Immortals, don't watch dramas

Chapter 2185 Analysis

Chapter 2185 Analysis (End)

It seems that this world is really unfriendly to demons. No matter where they are, sooner or later, demon cultivators will eventually face the fate of being pushed back to a corner.

But these are destined not to be told to Xuanyang Zhenjun and the others, even Daoist Yuanheng, she can't confide, because she can't explain its origin, so she can only think about it in her heart.

Ningxia looked at the other party and asked about the magic way with a serious expression, and tried her best to answer those parts she knew and could answer.

"This foreign land...ah no, it should be said that it is the realm of Middle Earth, but it is completely different from our realm of cultivation." True Lord Xuanyang couldn't help sighing.

He seemed to find that his worries and urgency had no real effect on reality, instead he was a little confused, and he finally calmed down a little.

Ningxia could feel that the heavy pressure on the other party seemed to dissipate, and the atmosphere around her relaxed, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much, True Monarch." The girl couldn't help persuading.She didn't expect that the head of a sect would worry so much just because of the two ways of righteousness and evil. She didn't think so much about this issue, so it really was a matter of vision.

Then Ningxia got the gazes of two people at the same time, maybe there was another one, but she couldn't see it here.

Yes, although it is a "story" of four people, there are only three people in the room right now.Ningxia is the speaker, and the two elders are responsible for listening and analyzing, so there must be one who is in charge of "watching the wind".

Although... Xuanyang Zhenjun didn't think that anyone could break through the defense line and eavesdrop under the vigilance of the two of them, especially Yuanheng Daojun, but there are often exceptions to many things.According to the experience of previous years, Xuanyang Zhenjun is used to having secret talks with people and will send trusted confidant disciples to guard outside.

This time, no one else was brought along, so Lin Pingzhen, who had the lowest qualifications, could only take up this role.But Lin Pingzhen was also listening outside, and he could hear what Ning Xia said, but he didn't come in.

Even though it was she who spoke out on her own initiative, Ning Xia suddenly felt a little uncomfortable when someone stared at her like this, and even felt a little regretful, wondering if she was talking too much.

However, the words have been exported, and there is no need to keep them.She had no choice but to bite the bullet and explain: "As far as my disciples have seen, although the various forces in Central Earth are strong, most of them go their own way and develop independently. Few of them form alliances. The relationship between their sects is very loose. , although many small sects and sects intend to attach themselves, there are few successful examples, and they seem... not keen on forming alliances."

Ningxia thought about the information he had inquired in Sinan City and integrated all the information from all parties, and finally came to such a conclusion.

In fact, to put it simply, the various factions in China prefer to fight alone, be beautiful alone, and rarely have such strong allies.

Ningxia discovered it when he was in Sinan City, and he has never heard of any sect that is particularly good.

Those giant sects surrounded themselves like copper walls and iron walls, and they couldn't even manage their own disciples, so they had no interest and effort to establish diplomatic relations.The relationship between Da Zong and Da Zong is also very weak, the arrogant ones, the slippery ones seem to be indifferent to each other, and the withdrawn ones are the most numerous.

Not to mention the small sects, they fight and kill every day, destroying each other, devoting themselves to embezzling each other and strengthening themselves.

On the contrary, this form of alliance is very prevalent in the southeast border, such as the Wuhua Sect and several affiliated forces of the Wuhua Sect, such as Tianxing Pavilion and several affiliated families that are attached to them and are almost tied to them. For example, they just separated from the Southern Xinjiang Group.

This kind of alliance relationship is not achieved overnight, or a simple relationship that can be established with just a few courtship or friendly transactions, and generally has a deep historical origin.Or the relationship between the in-laws of multiple generations, or the fate born from the origin of the sect... Anyway, the establishment of this kind of alliance relationship is intricate, and it is not so simple to affect the whole body.

Of course, to say that such alliances are not prevalent in China and Turkey is not to say that there are no such alliances, but that there are relatively few of them.

Perhaps because of the vast land and abundant resources in Middle-earth, there is a sufficient distance between the various forces, and the relationship between the various sects has naturally become more distant.

They will still compete for more resources, but this is no longer their primary focus.They pay more attention to themselves and their own development - from the small to the National People's Congress to the Zongmen.

They are no longer satisfied with the vulgar dependency, because the drama of bringing a group of vassals together and showing off the power of following them like chips has become a bit boring.

If there is a real disturbance, it must be a big event, a big turmoil that can turn the world upside down, the bigger the disturbance, the better, and finally turn the upper and lower levels upside down, so that they can have more opportunities to reshuffle and completely change their own destiny.

Oh, you ask, are they afraid of being part of the downfall?This question is completely nonsense, they are not afraid at all, and how can they be so afraid, the ambition to be fearful overcomes their inner fear and timidity.

Living in Middle-earth, they don't even care about loyalty. If the strong attack and defeat them, so what if they surrender on the spot. The concept of "the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit" has been brought into full play.

Ambition and desire make him more focused on improving himself and the power of the sect, hoping to win the chance for himself and the sect in the next round of battle.

This is the essential difference between the southeastern frontier and Middle Earth.Therefore, sometimes the fruits cultivated in a special environment will be different, and the taste will naturally be different.

It is also impossible to say which of the two models is better or more beneficial. If there is a real comparison, with the current strength of the southeast frontier and the five parts of the Middle Earth, it is estimated that they will be broken into pieces.

However, based on the analysis of facts, the relatively loose development environment of China-earth is obviously very beneficial to the southeastern border that has not yet started and is somewhat confused.

At least they don't have to worry about the various factions in China getting entangled and flying over to destroy them after learning the news from the southeast border.

Ning Xia remembers that in the original book, the southeast frontier was destroyed not because of anything else, but because those people in Zhongtu discovered the identity of Wang Jingxuan's destiny's daughter and also practiced the Shenluo Zhenzong Kungfu.They are greedy for Wang Jingxuan's treasure, and they don't want to see such a young genius who does not belong to them gradually rise and step on top of their heads. Take back everything in the forbidden land and return to the glory again.

In fact, they are afraid of Shenluo itself, even after so many years of Shenluo's disappearance, they are still so afraid.

And there are still...nearly 300 years before the demise of the original

They still have time, time to slowly change.

(End of this chapter)

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