space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1022 Water defense battle

Chapter 1022 Water Defense Battle ([-])

The room was swearing, but no one came out. Auntie Da Niu was always busy, and no one noticed the red marks on her face. Occasionally, her daughter-in-law came out to relieve her hand, and then went back to the house to do needlework. The starch doesn't stick to hands at all, and I don't wash my own clothes. I just make swaddling clothes for the unborn baby. Experienced women in the village say that her belly must be a boy, and the grandparents and husbands at home coax her to raise the baby.

Aunt Da Niu couldn't ask her son and daughter-in-law to help, so she could only stop herself like a spinning top from morning till night.

During the slack season, the farmer’s family eats twice a day. Auntie Niu came back just in time to make the morning meal, and the next meal was before dark.

In the thatched hut by the field, after noon, the man woke up again from his coma, and found that his physical strength and spirit were even worse. He seemed to have a fever, and he was hungry and thirsty. He struggled to get up, and staggered to the door , leaning against the wall to reach the pitcher on the woodpile.

The jug felt heavy in the hand, and there was water in it, but when I lifted it a little more, I couldn't hold it, and the jug fell to the woodpile, and the little water left in it was spilled.

The man was not too dirty, so he just grabbed the wet dry wood and sucked it in his mouth, which somewhat moistened his sticky mouth, and he had some strength to lie on the crack of the door and listen to the movement outside.

It was noon, the weather was cold, and the children were also detained at home to work. There was no one at the edge of the field. The man opened the door, identified the rut in front of the door, and walked towards the village with a wobble.

He knew that he was going to die, but even if he was going to die, he had to bring a few more people to accompany him.

The officers and soldiers of the village have already gone to the next village to investigate. Now there are no outsiders in this village, and every household is taking a lunch break at home. In order to save food for the next few months, the old family does not work in winter. Naturally, he didn't have the strength to wander outside, so he let the man sneak into the village. When he was looking for a place to rest, he found the iron general's door, and pried the back door and entered the house.

After finding the stored food in the kitchen, he didn't light a fire, gnawed dryly, drank cold water when he choked, and ate a lot of food with his own appetite, making the kitchen a mess.

After eating, he regained some strength. The man searched around the house, changed himself into clean clothes, tidied himself up a bit, and quietly went out through the back door to wander around the village. It was a big well. He lay on the edge of the well and looked down. He really wanted to jump down and let the villagers drink his own flesh and blood every day, but he thought that the drowned ghost would look ugly.

At this moment, a donkey cart came to the entrance of the village. A family returning from visiting relatives was sitting in the cart. The hostess was still holding a basket of wedding cakes in her arms. No wonder the family locked the door to visit relatives. up.

Everything outside the gate is the same as before, nothing different, the family chatted and laughed and opened the lock to enter the gate, the adults unloaded the car in the yard to prepare fodder for the donkey, the children screamed for water when they were thirsty, and the mother-in-law hurried into the kitchen to make a fire to boil water .

The kitchen was dim, and with the help of the semi-darkness outside, the fire was lit in the stove and there was light to illuminate it. When I turned around, I saw that the food storage behind me was in a mess, as if a thief had entered.

The mother-in-law just yelled, and the father-in-law who had entered the house to rest was also yelling, calling out that a thief had broken into the house, his clothes were turned into a mess, and they were thrown all over the floor. An old coat is missing.

(End of this chapter)

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