Chapter 2137 waves

As time went by, everyone became more and more concerned about the relatives, friends and teachers who entered the secret realm, guessing what happened in the secret realm, and worried about what they encountered in the secret realm.

This time is too far beyond their cognition.However, the people in the secret realm don't know where they are, and they can't be contacted at all, and no one of the secret realm participants has come back. Everything seems to be impossible.

Everyone felt strangely anxious about this, but they couldn't do anything, and there were not a few monks who felt this way.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for their return, the moment when everyone can completely relax.

However, it was never expected that people didn't wait, but they waited for a piece of news that could be called very bad in every sense.

Just now, some monks from southern Xinjiang came here with a strong attitude and informed them that all the foreign monks stationed in southern Xinjiang for this secret realm need to gather immediately and set off to gather at the place they designated. I don't know why.

As for why and what to do together, they have to wait for that to say.However, such a near-mandatory convening might not be a good thing.

From the disciple who reported the letter, they felt that the other party's mood was not very good, as if he was suppressing something, and his mind was heavy.Regarding their questioning, the other party was also very secretive. It was impossible to say more than one sentence, and what they talked about was all corners and corners.Obviously, something happened that they didn't know, which made all the cultivators have a bad premonition.

"There has been a change in the secret realm?! Where did they get the news from?" The person shouting seemed to have no intention of restraining his voice, his tone was so unbelievable, suspicious and... absurd.

This is ridiculous.They suppressed their hearts and waited here for so long. They didn't wait for anyone to come back. They did wait for such an unclear message. It still came from the cultivators in southern Xinjiang. You must know that the disciples of the other party are still in the secret realm just like them. Where did the news come from?Just because this is the location of the secret realm?

But it was clear that the other party's news came from an inexplicable reason, and it was concealed, as if they wanted to say something, but everyone had a strange vague feeling that maybe the other party really knew something.Perhaps they have already noticed when they stepped into this mysterious land, about an inexplicable depressive magnetic field surrounding this land. But when they really faced it, they also inevitably panicked - also from of fear of the unknown.

Most people's first reaction when they heard the news was disbelief, then doubts and doubts, and then they quickly thought of their fellow students who hadn't come out yet.

Could it be that something really happened to them in the secret realm?It's been too long too.

There was such an idea in their minds, but it was only the association they aroused from it, which did not mean that they believed Nan Jiang's statement like this.Even if it's true how they got to know the specific situation related to the secret realm, the information revealed in it is really scary to think about.

The existence of a secret realm is originally a "secret", elusive, difficult to detect and control, which monk in the world dares to say that he can control the whole of a secret realm—even if it is a secret realm that cannot be smaller.And the Yanling Lake Secret Realm is one of the few large-scale secret realms in the records of the southeast frontier. Every generation of monks who enter can discover different scenery from it, and the sayings in every population are vague. So far no one has been able to sort out a complete layout.

And after everyone entered the secret realm, they completely cut off contact with the outside world, even if they had high-level communication tools, it would not help.They are as ignorant as the blind and deaf about what happened inside the secret realm.Of course, the opposite is also true. People who enter the secret realm also cannot contact the outside world, nor can they obtain any assistance.

It must be said that the only thing that can be said to connect people on both sides is a token such as a life card. If this thing responds, the owner of the other end of the thing must be in trouble. They probably don't want to accept it. intelligence.They would rather have no news, at least this is not the exact news of death.

God knows that many sects with such tokens have obtained a heartbreaking fact at this time. I believe that when those people come out of the secret realm, they will feel more intuitively what this trip to the secret realm has taken away. How many lives of young monks.

"And even if we have to listen to their arrangements?" Someone murmured.Maybe even he himself didn't realize that deep down in his heart, he had believed it a little bit, and he was still thinking about the logic of it.

"Are you serious?" The monk next to him said in disbelief, as if he didn't understand what his friend was thinking.Although I knew he was stubborn, I didn't expect him to be so naive.

True Monarch Yanyang frowned and didn't say a word.

This is another meeting to unite the forces of various factions, and those who come are the small group of people who are more powerful and prestige among the left behind.To be honest, in fact, almost all of them know each other, and they all know the basics. When everyone comes here, they basically know what is going on, or they are very clear about the things that may be dealt with next.

Wuhua sent nine True Monarchs, three of whom entered the secret realm with them, and two of the remaining five stayed in place to take care of the disciples. Together with Yan Yang Zhenjun, a total of three True Monarchs came to participate in this conversation. Only a few young monks were brought.The methods adopted by the rest of the sects vary, no matter most of them are the same, leaving some combat power for young disciples who know nothing about it.

Regardless of how noisy the room is, there is a lot of talk, as if you can talk about a flower.However, in fact, almost none of those heavyweights made a sound, or made any qualitative remarks about it.

They were all silent, not knowing what they were thinking.

From the perspective of True Monarch Yanyang, he also felt that the motives of those people in Southern Xinjiang were weird and could not be explained, and they looked completely suspicious.He swears on the reputation of the senior brother in charge that those people treat them as if they are in the way. If it is not impossible to force them, maybe they will do more.

What can be determined now is what really happened, or it has a great relationship with the secret realm.And the attitude shown by the other party is obviously not willing to communicate with them.

But how could they just obey?Yanyang Zhenjun smiled wryly, whether those guys in Nanjiang had intentions or were they too unintentional.

After hearing such news, how could they, who were anxiously waiting for the return of the same family, really be willing to leave like this?This will only increase their anxiety.

(End of this chapter)

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