space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1054 Do business seriously

Chapter 1054 Doing Business Seriously ([-])
As soon as the colorful cotton socks were hung out, they attracted the attention of the neighbors, and through their mouths, more people came to watch the fun and catch up with the novelty. At this time, it was rumored that Lao Fang and his three families had already got it. The new socks presented by Qi Ke are warm and comfortable. Many people want to buy socks and yarn.

Qi Ke uses socks as bait mainly to sell yarn. If one spindle of cotton yarn is counted including the wooden spindle in the middle, it weighs more than ten catties. She can buy it whole or in pieces. It doesn’t take so much to hand-knit socks for the whole family. Then buy as much as you want, usually if you have a loom at home, you can buy the yarn and weave it yourself, and you can get the wooden spindle left after the yarn is used up and get a refund.

There is a maid in the store who knits socks by hand with sweater needles on the spot, just for everyone to see. Anyone who buys the yarn can learn it, and there will be a teaching package. A fine sweater needle for knitting cotton socks.

It was obviously a busy time before the Chinese New Year when every household was busy. Qi Ke's cotton cloth shop was crowded with people from morning to night, and the daily turnover was considerable.

The business in the county is booming, so I will never forget the village. Whole spools of cotton yarn are also on the shelves in Qi Ke’s grocery store. There are also maids teaching the villagers to knit socks and gloves, and some villagers use their brains to weave cloth. I wanted to hire a carpenter to make a loom, but was persuaded by the maids to go back.

Not cost-effective.

If there is a ready-made loom, it’s fine to use it as an old thing. If not, don’t waste the money. When Qi Ke’s weaving factory is completed and put into production, a large number of high-quality and cheap fabrics will be on the market. Buying ready-made ones is cheaper than weaving by yourself. And save trouble.

On the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, Qi Ke sent the fourth batch of two hundred maids, and she herself came back with the team. Seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming, how could the housekeeper not be here.

Every time newcomers come, Qi Ke will bring Wolf Leopard and Xiao Diaoer to welcome them on the pier. Every time, the newcomers are frightened and howl like ghosts and wolves. This time it is still no surprise. Begging to spare their lives.

Only Zhaolin stepped on the springboard to get off the boat, opened his arms, and hugged Qi Ke who rushed forward with a smile.

"I am back."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Obviously the two would meet once every night in the middle of the night, but it was still hard to dissipate the enthusiasm of the long-lost reunion.

After all, the meeting at night was a bit sneaky, unlike the present day.

When Qi Ke saw Zhaolin standing on the deck, he felt at ease for a moment. Otherwise, there would be no one around him for so long, and he would not be able to discuss things immediately. He had to contact Zhaolin through other assistants, or her Make up your own mind.

Just like the troubles caused by so many plague patients before, some of Qi Ke's solutions were discussed with Zhao Lin, and some were decided by herself.

Dawang and Dahuahua walked over and circled Zhaolin twice, as if remembering who she was, then turned around and roared at the boats. Under the command of the head wolf, the wolves jumped into the boats scatteredly, chasing sheep away. The people on board drove off together.

Amidst the panicked screams, there was chaos on the pier.

Zhao Lin guarded Qi Ke and retreated behind the gate of the factory, and waited for the wolves to maintain the order of the newcomers before leading them up the mountain.

After everything is settled step by step, the maids will be responsible for bringing up the follow-up living supplies, and Zhao Lin and Qi Ke will go down the mountain by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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