Chapter 494

I didn't realize it when I first saw it.

Ningxia looks small, the baby fat on her face is very conspicuous, and her brows are childish. Ordinarily, she looks like a full child.

But since Lang Wu opened up his Ningxia identity, the other party didn't behave like a child, he was calm, and his temperament was relatively mature, and he talked a lot.

Gradually, Lang Wu unknowingly peeled off the shell of the other's child, and faced each other with an equal attitude of an adult, forgetting for a while that the other was just a young child.

This time they bumped into each other, and even saw the other party's tears, Lang Wu suddenly remembered that the other party was just a child.

Didn't you just cry from fright?Wolf Wu thought helplessly.

Speaking of the strange sound of sword cries of unknown origin, Lang Wu and the others were also terrified.

Cultivators cultivate their own bodies, and when they cultivate to the extreme, they will achieve greatness. Their control of the body can be said to be precise to the differential, and the slightest change and abnormality will arouse their vigilance and great concern.

But that burst of sword cries not only made their bodies move for no reason, but also stimulated the ferocity of their spiritual powers, causing them to run wild.

From the beginning to the end, I couldn't help myself, as if someone was pinching the dead end and restraining the movement.This is fatal to their group of cultivators, but they can't find the reason, it's terrifying.

Looking at the cultivators who fainted and even suffered internal injuries in this courtyard, they knew how powerful this sword sound was.

Ningxia is still awake now, thanks to his foundation-building cultivation.But she is an immature child after all, so even if she has the corresponding strength, she cannot deal with it properly.

Lang Wu automatically understood the tears in Ningxia's eyes as being scared to cry by the chaos just now.

In fact, his worries...really took care of you in vain.The old aunt couldn't cry no matter how timid she was, it was a sad cry.

Chonghuan's situation made Ningxia feel a heartbreak at that moment.Fortunately, she found out that Chonghuan was not dead, so she managed to calm down, otherwise the wolf five would probably still be howling when she came up.

When Wolf Five came up, she had already retracted Chonghuan's sword and hung it up, but she hadn't gotten up from the ground.So when Lang Wu and the others came in, they just saw Ningxia get up from the ground.

Coupled with the wet tears on her face, the swollen eye blisters, the look of crying if you want to cry... It looks like a little tear bag that loves to cry.

Then the greedy wolf misunderstood perfectly and filled her mind with the image of a frightened child.

However, this brain wave was not received by Ningxia.She had just been reborn as if she had come out of the haze of death, and her mood was a little heavy.Absentmindedly, he didn't think too much when he saw Lang Wu, just thinking that the other party's surprise attack was a success.

"Hmm. How does Fellow Daoist Ning feel? But frightened?"

Ningxia was a little surprised why the other party asked such a question.Their plan to cooperate internally and externally was finalized together, and she agreed.

She has long known that the greedy wolf will attack her. After all, she installed the magic weapon to help break the barrier. How could she be frightened?

She thought about it and didn't understand, but didn't care, she just thought that the other party was polite, and replied casually: "Yeah."

The other party's dejected appearance even confirmed Lang Wu's thoughts. He felt that the child was really frightened, and he felt a certain sense of guilt for what he was going to do next.

When is this.Fellow Daoist Ning was so terribly frightened that they even forced her to go to the greedy den. Isn't this ungrateful?Fellow Daoist Ning helped them a lot before.

Thoughts were flying, and Lang Wu's face was not very good-looking.Coupled with the appearance of the other party being hesitant to speak, it aroused Ningxia's interest, and asked curiously, "Do you have anything to discuss with me, Daoyou Jiang?"

The night was almost over, and she was also a little tired. A lot of things happened tonight, especially the sudden "accident" of Chonghuan made her even more haggard.She wants to go back to the inn quickly, she wants to go back quickly to confirm the situation of Chonghuan.

After all, the situation on the other side of the contract doesn't look very good. It can be determined that the person is still alive, but I don't know how the injury is?She has never been so glad that she made such a contract with the other party like this moment, otherwise she would be sad.

"We... do have something we want to discuss with Daoist Ning. I wonder if it is convenient for Daoist Ning to sit in the dormitory? Our Lord wants to meet you."

Ningxia immediately noticed the reluctant expression on the other's face and some hidden meaning in the

Ha ha!She knew that these guys weren't so easy to deal with.Ningxia sneered in her heart, but she didn't have the slightest regret.

The Human Traffickers Corps and Shiwuhang have all rushed over, and they are afraid of a mere greedy wolf.Besides, she didn't do anything wrong.The only thing that intersects is helping them this time.

If this is still guilty, then she can't do anything about it.This is probably what set her to suffer this.

Besides, she had never seen anything before, a "supervision team", she was really not afraid of Ningxia.She's not afraid of making a fuss!
If you really want to invite her over, why not wait until today, let her rest for a few days, and then send someone over to invite someone politely?This is called "please".If it was like this, Ningxia would give them a high look.

Ningxia sneered.What is that now?Strike while the iron is hot?Or is there any calculation?Really rude.

The other party's obsessive and slightly contemptuous behavior really made her very uncomfortable.

Naturally, she didn't want to make the other party happy: "It doesn't matter if we are inconvenient. I'm afraid that even if I don't want you, you will probably invite me over. Since this is the case, I might as well be more conscious and keep up with myself. Save some face?"

Being choked by Ningxia so uncomfortably, Lang Wu felt even more uncomfortable.He was a straightforward and straightforward young man, and he felt guilty about Ningxia, but it was even more embarrassing to be exposed by Ningxia.

"I...that's not what we meant. Daoist Ning, I'm really sorry. I know you've been tired and tired today, and it's too much to ask you to go to the dormitory. It's very complicated, you won't be safe going out at the moment."

"...If it is discovered by someone with a heart, the Daoist will not be at peace. If you go to the dormitory with us first, take a rest, and come out another day, it will not be too late. And we owe the Daoist the reward for the greedy wolf. , not a penny less.”

Wolf Wuyi was a little embarrassed when he said this at first, but later he said it more smoothly, and then there was a little consolation and apology in his words, and it could be heard that there was a bit of sincerity in it.

This kind of real and soft emotion was still captured by Ningxia, and the slightly sharp look and tone were also softened.No matter how this kindness still exists, she will not be unappreciative if she doesn't reach out and slap the smiling face.

"Okay. I'll go back with you right now, but you have to take me back later. If I don't come back, my fellow disciples won't give up." Before agreeing, Ningxia still did not forget to set up someone to set you up.

(End of this chapter)

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