Immortals, don't watch dramas

Chapter 2166 Reaction of the Parties

Chapter 2166 Reaction of the Parties

When Ningxia woke up briefly and was dragged back to the depths of consciousness by Shen Yan again, it was naturally impossible for the world to come to a standstill.After all, the world will continue to function without anyone.

So the rest of the people and affairs should do what they should do, how they should be done, and life will always go on.This is a real world, not a thin setting that lives on a piece of paper.

What Taoist Yuan Heng said to Ning Xia was actually just the tip of the iceberg, and there were still many hidden things that were not revealed.Because her physical condition does not allow it, and because there are some things that she really shouldn't know now.

For the southeast, which has been impoverished for a long time and has engraved its desire for spiritual power in its bones, what does the word "spiritual power recovery" mean?
In the words of Ningxia's previous life, it is about the same as "a planet hitting the earth". No matter what kind of qualitative changes it brings to this land, it is destined to completely overturn the world in the future.

And the change in spiritual power is really just the beginning.The rest... are only now officially starting to ferment.

As for whether this trend is good or bad, it can only depend on their own good fortune.


Wuhua School Longyin Peak, above the main hall

"Zhen'er, are you feeling better?" Xuanyang Zhenjun asked the disciple who was standing below with his hands down.

There are only two masters and apprentices in the huge main hall. Zhenjun Xuanyang and others who were just summoned were assigned tasks and left after a round of discussions.

Looking at the tall and straight disciple who stood upright for a long time but was still straight and upright, Zhenjun Xuanyang looked at the child whom he had personally taught with a complex and even scrutinizing gaze.

"Sit." Xuanyang Zhenjun heard the voice, and the complicated emotions in his eyes disappeared.

Lin Pingzhen went to take his seat at his own pace, and at some point there appeared a simple and elegant wooden chair. It was not like the gorgeously decorated seats in the main hall but felt as cold as the main hall. The height was suitable, and the bottom berth There is soft animal skin, and the hand can hang down naturally along the handle when sitting on it, which is very comfortable.There was a warm atmosphere in the air, as if it was just a time for chatting between the master and the apprentice.

As a matter of fact, it is indeed true that this is obviously a secret conversation between the master and the apprentice, which is passed on to you and will never be spoken to others.

However, the attitudes of the two of them are quite ordinary, probably this situation has been staged many times.After all, Lin Pingzhen's identity and position are different, and Zhenjun Xuanyang's requirements and expectations for him are destined to be different from other disciples. It is not uncommon for the two masters and apprentices to have such secret talks.

After the chaos, the two finally had time to have such a formal conversation again.Since returning from the secret realm, this is the second time. The previous time was the first day after Lin Pingzhen returned to Xuanyang Zhenjun and explained the situation before he was sent to heal his injuries.After all, Lin Ping Mano is not a real man. This adventure exhausted almost everyone, some of them gave up their lives forever, and those who did not lose their lives almost paid a heavy price. Of course, this also included Lin Ping. real.

However, Lin Pingzhen really deserves to be the half-chosen son (?). Probably, his luck is much better than that of Ningxia, who is unlucky. It can be said that Yan was not in danger, but was slightly overdrawn and suffered some trauma.

After a whole day of adjustments, and with the help of better medical conditions, Lin Pingzhen almost recovered soon.However, this successor, who had grown very well, quickly returned to the big team to assist the elders in dealing with the chaos caused by the drastic changes in the cultivation world.

Although there hasn't been any real chaos in the cultivation world since the recovery of spiritual power, those people hidden in the dark seem to have smelled the smell of mice, and they made a lot of small movements, good and bad ghosts and ghosts came out Now, the seemingly peaceful world of self-cultivation is undercurrents surging, and the troubles they may bring in the future can be foreseen before they move much.

It can be said that Lin Pingzhen and Xuanyang Zhenjun's master and apprentice have worked hard to pull a line of defense for the sect.Although it was only temporary, these arrangements and hidden hands were enough to allow the Wuhua School to transition relatively smoothly during this period.

Of course, this is not a long-term solution.The recovery of spiritual power is a great uncertainty factor for the southeast border, and Shui can't imagine what will happen over time, all of which require everyone in the Wuhua faction to personally experience and adapt.Yes, disciples big and small need it, and even those elders who have been reclusive for a long time have to come out to face this changing world.If you don't take it seriously, you will die faster.

So Lin Pingzhen has been as busy as his master Xuanyang Zhenjun until now, and it was not until after a short period of discussion just ended that the master and apprentice finally had time to sit down and have a good talk.

True Monarch Xuanyang was not ignorant of Lin Pingzhen's situation, but he still couldn't help asking.After all, Lin Ping could be regarded as his most valued disciple, and the situation that happened to him cannot be ignored.

"Master, the disciple is fine now." Hearing this, Lin Pingzhen's brows could not help but a little helpless.

"Hey, don't blame being a teacher for working too hard. You don't know. When I saw my ears and came back that day, my heart was about to be pulled, and I almost couldn't get down." Zhenjun Xuanyang seemed to see that The little disciple couldn't help his doubts, and said with a slight complaint.

And this is really not an exaggerated and nasty statement, he is really worried, God knows how could he, as the head of the sect, be happy seeing his most elite disciple come back in such a bad state.

Thinking of the half of the people who came back lying down, and the other group who were standing but didn’t look too good, and...the part that would never come back, Zhenjun Xuanyang felt a pain in his chest, and until now Accept the reality and still feel a dull pain.

But no matter how cruel the reality is, you still have to accept it in the end, and you still have to live your life.

Adjust their mentality, and they also need to make more preparations for the next more severe situation, and Zhenjun Xuanyang doesn't have much time to worry about it.

Asking about Lin Pingzhen today is just an ordinary and meaningless emotion.

For another person, True Monarch Xuanyang's emotion turned into another meaning, evoking some not-so-good associations in him.

Then the young man said with emotion: "What happened that day was indeed too sudden, I didn't react at all, and the disciples were also shocked."

Immediately, his complexion suddenly became a little dark: "And the disciple's righteous sister...hasn't woken up yet." His voice was very low, almost sighing, and his mood was depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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