New Territories Intern

Chapter 281 Death is coming

The crowd dispersed, and Su Rui relied on his little one to search for heat sources in the ruins. Where there are human body heat sources, it means that there are still people alive.

"Miss Su Rui, there are people here!" Harrison directly removed a stone the size of a roof and found the three unconscious.

The three children curled up in a corner escaped by chance, but all three had lost consciousness.

A flash of green light flashed in Su Rui's outstretched hand, and she stroked the tops of the three people's heads one by one. In the blink of an eye, the wounds of the three people recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Miss Su Rui, there are people here too." Ke Fei called to Su Rui's side, and Su Rui rushed over to have a look. The gods found the buried people one after another and treated them.

The moment the three children opened their eyes and saw Harrison, they screamed in horror, desperately trying to escape.

"Don't be afraid, we are here to save you." Su Rui blocked their way, comforting them softly, a white light flashed in his eyes, the moment the three children looked at Su Rui, they fell silent down.

Harrison scratched his head, his tall body shrunk instantly, but in front of the three children, the two-meter-tall Harrison still looked like a giant.

"You are here to save us." After the child calmed down, he looked at Su Rui and the others. They had no ugly faces, no dark skin with Zhangman hair, basically no different from them, and then slowly relaxed alert.

"Can you tell us your names? What happened here, and how did it become like this?" Liao Sha squatted down and touched the heads of the little guys.

"You guys are going to sue, aren't you?" Gavin frowned. If the god of death was going to sue, they would have to leave here quickly. If you don't like dealing with people, you should disdain to do such things.

Seeing Harrison's aggrieved back sitting beside him, Su Rui smiled slightly. Although the back was tall, it looked like a discarded puppy, which could arouse the pity of others at once.

Su Rui watched the God of Reaper appear, followed by two men in black robes. These people were very familiar to Su Rui. After all, this group of ghosts had tried to take him away before, but luckily Loris stopped them at that time.

Suri knows that her current body has been nourished into a superior soul container, which is fatally attractive to any soul body.

Suri found Aaron and others, and the three children Harrison arranged a separate room for them, as compensation for scaring them by accident.

The divine light directly blocked those souls from the outside.

Before setting off, Su Rui asked Kefei to prepare some supplies, food, water, some tents and warm clothes for emergencies, and now it seems that these things can just come in handy.

Through their own introductions, Suri learned that the oldest of the three children was Aaron, 15 years old, the younger Alban was 13 years old, and the youngest was Adonis, with beautiful blue eyes. At this time, there were still tears on his forehead, and his slightly long blond hair was shining brightly, as if he hadn't been affected by the dust.

"What happened to that guy just now?" Gavin came over, took a look, and warned by the way: "The God of Death is the main god, but he is not one of the original twelve main gods. This guy deals with the undead all day long. Their The Dead Realm is the coldest place in the world, and he also loves to travel alone the most, and has no intersection with other god regions."

"Him? He doesn't care about those things. The God of Death is a stickler."

There may be relatives of the children in these incomplete bodies. Gavin was also a person who participated in the war, but he was still shocked to see the bloody scene in front of him.

The god of death glanced at Su Rui with cold eyes, but suddenly his face changed drastically. He didn't dare to look at Su Rui any more, and left in a little embarrassment.

Suri has never had any resistance to beautiful people.

"I didn't expect you to come out."

"Miss Su Rui, there are almost no adults who survived."

"The group of children they are desperately trying to protect is those children." Su Rui looked in the direction of the tent.

"The god of death is the main god, how come you, a lower god, don't seem to be afraid of him at all?"

Gavin and others dealt with the broken limbs and arms left after the raging monsters.

Su Rui ordered people to bring the children who had been found and survived to an open space first, where Ke Fei and others set up a temporary tent, and distributed some food and water.

"Reaper?" Gavin saw Reaper pouted, "Is it so late?"

Su Rui felt the soul in his body vibrate violently, as if he wanted to leave his body.

When he looked at Su Rui again, his eyes were full of gratitude.

"Our village was attacked by monsters. Our family told us to hide and not to go out. We didn't know what happened. The house collapsed. We were trapped inside for a long time, and then passed out. I see you."

They reluctantly walked towards their children and said goodbye briefly.

Suri nodded, now he doesn't have much time to learn about a god of death, and he still has to deal with monsters.

At first glance, she looks pretty like a girl.

"I don't have that much time to meddle in your business." Death snorted coldly, and left with his ghost envoy and soul body. Before leaving, he took a look at Su Rui.

"Your children, I will take care of them for you." With a wave of Su Rui's hand, the madness in the eyes of the soul body in front of him slowly faded away.

But she couldn't get in touch with Su Rui at all. She was no longer the weak child who needed to be protected.

"Does Kefei have anything to eat?"

Where Gavin and others couldn't see, a large number of soul bodies appeared in front of Suri's eyes. They also realized that Suri seemed to be able to see them, so they rushed towards Suri madly, trying to seize her body.

Adonis' stomach growled suddenly, he grabbed his brother Alban's hand in embarrassment, and looked at Suri shyly.

"Harrison come in with me."

A hint of surprise flashed in Harrison's eyes, and then he shook his head with gloomy eyes. He didn't want to scare those children again.

Because of Harrison's previous experience, Suri was very sensitive in his heart, and he was very hurt by the fear of children who were harmless to humans and animals.

Regardless of his size, he is careful and gentle.

"bring it on."

Saying that, Suri grabbed Harrison's finger and led him into the tent.

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