after the altar, everyone was busy rebuilding and appeasing the inside and outside, and they didn't have time to announce the matter to the outside world.

Coupled with the fact that the main line is to ensure stability, many people in the Fifth House don't know that Fifth Zi has disappeared or even died, which just gives them a chance to operate.

The fifth purple has the reputation and qualifications, so let's be the fifth purple.And everyone also felt that with their consideration, there would be no problems.

Another one, if the real fifth purple life can be found from any corner, then just make room for him directly, and save trouble.If the other party is dead, then let's just make the mistake and let the rest wait until the chaos inside and outside is calmed down.

The clan elders held this idea, and didn't pay much attention to the fifth son as a puppet, and focused on fighting against the collateral people and taking advantage of the chaos to gain more benefits for themselves.

It's just that no one knows that the dough they see as being kneaded by others is a bloodthirsty wolf who will not stop until there is no blood!
The fifth son has shown others with a docile face since he was a child, but in fact he is ambitious and has been spying on his elder brother's position.Given this opportunity suddenly, how could he not make good use of it?
The elder was slack towards him and obsessed with fighting against the collateral people. He immediately seized this opportunity, sought little by little, gained power, and became a veritable heir.

When those people were almost done fighting, they turned their heads to deal with this matter, but they were shocked to find that the selected puppet had already grown its wings, and he himself was doing well.And the small calculations in their hearts were also shattered.

Later, this unattractive second-in-law son did not know how to persuade these old Zhangs who had their own thoughts to support him as the leader.The last group of people quickly cooperated to quell the collateral chaos.

After Zhenjun Yunmao woke up, everything was done, except for the position of Patriarch and some Patriarchs who had inalienable rights, almost all of them were divided up.Even if the current True Monarch Yunmao rashly wants to touch the fifth son, he still has to weigh some points.

True Monarch Yun Mao was naturally unwilling.He has an eldest son, who is filial and talented, and he has poured countless efforts into raising the grown-up child.Why did he become a different person when he woke up?Is Bi Zi not comparable to this son?Hearing the clan elder's words, he only felt that his mind, which was still muddled just after waking up, became more chaotic.

After waking up again, he refused to see the fifth son. Even if his familiar relatives persuaded him, he still stubbornly refused him.The father was protesting in one way or another.

But this is not the case in the eyes of outsiders. Now, in their eyes, the fifth son is the fifth purple. Everyone only believes... It seems that Master Yunmao really angered his eldest son who was once very fond of him because of the altar. .

People are very suspicious, and rumors tend to travel quickly.Not long after, the so-called "fifth family's secret history" spread all over the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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