Chapter 1024 Clean up the aftermath ([-])

Auntie Niu didn't go out to participate in the search because she was nervous, but her son ran out to join in the fun. She guessed that the man who caused trouble in the village must be the man in her thatched cottage, afraid that he was still hiding in the village and would tell him if he was found. She was so nervous that she was sitting in the kitchen picking her fingers, and she was relieved when her son came home and heard that no one was found. She went to work as usual with a blank face, and waited for her in-laws to soak their feet to sleep.

After dawn, the villagers went out to fetch water from the big communal well in the village. The women started their day's labor after washing and washing. No one knew that someone had vomited the vomit in the well, so they carried water home as usual. Eat, drink and wash.

The man who escaped from the village last night did not escape the invasion of the cold winter night. When he was unable to control his consciousness and behavior due to the cold, he did not realize that he was lying on the side of a ditch with water, turning over face down He fell into the water and died unconsciously.

Before spring plowing, no one would come to check and dredge irrigation ditches and other irrigation ditches, so the man's death was as if no accident, and no one would know about it in the short term.

Qi Ke watched coldly, watching the three villages on the other side of the river uneasy due to the news brought by the officers and soldiers. Every day, villagers wandered around the village, trying to find one or two ragged strangers.

Each of the more than 50 refugees who abandoned the boat and went ashore was followed by a small flying insect, so Qi Ke knew the situation of each of them very clearly. She also took photos of the faces of the villagers for backup. Several village women who were bullied like Auntie Da Niu were specially marked and would receive extra care.

After waiting for a few days, Qi Ke felt that the time had come. People who had been in contact with the refugees brought the bacteria home, and now they can control the number of cases in the three villages.

So Qi Ke wrote a letter and sent Xiao Diaoer to fly to the Qianhu Office.

Bai Qing's soldiers hugged him nervously from the wall, opened the small bag on his body to get the letter, and saw that there was no scarlet letter on the envelope, so he let out a long breath and sent the letter to To Bai Qing.

Qi Ke wrote to Bai Qing because he had a serious business. The dozen or so refugees who were suspected of having typhoid fever were all dead on the mountain. She would like to ask for instructions on how to deal with the corpses. Whether she came by herself or the Bai family army made a unified arrangement. The plague patients in the three ships also died of disease, some died of disease, some died of freezing in such cold weather, and there were also refugees who died after running ashore, and their bodies had to be removed.

Bai Qing was also worried about this, seeing Qi Ke's letter, he simply wrote back to discuss with her, to see if she had any way to save manpower, material and financial resources.

Qi Ke also breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the letter. If Bai Qing is willing to hand over the aftermath to her, then she really has a way to save manpower and material resources, but financial resources cannot be saved. Things, always get a sum of money.

The decay starts after the death of a person. The advantage of the cold weather is that the decay speed is slower and there is more time to clean up the aftermath.

Qi Ke's solution was to bring Village Chief Jia out, saying that he had discussed with him and had a solution.

The method is also simple. The guys who stopped the boat on the sandbar before are all ready-made. They are being quarantined in the name of having contact with patients. They are sent out again, and the corpses are gathered and thrown on the three boats, and they go out to sea on the Jiuzhi River Go to the sea and burn the ship together. It happens that the officers and soldiers of Liangshui Town will supervise them. They will find a reef where they can put their things. They will send some dry food and drinking water there every day. The two sides will not contact each other. Jia Ji’s men will stay at sea for half a month before returning. .

(End of this chapter)

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